
Chapter 74

Una no longer trust the guards that were tasked to watch over them in the main village, the woman who kept her hands and eyes on Tai felt more trustworthy.

Tai manages to crack her eyes open, her mates and the woman who saved her never left her side.

" the others will be here soon I sent the wagon after them with Mal to watch over them " Una said kissing Tais forehead, Emilia kisses Tais lips and Una watches Taki grimace at the affection between the two.

" I'll be right back " Taki said walking out the front door, she combs her hands through her hair and sighs.

" well its like every place we go she has another mate just like the seerer said and that also means the other things will come true... My daughter and her mother will be---" Una was saying when Tai stumbled outside looking around until she lays her eyes on Taki and runs in front of both Taki and her mom. Two carriages approach them, Tai let's out a growl and grabs Takis hand.

" do not show aggression or give her reason to turn them against us " Taki said with a soft smile, Tai felt that same feeling for Taki as the rest to love, protect, and mate with this woman. Larissa and the others exited one of the wagons, they quickly rush over beside Tai and she stood in front of them with her mom to wait on the people to exit the other wagon.

A woman with pepper colored hair with beautiful wheat colored skin and chocolate colored eyes comes out first. Taki snakes her arm around Tai rubbing patterns on Tais stomach to keep her calm, the womans eyes immediately go to Takis arm and then she notices the woman staring at her arm she quickly removes it.

" I'm Lady Yana I understand you had contact with ferals outside the barrier " Lady Yana said while staring at Taki while speaking to Tai, Una steps forward when Mal walks forward and starts whispering in her ear. Tai steps completely in front of Taki blocking Lady Yanas view from her.

" indeed I was, I out ran them and ran into Taki who saved me " Tai said with a smirk at the woman narrowing her eyes at Tai and a sneer on her face.

" well since you had a close encounter with those infected things you'll need o be held " Lady Yana said, Unas wings spread wide open from her back stretching her four wings wide while her eyes glew a whitish gold color and the alpha showed up with his daughter.

" Lady Yana there's no need Una can take care of her and I received a message they'll be staying with Taki " The Alpha said walking in between the women, Lady Yana stepped forward passing the Alpha.

" welcome to the village I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, I just want to protect what I think is mi--hold dear " Lady Yana said with a smirk, Una puts her wings tucked behind her back and sees Taki holding onto Tais shirt tightly.

" well we will help out with patrols and look into this virus more " Una said when she seen Fauna, nico twins and Carra show up with some soldiers who walked over to an open space to set up tents. Carra seen Taki and a wide smile spreads across her lips, she runs up and hugs the girl. Both of their wings appeared flapping happily behind them with gold and midnight blue bright colored dust spreading around them.

" Taki your wings are beautiful and how is your family " Carra said looking over at Tai staring at them with a certain look, Carra furrowed her brows and she quickly realized that look.

" oh come on really " Carra said crossing her arms, Emilia walks over grabbing Tais hand while looking over at the Alpha and Yana having a heated conversation by the wagons.

Carra walks over and whispers in Tais ear as she watches Taki staring daggers at Lady Yana.

" go spend time with Emilia you've neglected her and still need to talk about things, we'll do a schedule for patrols and go to where the first infected shoes up " Carra said while pulling Taki into the house, when they get into the big house carved from the mountain.

" so the tree of life is in this village your maintaining until your mother sends another fairy, well I guess she'll certainly have to now " Carra said while preparing things in her new alchemy lab.

" well I don't know about leaving or telling her " Taki said as she was setting up things on the table, Carra stood there staring at her and shakes her had in disappointment.

" you've been waiting for your mate for over a hundred years now an your not gonna even try or let your mother call off the marriage..Tai will be devastated by this " Carra said as she pulls out different herbs and flowers putting them on a shelf.