
Chapter 39: Alex Reveals Pregnancy to His Mother

Alex knew this visit was long overdue. If the paparazzi that sometimes followed him had ever gotten a picture of him with Amelia, his mother would have been angry at him. Rightly so. They talked once a week and he hadn’t get mentioned Amelia’s presence.

Isabel probably hadn’t either which was good.

This was a conversation best had in person.

He paused on the front stoop of his mother’s townhouse. She was in the middle of a senior living facility. She’d given up her home for more amenities.

The door was painted purple and it made him smile whenever he saw it. She’d lobbied her Homeowner’s Association to get it that color and won. His mother usually got what she wanted.

He was happy he’d moved her to America after he had made it big in hockey. She’d preached family and he had learned well. That’s why he’d hired his brother and his cousins in his company. Plus, he knew he could trust them.

He rapped lightly on the door. It swung open.