
H.L. Dowless

Come ride out with a real adventurer to work at an archaeological field school on a far away, enchanted Aegean Island. Stand by him on furlough while he takes a shot-in-the dark chance and finds the love of his life in the daughter of a local wealthy business baron, Thea. Hold his hand when tragedy strikes due to the action of an evil extortionist surgeon. Taste the thrill of revenge, only to fly away with him as he escapes the clutches of a corrupted system hot in pursuit!

Drlydo · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

"No, I was not aware of that detail," I replied.

"It is like, thirty damn percent," he returned, "but no problem, I can get the cash dropped into your checking account, where you will then simply hand the card to the financial personnel there at the medical facility and they will make the total withdraw on it. They have their own personal government authorized code. You shall endorse it electronically when you hand them the card, and they will follow through on the procedure.

"I apologize man, I mean, g—d—n..., man, am I sorry about all of this. Maybe you can get them to waive the interest. I doubt it, but it is worth a try. I can tell you; those filthy leeches want every bloody damn dime they can force out of a person... and no body anywhere says or does anything about it. They all float along like zombies walking into a raging hailstorm who have been programmed to think that the day is all bright and sunny, that is..., until it is their own naked asses that are forced to sit on the red-hot griddle, or their next of relations. Then it is always a different type of sob story."

"This is a serious experience for me right now. I mean, my dear wife, Thea, her very life is on the line right now. If I was to lose her, I simply don't know what I will do without her, man. I really do not know what it is that I will do!"

"Hang on there, man and give me three min..., and I will have it in your account. You can work out the property exchange later on with me when all of this crud is over with. I will try to get it there quicker, but I cannot make any promises on that."

"Just do the very best that you can, man... and please, please... do not forget about me. The property is already yours right now, as far as I am concerned. I only want my dear Thea back."

We clicked off of the phone, saying our goodbyes as we did so. I had absolutely no time to spare here.

"Sir," asked the lady behind the glass covered window? "Are you going to deliver on the cash? Time is wasting, and we need it immediately to carry on with this procedure. Thirty minutes might as well be five hours. Her very life hangs in the balance here. Hurry up with the money... hurry up... money now sir, hurry up or suffer her lose forever..."

Out in the hallway I raced upon observing the surgeon, Ekviostis, standing out there aloof..., smiling and laughing, if not overtly flirting with the young nurses on his staff. An abrupt heated wave of fresh rage moved through my veins. I attempted to fight it all back. He laughed at his own rude jokes with the four young strumpet nurses who joined in, one of them allowing her short skirt to flip up in his direction as she bent down to pick up a form that had somehow strangely slipped from her grasp; him casually slapping her flatly on the rear, his right hand appearing distinctly to rub in an effort to savor the moment. Only then did he glance up to even notice me standing there in gasping astonishment. The midsized young nurse suddenly laughed with a heavy blush as she stood up..., behaving as though she were honored somehow to have this villain even take notice of her.

"I have a line on your money, sir," I said to him as he smiled and chuckled so nonchalantly with the young nurses there. "Could you go ahead and proceed forward with the operation?" I inquired.

The doctor turned toward me, with a hedonist smile once directed toward the young nurse still fresh on his face, that now seemed to fade into a repressed rage.

"What? What did you say there, mate...?" he asked me, blinking his eyes as if to clear a fog of some sort.

"Can you still commence with the procedure on schedule. The cash will be here only an hour late," I replied with a longing gasp.

"What...? You mean that you are not yet possession of the cash...? I mean, g—d---n man, let's do come to a simple understanding right now in all of this matter...The money is paramount here, plain and simple, without any exceptions... whatsoever. I must have the money, and on schedule, for me to commence with this drawn-out procedure. If I do not have it and we lose your wife as a result, then the only one for you to blame will be yourself. I will have done my part to neutralize this matter now, but you must just suck- it-all-up and do yours! I am so sorry, bloke, but life is a bitch, man! Nothing comes for free and no one owes anybody, anywhere a g-d--n thing in this world, fellow; least of all not a poor surgeon with his in-demand skilled services, considering the high cost of medical school and business in general," the doctor stated with a fleshless smile and a laughing wink back toward the four young nurses, who giggled in agreement with him as if there existed a silent unspoken desire behind the giggle itself.

"Like the old saying goes... I think I read it once on a tee shirt on a beach over on Patmos Island, I believe it was," he continued to say in what appeared to be a mocking derision of my inability to make another choice in care facilities, "a little puff-puff for the night, a little zoom-zoom for the car, or a little boom-boom for the pride and soul, man. Indeed, nobody rides for free in this world!" The derisive statement was followed by a sudden ripple of giggles coming from the nurses, and another wink and laugh from the doctor.

My anger nearly raged unto the very point of exploding, but I kept my mouth closed and said nothing. In my ears I could still hear the weeping words of my dear Thea, begging me to simply forgive.... to simply plead unto the great spirit beyond for forgiveness and allow all to go on into the void beyond in peace. The temporary value in acting on rash, raging imaginations was never worth the cost generated from it, I envisioned her plead as being.

I quickly raced into the room of my waiting angel, who was now slumbering and barely conscious, so it seemed. I stooped by her side, pressing my weeping face upon her breast.

"My dear Thea..., I have done all that I can do, and we are forced to wait, and you must endure. I don't want to live without you, my love... If you go, then I shall surly follow...," I whispered to her as I lay my head upon her breast, feeling the pulse of her still beating heart. "Yea... though you walk through the dark valley in the shadow of death..., ye shall fear no evil, for I will accompany you in your journey through, always... even into the very end. What indeed will have been a life here lived without you to accompany me, my dear love. I need you here, right with me..., right by my side and nowhere else. Where forever thou shalt go, then shall I follow thee, my love... Two hearts to abide and thrive, absorbed in completely committed love ...for a most blessed infinity."

I glanced up at the clock on the wall, seeing that the three hours had transpired. I gazed up toward the eyes of my dear Thea, which were now gently closed as she became absorbed into a deep slumber, unlike any I had ever observed in her before. I raced back out toward the glass window, thrusting the bank card before the woman behind the glass, breathing in heaving gasps.

"Calm down there, sir," she said with frozen words, completely void of any emotion whatsoever.

"Is the money there in my account yet, because it very well should be," I snapped, glancing back and forth from the clock on the wall to her face.

"I do not know..., here, let me see!"

She took the card and pulled up a page on the facility computer. Carefully she punched in the numbers of the card. She then placed the entire card into a machine by the computer bearing a slot only large enough for the card to fit. A hum ensued, then a slot with a reception bowl hanging outside it spat out the bills in hundreds, ten at a time.

"Looks like all is well. Just as soon as the machine gives us the total delivery in hand, then I will put in a notice via facility e-mail to Dr. Ekviostis, who will then commence with the procedure at hand. I must warn you, however, that you have already lost an hour. Time is of an immense essence here with this quickly deteriorating situation," she informed me.

Soon the machine quit spitting out hundred drachma bills. Then I observed her turning to the computer screen and quickly typing a few keys. In what felt like no time, she then turned toward me, saying...

"Well, there you have it...The doctor will be arriving very soon to commence with this procedure. Hope that all ensues well with it, sir."

Quickly on impulse, I raced toward the room of my dear Thea, seeing her laying there all silent and motionless, enveloped in her deep complete slumber. I hung my head and weep-ed tears of passion at my ever looming possible lose. What is it that I was to do now to improve the situation at hand? What were my alternative options? I sighed deeply, consumed with regret that much more could not have been accomplished on my part, to alleviate this potentially forthcoming horror. Soon entered the smiling surgeon, Ekviostis, with the transportation crew and the stretcher.

"It's about time," he announced through his fleshless thin smile. He only seemed to glare upon me as he spoke, as if he was saying that if I had a problem with anything, I should spill it out now, like I had not already done so enough. "You should know by now that the whole world evolves around money, and it costs us to provide resources that are in many cases, somewhat scarce, shall we say. Then the people who provide the services must be paid their proper dues, and on time. Then we have food that must be accounted for..., and room, of course...," he smiled back toward me.

He continued pausing and smiling, but now near to the point of laughing, so I felt at the time...

"But this should have never happened! It is all your fault due to your own incompetent oversight, man!" I yelled in anger and frustration.

Ekviostis sighed, then shook his head as he glared upon me in derision...

"Now...! Now, sir, there...., let's not give in to baseless accusation here. Sometimes clamps are placed on stems and the clamps do not effectively seal... And oh, I am so sorry there, sir, but situations such as this do indeed occur. In reality, they are not all that uncommon during these types of procedures..."

"But you are the master surgeon!" I snapped and gasped, still consumed by rage and frustration "If you encountered such situations in the past, then why have you not deduced a proper additional preventative measure ensuring where a leak does not then occur? Even a plumber on a section of pipe would take a preventative measure of one sort or another."

Dr. Ekviostis then sighed deeply again, shaking his head from side to side...

"There you go again, sir... You just don't get it, do you? Cut the baseless accusations, now...! Do you realize that I can file charges on you for slander..., hmm? I have that much power and could file charges on you for slander at this very moment, only off what has transpired right here in the company of witnesses. Are you aware that a charge of slander... and the charge is most certain to stick like glue..., is a felony offense here? Are you aware of what it means to be charged with felony here on this island...? How old are you there, sir," he inquired, through his rude gesturing icy smirk as he reared back and folded his arms.

I answered not but only heaved in breaths underneath my mounting, teeth gritting rage...

"I can look at you and deduce that you are more than likely in your late forties there... I can also venture to tell you right now, emphatically, that if you are charged by me with a felony for slander here on this island, that it most certainly would stick, and that you would be servant unto me for the remainder of your mortal life. I own vast international poppy farms, fields, and land holdings presently being cleared, and even a few factories, such as those processing the painkillers and anti-biotic here..., and all of them are in sore need of employees, at low wage cost; and you sir, sure appear healthy and strong enough there to make us a fine one, no doubt about it."

As the transportation crew wheeled my dear Thea out into the operating room, the surgeon continued to smile and speak his imposing, antagonizing words to me, as I could only stand in idle and smolder.

"You and another just like you, would be good for us to make use of inside our facilities. You would serve us well until your fifty fifth year, then we would be forced to send you away, where you would be compelled by lack of opposing choice, to provide us with testing material... for our latest drug treatments, of course.," he informed with a stretched smile.

"Have a nice day there, sir," he said as the stretcher supporting my beloved Thea, was transported away. He turned to walk behind the stretcher as it moved along.

I moved into the main waiting area of the facility there in the hallway again, this time feeling as though I could receive no relaxation while this procedure was continuing on in its course. My heart raced and my mind seemed to swoon in imaginations, where I perceived the worst experience that could occur, and where the worst of situations would leave me in light of its materialization. In the distance once or twice... I thought I could perceive her scream, begging for my immediate assistance. I leaped from my seat, racing into the hallway as though I were mad, only to realize as I proceeded along...., that I had fallen asleep and was dreaming. As I made my way back toward the waiting area, I would glance into the eyes of others who were walking along, as they glanced upward into my eyes with astonishing wonderment... Maybe I really was going mad...?

Time passed that feeling like more than a day. I reasoned where the dark of night must in fact be upon us. How long have they been back there with my dear Thea? Have they repaired what they had torn asunder? Have they healed what they have caused to be in such dreadful disrepair? My breathing quickened in its heaving rhythm. I passed through stages, from gritting my teeth in raging seething anger, to my heart bleeding with tears and my weeping emotions taking me down into the dark depths of incapacitation. In a few minutes a surgical assistant appeared at the door of the waiting room...

"The Fortunato family," she inquired. "Is anyone from that family present?"

I stood up instantly.

"Follow me, please," she said to me.

I did so, I followed her down the hallway into the office area adjacent to the pay window, where she opened a wooden door and stepped inside. I followed her on inside, taking my seat as I crossed the threshold. She dutifully closed the door behind us, taking a seat at the desk to the right as she stepped into the room. On her desk sat neat multiple stacks of papers. She chose one small stack, then shuffled the sheets two or three times before placing them neatly in-front of her to address me.

"Sir, I have been asked by Dr. Ekviostis to make this informative appeal, then decide on what our next move from here will be.... Simply put here..., and it really hurts me to deliver this message..., but we have lost your wife... I am so sorry about all of this. I can only imagine the horror of it all and how this must resound on you at the present. Please be aware, however, that we do provide a wonderful service for you in lieu of situations such as this. Dr. Ekviostis is a very talented, proud owner of a pre-mortem preparatory service, funeral and burial service... for a nice compact fee, that can be paid for right here within this facility. Matter of fact, that petite classical styled building across the street there, is where the funeral home is. Her grave would be slightly up on the hill there above us. You may choose the stone right here as well, or one of the mausoleums, whichever the case may be.

If you should take notice, the graveyard is a really nice relaxing, well organized facility, in and of itself. In the foreground we have the contemporary chapel, yet one that is resoundingly and uniquely classical on the inside, hosting services in all of the local languages and religious types. All of this may be organized here today within this respective facility and planed out following the convenient, compact, onetime payment. All we must do now is simply plan out the details... You tell me how you want the arrangements, sir, then I shall hand you a nice little paper that you carry to the wonderful lady behind the glass there at the pay window beside us, right here..., and she'll take it up with you from there," she informed me in her heavy Greek accent. "So, lets initiate the process here and now.... What about it, there mate? Such is the very least one could do for their dearly beloved after all of this."

To me, at that time, her voice bore the ringing sound of existing inside a tight metal drum. The sounds tangled and merged together in such a manner, that I could not even comprehend what it was that she was telling me. My tears exploded from my eyes, and my torso heaved so violently that I could not even breathe. I only sat and wreathed in my very seat..., first from emotion being ripped from a shredded heart, then from real pain emanating outward from my breast.... and the pounding, throbbing sensation deep inside my throat...

"Sir Fortunato...! You must get a grip on this situation. What has happened is real... and there is nothing that you nor anyone else may do to reverse this situation. You must only accept it as it stands, then go on from there. Such is the way of reality, and we have remaining only this single choice of dealing with it. I promise this sad journey will be as easy on you..., as such is possible to do. Matter of fact, I shall carry the papers over to the lady behind the glass for you, right now at this very moment."

I heard her feet swish passed me as I swooned, feeling my crumpling body now near collapse. As she passed through the door, I collapsed from my seat upon the icy tile floor of the office building, rolling as I wept with tears. I felt as though they would never cease. Time now had no relevance to me, neither did life or death. My form was simply one merely existing within a panorama backdrop, with no soul nor heart. I knew not nor cared not what my station would be from this point forward. All I knew was that my Thea was no longer with me and was now never to return.

"She was snatched from me by a horrible villain of the worst sort in every way. That single thought I could never remove from my mind, and the anger flowed through my veins in radiating waves of white-hot flush coming in surges. My feelings fluctuated from shear hate, into the deepest sensations of loss and sorrow at a situation in which I was totally helpless. Upon the very closing of my eyes, all I could see was his face, and I could literally taste his now bitter blood.... I attempted to shake the imagined taste of his blood from my mouth, but it kept returning in waves, as do the waves of sea back into the shore...

I heard the shuffle of her feet by the door, and heard the ease of the door as it moved outward...

"Mr. Fortunato, I have good news for you. The entire package deal has been sealed. I have a tombstone included with the grave up on the hill for your dear wife, unless you would prefer a mausoleum. Of course, you may always have the option to change it into a mausoleum later, if you should choose to. The final choice is ultimately yours, in that regard.

"The funeral service will be in Orthodox Catholic style and most importantly, you get the entire deal for a really compact price, considering what you are receiving. Would you like to hear the price...? I will go ahead and tell you the price that we have arranged for you. You will get all of these fine services... for fifty thousand drachmae only.... Isn't that wonderful? No other facility anywhere else provides all of these convenient services as we do..., all compacted into one simple discounted price for our patrons...

Do you know what else is so nice about our services, Mr. Fortunato? You will not even have to handle the money part of it for us. We take care of that matter for our customers as well. You see, we have your banking card number already in our system. Dr, Ekviostis is a really good friend of your property manager. We know how many properties it is that you own. The manager knows that your wife was serviced here, and he knows of the situation..., and your incapacitated emotional state as well. So, he has kindly and legally agreed to work things out with us on your behalf.

"The duplex that you own over on Persephone Street, the one you and your late wife lastly purchased and paid off ...Well, your property manager has agreed to simply transfer the title from you over to Dr, Ekviostis. You shouldn't be shocked at this announcement, since you personally signed for it," she smiled as she spoke. "Your verified indebtedness to our facilities and your obvious state of mental incompetence, have automatically granted an indirect legal signature from you, extracted via documents you have already signed, of which were then uploaded into our corporate website files. That amount derived from your property will cover the entire price, the interest charges, and all additional miscellaneous charges that may apply, and do so very nicely I must add.

"I think the property was worth one hundred thirty thousand drachma, but your property manager was kind enough to allow Dr. Ekviostis to obtain it at a generous discount...., all on your behalf, considering your unfortunate situation here. What is still even better about this situation, as I have stated prior..., is where we already have your signature, which was legally allowed in lieu of your professionally observed, shattered emotional and mental state. All of us here are very considerate of the prevailing situation that you cannot stand up for yourself competently, so the system allows us to take care of your needs, considering your obliging financial situation with the establishment here. Dr. Ekviostis is well connected, and it is in lieu of these connections where he is able to bring us these kinds of services to offer our patron patients. How blessed we are, indeed, only to have an individual such as him here employed within our wonderful facility."

I simply continued to weep and only wreath on the floor before the desk as she spoke. I could not even rationalize the sound of her voice. Her words only rang out in the drum of a void into which she so callously opened her mouth to release them. She continued speaking, but I could comprehend them not as I lay there on the floor, weeping at the horrible tragedy of my heart wrenching loss. I did not want to remain here alone... such a cold, unforgiving world without the presence and company of my beloved Thea...

…. The remainder of my very true tale of woe... was more like a hazy Gothic horror than a modern tragedy of any sort. The next frame entering into my mind is the scene of myself standing alone there inside the in-state cathedral room... my dear love laying there bearing an ash-like appearance in her face... and body ... of peaceful eternal slumber. Her petite gentle hands were folded neatly upon her naval, bearing a chrysanthemum bundle of calcimine and cerulean hydrangea. Her face was draped in petals of lavender rose, with a very thin net-veil of mist covering it. Her dress bore the striking likeness of our own wedding dress.... I broke down again in tears, out of my inability to accept the sight looming immediately before me. There it was, however, the horror of my worst nightmare..., right there standing before me as I helplessly wept...

"My dearly beloved Thea," I whispered as she lay there draped in eternal slumber. "I have not forgotten my pledge to you, my love. You will not travel alone for much longer. I have a few things I must do before I go away from here to join you on this eternal journey. As we traveled together within the veil of completely contented life here on earth, so shall we both do so beyond... for a blessed ethereal eternity. I love you, my dear Thea... I love you more than dear life itself. Without you there is no life here.... Without you, there exists nothing, but that of a looming foreboding void."

As I spoke, I touched her cold, wax-like hollow cheeks beneath the veil, then the thought struck me...I glanced around, and upon seeing no one within nor noticing cameras anywhere inside the facility where I then stood..., I proceeded to unbutton her blouse... Then I beheld it, the terror of my worst perception. I observed crude stitches down the center of her torso where obviously the villain had made his incision for the purpose of making extraction...! What horrified me and enraged me most, was when I instantly deduced where the extraction was made immediately prior to her death, since organs are rendered useless upon death of the body... I can only imagine the terror and pain my poor dearly beloved must have endured... right before her last breath.! I gnashed my teeth in seething rage at the thought, collapsing my head upon the edge of the bronze sarcophagus; only to weep at my sorrow for my inability to save her from the inexcusable pain and suffering...., a shear agonizing torture of which an innocent in the highest degree.... was so callously forced to endure.

"Oh, my dear love, Thea... Had I been the man you perceived that you had married, then I could have deduced a method of your salvation from this terrifying experience you have so dreadfully been forced to endure... Shame on me, my love, for not coming to your assistance... I failed you miserably, my dear love...I failed you miserably.! Oh..., but what now am I to do without you, my dear love, Thea...? What am I to do now...? All the earth about me now has no meaning without your blessed company. What on earth here am I to do now...?"

I lifted my tearing eyes to gaze once again upon her face of chalk-ash. I had no indication in her perception of my presence, but on the outside, I perceived the roar of rolling thunder in the looming distance through the silent immovable stone walls.