
To Paris

Suddenly, Alex lets out a triumphant whoop. "I've found it!" he exclaims, pointing at the screen. "Notch has a secret backup server located somewhere in Europe. If we can get our hands on that, we might be able to shut down the virus before it spreads."

"Great work, Alex," Sarah says, her relief palpable. "Now, how do we get to this backup server?"

"Well, according to Notch's records, it's located in a secure data center in Paris. The good news is that I've found a way to bypass their security system. The bad news is that we'll need to get there in person."

Sarah pauses, considering their options. "We could try to fly into Paris, but that would take too long. We need to act quickly." She glances at her watch, then back at Alex. "How about we take a private jet?"

Alex nods. "That's a good idea. I've already hacked into a private jet company's database and found a plane that's available for charter. It's not far from here. We can be in Paris in just a few hours."

"All right, then," Sarah says, standing up and checking her weapons. "Let's go." She leads the way out of the room, her gun at the ready.

They make their way through the abandoned airport, avoiding any signs of movement or life. Alex uses his laptop to hack into the security system, disabling the cameras and opening the doors that lead to the private jet. Once they're aboard, Alex takes the controls while Sarah secures the plane.

The sky outside is dark and foreboding, the clouds churning ominously. Alex turns on the lights as he starts the engines, casting a harsh glow over the interior of the plane. The sounds of the jet grow loud as they taxi down the runway, then lift off into the air, carrying them toward Paris and the final showdown with Notch.

As they fly through the night sky, Alex continues to work on his laptop, searching for any new information about the virus or the backup server. Sarah sits beside him, her eyes darting between Alex and the dark landscape below, always on guard for any sign of danger. The tension is palpable, but they both know that they can't afford to let their guard down now. The fate of the internet hangs in the balance, and they are the only ones who can save it.

"I've been thinking," Alex says, glancing up at Sarah. "If we can't stop the virus from spreading, maybe we could try to contain it. We could create a quarantine zone for infected devices, isolate them from the rest of the network, and work on a cure from there."

Sarah nods thoughtfully. "That might buy us some time, but it's still risky. The longer the virus is out there, the more damage it can do. And what if we can't find a cure in time?"

"Then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it," Alex replies, returning his attention to the screen. "For now, let's focus on getting to that backup server. If we can shut down the virus at its source, we might be able to save everything."

Sarah takes a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. She knows that they're in for a fight when they get to Paris, but she also knows that they can't afford to lose. With Alex's help, they just might have a shot at stopping Notch and saving the internet.

Hours pass as they fly through the night sky, the lights of Paris growing steadily larger in the distance. Finally, they begin their descent, the plane landing at a small, private airstrip just outside the city. Alex expertly guides the plane to a halt, then turns to Sarah with a determined look in his eyes.

"We're here," he says. "Let's go end this."

Together, they unbuckle their seatbelts and exit the plane, their guns drawn. The airport is eerily quiet, abandoned save for a single security guard who looks up in surprise as they approach. Before he can react, Sarah silences him with a well-placed shot to the head. They quickly search his body for any useful information, but find nothing.

"The backup server is supposed to be located in an underground bunker beneath the city," Alex explains, consulting his laptop. "We'll need to find a way in."

They make their way through the airport, avoiding any other signs of life. Alex uses his laptop to hack into the security system, disabling cameras and opening the doors that lead to the underground garage. Once there, they hotwire a car and drive it through the garage doors, crashing through a wall and emerging into the darkness of the bunker below.

Their car comes to a stop, and they silence their engines. The only sound is the faint hum of servers, emanating from somewhere ahead. Alex leads the way, his laptop illuminating their path as they navigate through the dimly lit corridors. They come upon a large, reinforced door with a keypad lock.

"This has to be it," Alex whispers. "Notch must have made sure only he could access it." He begins to hack into the system, trying to bypass the lock. Sarah leans against the wall, scanning the area for any signs of movement. The seconds feel like hours as Alex works furiously on his laptop. Finally, he lets out a triumphant whoop.

"I'm in!" he exclaims. "But I don't think we're going to like what we find." He unlocks the door, revealing a vast room filled with banks of servers and monitors. On one of the screens, the virus is spreading rapidly, infecting device after device. At the center of it all is a server labeled "Notch's Personal Backup."

"That's it," Alex says, his voice tense. "We have to shut it down before the virus can spread any further." He approaches the server, plugging his laptop into a nearby port. "I can hack into it, but it's going to take a while. In the meantime, you should try to find a way to shut down all the other servers and disconnect them from the power grid."

Sarah nods, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves. She begins to methodically work her way around the room, unplugging cables and flipping switches. As she does so, the hum of the servers begins to die down, leaving only the soft click of disconnecting components. It's slow going, but she's making progress.

Meanwhile, Alex is locked in a digital battle with Notch's security measures. His fingers fly across the keyboard, his brow furrowed in concentration. Sarah can't help but feel a sense of admiration for his skills. He's like a modern-day knight, fighting a silent war in the digital realm.

Finally, after what feels like hours, Alex shouts, "I've got it! I've managed to delete the virus!" There's a moment of tense silence, and then Sarah hears the familiar beep of a system restarting. She looks over at Alex, who gives her a weary smile.

"I think we did it," he says. "The virus should be gone now. All we have to do is wait for the system to reboot and make sure everything's back to normal." They lean against a nearby server, catching their breath. The air in the room feels suddenly lighter, as if a great weight has been lifted from their shoulders.

"You know," Sarah says, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth, "I think we just saved the world."

Alex chuckles, a touch of weariness in his voice. "Yeah, I guess we did. I mean, that virus could've spread to everything. It could've been the end of the internet as we know it." He shudders at the thought.

The servers continue to reboot around them, their displays flickering to life with status messages. The room slowly begins to fill with the familiar hum of activity. As they wait for the last of the servers to come online, Alex leans against one, still feeling the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

"I can't believe Notch did this," he says, shaking his head. "I mean, I get that he's probably paranoid about losing his work, but this was just... reckless."

Sarah nods in agreement. "And to think we almost didn't make it here. That car ride felt like an eternity." She shudders, remembering the near-miss with the police.

"Yeah," Alex says with a wry smile, "I think that's probably the most dangerous part of this whole operation was getting to the car." They share a laugh at the absurdity of the situation.

As the last server comes back online, a small icon appears in the corner of Alex's screen, indicating that Notch has logged in remotely. Alex and Sarah exchange glances, their hearts suddenly racing again.

"I guess it's time we faced the music," Alex says, steeling himself. He opens a chat window, their fingers hovering over the keys. After a deep breath, he types: "Hey, Notch. You might want to take a look at your backup server."

Sarah looks over his shoulder, her heart pounding. "Are you sure that's a good idea? What if he gets suspicious?"

"I think we have to chance it," Alex replies, his voice firm. "We can't hide this any longer." He presses the send button, and the message zips across the internet to Notch's location.

They both stare at the screen, waiting for a response. The seconds tick by slowly, each one feeling like an eternity. Finally, a message appears:

Notch: What the hell do you think you're doing?

"Well, that went well," Sarah says, trying to make light of the situation. But Alex's face is grim.

"He's not going to take this well," he mutters. "We should probably be prepared for the worst." He pulls up a list of emergency contact numbers and starts to dial.

As they wait for someone to answer, they hear footsteps approaching from the other end of the room. Startled, they turn to see Notch storming towards them, his face a mask of anger.

"You had no right to do this!" he shouts. "I trusted you!"

Alex stands his ground, meeting Notch's glare. "We had to stop you," he says calmly. "You were going to destroy everything we've worked for."

Notch takes a menacing step closer, his hands balled into fists. "And you think you have the right to decide that?" he asks, his voice low and dangerous. "You don't even understand what you've done!"