

Hissei is a guy who wants nothing more than an ordinary life, thing is...he gets roped into joining the supernatural studies club, before the meeting he stumbles upon a woman passed out in the rain, and on his porch; flash forward the normal life he always wanted is now gone.

Trell_Dickerson · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
4 Chs



It's been a few days since the incident And my life has returned to normal, Sounds of idle chatter fill the classroom As that is happening I take my seat next to the window and Ms kawakami tells us she has some news, we have a new student "you may enter the class." Just as I thought my life couldn't get any worse, she stepped in hair flowing like an actress but face as stoic as a Shonen Duterotagonist, "Hello everyone, I'm yukine…I'm glad to meet you guys." Just as the comments were flying across the room she glares at me but luckily nobody sees this and I guess that's one dodged bullet today.

The day flys by kinda quick as usual which is good on my end, as I close my locker I feel a chill down my spine and just as I can look back… "Some way to treat a girl who slept at your house Hirokoshi." It's Yukine standing behind me as stoic as ever, I scratch my head in search of an excuse to as why I blatantly ignored her, "My bag, I had a lot on my mind recently." She furrows her brow, she knows I am talking about the incident between us, nonetheless kisuke comes out of the blue and says "Hirokoshi the man with the ladies!" We all freeze in silence and asks how do I know her, meaning thank goodness Rui didn't inform him of the incident but she did leave out my house like nothing happened, I lie and say I ran into her at the restaurant before coming to school.

The scene now changes, the sky's blueness and the birds are chirping, there stands a woman on top of a building with a sword and jeans with one leg ripped and a hairstyle Reminiscent of chun li she then says "So Hirokoshi, You were the one who found the girl…" she looks over at her companion "You'll be given one simple task, Confront Hirokoshi, excessive force if necessary." He looks over and takes a puff of his cigarette, "Sure I guess, I hope you're paying for the poor kids hospital bill." He says in a monotone fashion, the two then agree it's best to wait til sunset that way all the traffic is down.

Back to school Hissei is now walking home but before he can cover any ground Rui catches Hissei and tells him that the marathon is the last part but everything else is exams testing their powers, so he should get some training in with his, on the bright side nobody knows he can copy powers, meaning he can just do the physical applications on his own and power based he just needs an all around power, His power copy allows him to copy up to three powers (excluding his own) There's people who can use more than one power called dual skill, it's becoming more of a thing lately as the odds of possessing 2 powers are rising, but on the very rare occasions you'll see a person with more than 2, Kisuke is an example of a guy with two powers, other than reading powers he can mask his presence and seem nigh invisible, that's how I been able to avoid being caught by him for this long, there's 4 classes of powers you must know before you can go any further in the story

Esper: Powers Based on Kinesis(Psychokinesis, and pyrokinesis)

Sorcerer: Magic

3L: Powers based on science

Poltergeist: Stuff dealing with outside "horrific" things (Yukine blood arts would fall under this)

Now that's under wraps, School is out and I'm on my way home to drop off my bags, Rui has track practice so she's busy, so I shoot her a text asking if she wanted to hang out after, half an hour goes past and I get a reply "Yes, meet me here at 7." I reply that I'll be there.

It's now time for me to depart, I make it there and Rui is waiting for me alongside some teammate, I hear light giggling and I see some of her teammates stare at me, I can tell they're gossiping and not only that they suck at whispering cause one of them asked was I her boyfriend, I look away before they can see my face turn red, she starts stuttering and calls out to me and before I knew it she's right in my face, her face just as red as mine was, she stutters more before saying "let's go." As we're making our way to a restaurant I ask what her friends was talking about as I walked up, I needed an ice breaker and this was perfect, she blushes and looks away, "Th-they asked were we going out." She said we didn't but her blushing gives me hope that her feelings are requited, I open the door for her like a gentleman we go to the second floor of the burger joint and we sit and just idly chat, She talks about how she might study abroad and her strict study routine which is impressive to say the least, granted I'm a B student in my own right I did cheat my way into the top 10, I'm not much of a fan of lots of attention, so I got in a position where I could alter my life, is it wrong? No, it would be wrong to have life altering powers and not change your life for the better, back to Rui, Aside from being the model student she's also proficient in 4 forms of martial arts and various mixed martial arts, in short she can kick ass, the great thing about my power is that I can copy that but if I'm not on the same physical level of the person I'm copying I'll lose wind quickly and that's the reason I keep in well shape.

After our hangout her ride shows up, it's her mother, who then makes this even worse by asking was I the same Hirokoshi her daughter keeps talking about, We both turn red as she mentions how cute that is and Rui is telling her to drive off in embarrassment, as I get close to home I start to feel like I'm being followed, so I use the clairvoyant powers I copied and see that I am, with that alongside Kisuke's Presence manipulation powers I get a proper lock on the guy and dip off into a side street that leads to a bridge and as I get to the bridge I stop and say "Well…what did you want from me?" He doesn't answer and before I can turn around like the cool guy I felt I was a stream of fire is heading towards me and I jump the side with my hands in my pockets (yes I'm still trying to be cool.) and he rushes behind me but I spot him and dodge his right hook, I take my right hand out of my pocket and deliver an elbow to his back and he drops, as he recovers I use the presence manipulation again and see him charging a full blaze attack, the question comes to mind should I copy it seeing as I have one more spot left, I quickly decide to but I'll discard it once I do, the fire takes the shape of a bird and flies past me onto a nearby building and turns it into ash and just as I copied it I return the move before he could even fathom what happened.

I ask him who sent him and he doesn't respond but I use my clairvoyant powers to scan the area and just as I get a read there's a woman heading towards me, Luckily I dodged just enough for the sheathe to graze me, "you did well Hirokoshi." She says, I don't know her but for her to know my name And attack me common sense tells me it has something to do with the girl, "Im guessing you're the ones after Yukine?" I ask them, they look at each other then look at me then say "well yes but no, we were more or less after you." The Woman explains that she sent her friend to test out my powers although he didn't go all out I still felt as if it was a winnable fight she then continues by telling me that there is a group after the girl the number of people in the group is unknown, But with the festival approaching near it will draw in a lot of people so it's best to keep my guard up my eyes open, "We'll speak later Hirokoshi." Before I could ask her name she vanishes.

As I get home and make it out the shower I decided to give Rui a call, I gave her the details of the attack I told her about how the assailant Told me that we'll talk later although I was never given any contact information, And to most importantly keep my eyes open at the festival due to Yukine Being a new student lots of attention Will surely be brought to her, my thing is I know just the guy who's powers will help, with Rui's clairvoyance I tracked a guy down who can negate powers, that's the best part of my power is that I can copy the powers of negation because it copied the properties of the power and not the power itself if that makes sense, so tomorrow I'll just grab that.

It's now Saturday morning and I head to the burger spot to grab a breakfast sandwich and head to the spot of the guy with the anti powers, all I have to do is make contact with him and the power is mine, I'll discard the clairvoyance more than likely cause I can regain it anytime I want and even better I know the guy who has the powers so this will be a breeze, I catch him at the library and tell him I just happened to be in the area and shake his hand BOOM power secured (I should've mentioned this power is passive) so I cleverly make an excuse pertaining to the festival and he accepts, I just need to find Yukine because I have no method of contact, I discard The presence manipulation, I track down Yukine and I ask her to come to my place to describe the people of interest and she obliges, half an hour later Rui, Yukine and I are at the house and we hear a knock at the door and much to my surprise it's HER!