
H.E.M. Human Evil Manifestation

A Fantasy story that is gxgxg harem that has rated 18 scenes, intersex as well, wars, genocide, hate crimes also men thinking women our only for one thing, but these men are the strongest in this world more than any man is. Triggering of rape is in here as well and fantasy creatures will be in here as well as tons of fantasy races.

Michele_Mays_7238 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter six Rated -M

Emilia helped Tai undress as she then stripped her own clothes off as both of them got into the water together, as Emilia pulled a basket over grabbing a scrub and soap to wash their bodies. When they finished rinsing off Emilia did a purifying spell to clean the water as she leaned back against Tais front but was about to move.

When Tai grabs Emilia pulling her closer to her as she starts kissing her passionately as she brushes her tongue against her lip asking for permission to enter her mouth, as they kiss each other deeply tongues fighting for dominance.

Tai starts kneading Emilia's breast as she trails kisses down her neck and gently bites at her sweet spot then Tai continues kissing down Emilia's chest as she gently latches one of her nipples in her mouth as she twirls her tongue on Emilia's nipple making Emilia moan out.

"ah ahh mmm" Emilia moans out as Tai slides her other hand down Emilia's flat stomach making her way in between her thighs as she runs circles on Emilia's clit with her fingers causing her to shake as she arches her back moaning.

"ang Hah ahhhhhh mhmm" Emilia moans out as she digs her nails into Tais shoulders as she starts grinding against Tai.

Tai felt Emilia jerking knowing shes close to an orgasm, as she gently pushes two fingers inside of Emilia. Then pumping her fingers in and out of Emilia making sure to hit her spot.

" faster T-Tai" Emilia said as Tai goes faster and deeper as she feels her walls tighten around her fingers and a slight flutter making Tai smile.

"ah Haan ang ah mmhm hnng ahhhhhh I-I'm cumming hnng ang ahhh" Emilia moans loudly as her whole body shakes as she deeply kisses Tai, her body finally relaxes in Tais arms as she lays her head against her shoulder.

" I love you Emilia mmm I love you so much" Tai says as she kisses emilia deeply, as emilia looks her in her eyes.

(' I'm scared to touch her what if she freaks out') Emilia thought to herself as she cups Tais cheek with her hand gently caressing her cheek lovingly.

"I love you Tai" Emilia said as guilt overwhelms her about what happened to Tai, as she goes to get out of the bath with Tai going after her and pulling her into a tight hug as some memories flash in her mind with a demonic laugh.

" ok let's head back before Carra sends a search party " Emilia said kissing Tai as she takes her fingers through Tais hair noticing a steak of silver in her hair, Emelia grabs their clothes.

"Emilia wait please" Tai says as she grabs Emilia pulling her to her holding her in a tight hug, Emilia holds Tai just as tight as they kiss each other then walks back to where their clothes are laying Tai grabs a towel drying Emilias hair as she wipes her body dry after, then dries herself off as she watches Emilia getting dressed.

(" she's acting different and I can feel fear along with sadness ") Tai thought pulling on her clothes

"Emilia stop blaming yourself were together now and were going to be okay, I will never let anything happen to you ever ok" Tai said kissing Emilia on her quivering lips.

Emilia shakes her head as tears run down her cheek, not knowing how much Tai remembers and don't want to have her break down.

" Tai I'm worried about you dont you get it I dont want anything else to happen to you" Emilia said as she cries out pulling Tai to her kissing her gently.

(" When I saw what they had done to you I killed the ones there, if my father was there I'd slit his throat as well and I'm still going to do that when the chance comes") Emilia thought to herself as she hugs Tai.

They walk back to camp seeing everyone up and working getting the morning things done when Sia runs over hugging Tai then kissing her in her cheek several times then kisses her lips and the kiss turned heavier when Emelia pushes Sia away from Tai making the two blush as Tai smiles pulling Sia back hugging her again.

" I missed you what's gotten into you " Tai said while rubbing Sia's back and felt Sia sob, she then takes Sia inside the tent to sit on the bed making Emelia stay out to finish helping Carra with breakfast as she stares at the tent.

" you've heard of mates...right.....also some special mates have more than one mates and usually humans don't go by this even though a lot has been mated to other races but it's a taboo especially in the smaller areas or Larger areas with those who frown upon it. I know the town we lived in frowns upon it and I can only imagine how your father spoke about it....if Tai was not the human you know, how would you feel about her or if you weren't her mate but still loved you also wanting you to stay with her and her mate or mates...I guess I'm asking this out of curiosity right now " Carra said catching Emelia off guard looking at Carra weirdly making the woman look away biting her bottom lip while waiting patiently for Emelia's answer since she doesn't know if she is one of Tais mates or not and hoping that she is, but Emelia being human it's hard right now to see or tell if Emilia is right now.

" I'm nothing like my father Carra I'd still love her she's my heart...my everything " Emelia said looking back at the tent while almost cutting her finger off if Carra wouldn't have stopped her.

" if she happened to be one that would have more mates other than me I'd just have to get used to it unless there is a way to stop it without hurting either of them.... I've read that it's horrible to turn away the bond of your mate" Emelia said looking in Carra's eyes, she smiled at Emelia's answer then snapped her head toward the tent knowing that Sia was making out with Tai.

(" Tsk I thought those two stopped a long time ago when Emelia came into Tais life ") Carra thought to herself walking over to the tent as she gave Emelia something to do, when she walked in she seen Sia straddling Tai while holding her wrist down while they both was hungrily kissing each other.

" you two stop before Emelia comes back, I thought you were over her Sia " Carra said as Sia looked at Tai then kissed her quickly before leaving the tent as Tai tries to process what's going on.

" Mom I...I still have feelings for Sia, I feel different since I have been asleep and an inner voice talks to me all the time...Sia is one of my mates so is Emelia, she's also telling me I need to find the others to complete something " Tai said as she started to cry as Carra quickly pulled her into a hug as Tai can feel lines spreading in different directions but two are going to the two girls outside of different colors while they are a couple black lines that have a strong pull.

The pink and blue lines are connected from Tais heart to theirs and lines that comes out from her that's branching out dozens of lines to places she can't yet connect with but can still see glimpses and feel them. One line is going out to the forest that has been following them, her inner self wants to hunt her down now, she decides to wait since she also can feel dozens of dangerous presences coming their way that are keeping a distance behind them.

" I can feel myself changing like tomorrow I won't be the same person I was and a part of me is glad especially after what happened....I don't want to be soft or human " Tai said as Carra kissed her cheek rocking her back and forth.

" we told you before when the spell wears off more and more each day you'll grow into what you were meant to be and it's not a human baby... you'll become one of the strongest demons in this world who will hopefully save it from...well you'll learn soon enough when my wives come which you already met who are your real parents, I'm your parent as well since she has many mates so you have a lot of parents actually " Carra said chuckling as Tai sits up then looked at Carra thinking about something.

" I have siblings as well " Tai happily said as Carra nods her head as she sadly smiled holding her stomach, Tai picked up on this so she changed the topic.

" I'm starving so let's eat " Tai said pulling Cara out laughing at her while jogging over to where Sia was helping Emelia with both of them smiling about a joke Uncle Wei told them while helping set up plates for the others to use while Dommer carried some food over to a nearby campfire where the men they hired will eat at. Tai hugs Emelia from behind kissing her cheek making her smile widen while Sia frowns taking a seat where Tai usually sits and Tai sits down with Eggs and a glass of juice while Emelia sighs sitting on Tai's other side.

They heard a bunch of males voices coming from behind who just got done with the jobs Wei had them do when Tai heard a few of them she stopped eating with the spoon halfway and her mouth still open.

(" they have plans for all of the ones you love...I'll tell you now it's better to kill them before you lose your loved ones....even have them do what those men did to you") the demonic voice whispered to her like it was sitting right beside her, Sia noticed rubbing Tais leg to get her attention which took a few tries as Emelia done the same.

" Aye look what we have here...some fine beauties" A young man's voice said as three others laugh at what he said as the other men walk passed them going to where their suppose to go.

Wei and his brothers stepped away with Carra to talk about something, one of the men came over brushing his knuckles on Emelia's cheek making her jerk her head away glaring at the man who laughs with the three others when another takes a seat by Sia putting his arm around her shoulder.

" Hi my name's Rickard I'd like to get to know you better and I can pay good sweetheart" Rickard said as the other guy by Emelia was trying to pull her up while Tais body started to shake as both girls threatened the men to leave.

Tai grabbed the one who held Emelia throwing him over ten feet away hitting a nearby tree denting his black armor while she snapped the one holding Sias arm making the bone snap through hitting the hard armor as she punches him sending him flying the other way going over a dozen feet rolling on the ground as the other two pull their swords.

Wei came over using a wind blades cutting their hands and making them drop the weapons while grasping their bleeding hands, Carra runs over as the necklace on her neck starts glowing brighter the closer she gets to Tai.

" it's ok baby " Emelia said holding onto Tais arm while Sia caressed her back as Tais breathing returned to normal as she quickly checked both girls for any injuries hugging them both close to her.

" what the fuck ouch stop it hurts " Rickard said as one man went to check on him as they tried to pry his armor off that was completely smashed in the front from Tai punching him.

The youngest one was knocked out as Wei signals his men to wake him up and heal them, they was told what happened as Wei took some gold from his pocket throwing it down on the ground by the four men's feet.

" you know the rules but you approach my family, I explained to you four when I hired you that we don't operate like the ones who hire you people...we don't need or want your services touch my family again and I'll kill you all " Wei said as Braxton towered over them at almost seven feet in height, the two other men smile then pick the four gold coins up then shove the other two along to the tent to collect their things with Braxton keeping his eyes on him.

" we're sorry they had some drinks before, I swear if you talk to your boss nothing like this will happen again " one of the men said as the youngest scoffed at his attempt.

" my brother won't change shit...I should kill you all for touching my nieces " Braxton said pushing the four outside the tent as they barely have time to grab their bags, Tai stood near the wagons where Wei has their horses waiting that didn't look to good and Wei has been trying to heal them but didn't have enough time.

" I'll offer you thirty gold coins for this horses " Wei said as Tim smiled then looked over at the horses then nods his head taking the thirty pieces of gold as he looked over at Tai sneering at her.

(" we won't go far anyway we'll pick you all off when your three days are up ") Tim thought to himself as Tai heard his thoughts as her eyes go completely black as she keeps staring at Them Sia watched her and seen her eyes not being put off since she already knows what Tai is and what she is as well.

(" I'll take turns with all three girls while their family watch then let my brothers as well ") Tim also thought walking out with the other three walking behind him, Tai turned her ears to try and pick up better as her heart beat slows to a stop.

(" we'll wait for them to pass then pick them off after our dad's group cuts them off at the spot their heading while we follow from behind and grab a few in between especially some of the women they hired ") Tim thought while jogging up to his brothers as they head down the road.

Sia pulled Tai toward her and kisses her passionately while Emelia walked over pushing Sia away from Tai, Carra broke up the fight when Sia swung on Emelia.

" well this makes my decision easier " Carra said as Wei finished saddling both of the two best horses he has a long with a third that carries things making it look like they can't afford storage rings.

" YOU CAN'T" Sia shouted as she cried and ran back to her tent with Tai looking confused at Carra, who rubs her temples.

" she's your Ma—" Carra said then stopped when she looked at Emilia who furrowed her brows while looking at Sias tent.

(" am I not Tais mate ") Emelia thought as she grabbed Tais hand pulling her to the horses and helping her on one then goes to hers pulling the reigns of Tais horse while galloping to the edge of camp where she suddenly stopped then looked back to where she seen Sia running after them.

" say goodbye to her" Emilia said looking forward as Tai jumped down from her horse running back to Sia hugging her tightly as the girl sobbed in Tais neck.

" it's just three days I'll see you at the waterfall" Tai said kissing Sias cheek while looking back at Emilia who kept her back to them and kissed Sia lovingly then looking at Carra walking toward her.

" Emelia I need to talk to my mom real quick so don't be to hasty just yet, also those men have only been gone over an hour now so let's wait until tonight" Tai said walking over helping Emelia down from her horse kissing her lips making her smile into the kiss feeling all the love Tai poured into that kiss.

Sia smiled at Emelia then walked over grabbing the horses reigns and Emelia's hand pulling all of them along with her as Tai takes a walk with Carra.

" how long have you known that Sia is my mate...don't think for a second that Emilia isn't they both are bound to me " Tai said looking at the small pond in front of her that some of the people call a lake which isn't really a lake.

" well she must be since she can still compose herself that way, I remember when I dated a young fairy who I caught with another woman I couldn't stand him after seeing that and I didn't date much after that either until I met your mother that is....I knew she was special to me but I tried to ignore it and she would keep pursuing me of course and one thing about you Lust demons is how you make people feel also that you can manage to have a member to give women something extra " Carra said laughing at how pale Tais face got until she got curious about that knowing that her mother and Mum had her together with Una carrying her of course.

" does it stay or how do we you know my kind get them at first " Tai said making Carra smile as she looked up to the sky then back to Tai with a wide smile.

" well when you first change into your lust demon you'll have them and then when you change back it'll go back being normal like you will a human form but when you get the hang or control over your body and powers you can keep it like your mother does....she said she feels whole when she has it, maybe you'll feel different who knows you could have a male mate " Carra said as Tai made a disgusted look on her face making Carra giggle then nod her head.

" you and Lillian are two peas in a pod alright, actually you remind me of her alot and I miss her so much " Carra said staring at Tai who looked away blushing at the look Carra gave her making the fairy realize then quickly did an awkward laugh.

" so when will I change " Tai asked fidgeting with her wrist as Carra watches her, then pulled Tai into a hug and kisses her cheek.

" soon my love....that's what your mother said and I'm surprised you didn't when the attack happened at Emelia's house or maybe if you need to protect someone you love." Carra said shrugging her shoulders as they return from their two hours talk seeing Emelia and Sia having a talk inside Sias tent where Tai stopped on the outside as Carra goes over to Wei to talk about things.

" I'm sorry Emelia I'm not doing this on purpose I promise you, I love her and I thought I got over her when she met you but deep inside I don't think I ever did then last year I knew she was my mate " Sia said hugging Emelia who started crying heavily as a thought that Tai is mated to someone who isn't her keeps going across her mind.

" so I'm not her mate my love is not mine....maybe I should go out on my own to leave you both alone and I know she would stick with me out of guilt " Emelia said as she started crying feeling her heart breaking, Tai rushed in before Emelia would do or say something stupid that could break their bond and grabbed Emelia cupping her cheeks making her look into her eyes.

" don't you dare say another word or try to sneak away from me...you fool you are also my mate " Tai said kissing Emelia who responded sloppily kissing her back As Sia smiled leaving the tent where she seen Carra walking over with Wei bringing some small decorated boxes over that she had time to find for the girls journey since they'll be by themselves for a few days.