
Chapter 19 killing the bastard

(Tais pov)

I put Emilia to sleep I got carried away when killing these men, I craved their souls and something in me took over moving me to dispose of the bodies like a second nature .

The womans voice guided me to do so, also helped me snap out of my daze before I changed into one of my forms of a demon.

I've been shown Parts of myself in my dreams I know I have a wrath demon which is more animalistic and a lust demon.

I also noticed my demon form is a intersex, the woman in my dreams has taught me some things.

Only thing I cant control is the hunger for corrupted souls, also my hate and agony can release demons from the void. I still don't know why I release them and how to track them, she told me to always dispose of my kills or they can become possessed by those things.

I've also been told that she will see me again after a couple of days and to try to stay away from strangers, but I cannot stand by while these men do these things. I have to free the other slaves and kill those men. I must do this and I will rid the world of them, I also am being pulled in several different directions.

I walk out of the tent with this beautiful woman following me I cant help as my eyes travel up and down her body, she stands about 5 '7" maybe an inch shorter than me her breast our larger than mine I'd say a d- cup and has curves in all the right places.

" my name is Tai and what is yours" I said as I look into her silver eyes tht have a purple hue to them. She steps closer to me as I stare at her plump lips as I watch her bite her bottom lip.

" my name is Elvenia my mate" she siad making my inner demon want to come out especially my lust form as I release a low growl, I realized I already had her pulled into my body with my arms snaked around her waist.

I sensed more people about 300 ft away from us, I'm guessing they are waiting and I won't keep them waiting.

" Stay here watch Emilia make sure she stays asleep" I said when I pulled away she grabs my wrist pulling me closer to her kissing me gently as her face blushes.

I jog into the forest going toward their presence as i come up on a mountain side close to the waterfall, I see three men and a pregnant woman crouched against the wall. The two men are stomping on the male Elf as he lays in a fetal position.

(' these bastards taking slaves putting that collar on them to control them, I'm glad we took Elvenias off while she slept')

I stayed in the shadows getting closer so I can hear their hushed whispers as one sits down beside the entrance and the other enters since the male elf is unconscious on the ground as the female tends to his wounds.

I watch the older Male stand up from his post walking closer to the female as he stuffs his hand in his pants stroking himself as he stares at her.

I hear her muffle a cry as she whispers to the man.

" please not out in the open like this" the woman begs.

The man huffs in annoyance as he grabs her arm dragging her closer to the tree line as I quietly make my way over to them.

The woman drops to her knees as tears run down her cheeks as she pulls his dick out as she starts stroking him with her hand, then puts her mouth over his head.

"that's it bitch mmm" the man moans out

(" Shit I need to be quick so she dosen't scream") I snap his neck then quickly pull the woman to me putting my hand over her mouth, and I see her hate filled eyes staring at the dead man on the ground

" hey I'm gonna help you all, Elvenia is at my camp go about 300 feet straight that way and Elvenia will let you in the barrier" I said as she nods her head turning to look at me.

I release her from my hold as she pulled me into a hug, then looks over to the elf on the ground.

Grabbing my hand as tears roll down her cheeks, I pull her back into another hug to make her feel safe. I smell her scent that smells like pine trees and mint. I know Emilia smelled like strawberries and Elvenia smelled like hot chocolate their smell fills my nose bringing me euphoria. The woman pulls away from me as she gives me a loving look, I couldn't help to stare into her eyes and get pissed that they hurt her.

"thank you so much, my brother and me have been their prisoners for months now" she said as I broke the collar on her neck. I crouch down making my way over to the man on the ground, dragging him back over to his sister.

I break his collar then look up to the beauty in front of me as her green forest eyes that was so dull, before now shines in the moonlight now as if they glow.

" I'm going to head over to the entrance i want you to heal him and make your way to the camp" I said as I walked away from them, stopping looking back at her.

" if you dont leave right away I cant promise you what will happen to you both" I said as I look at her brother, I sensed the cruel things they made him do and I understand they cannot go against the the masters of that damn collars.

I positioned myself at the entrance as I look back at them, watching her heal him then muffled his mouth. The woman looked at me with a small smile then pulls her brother quietly through the woods.

I undress myself putting all my clothing on a rock as I decide to change into my lust demon so I dont lose control in my wrath form.

I hear one of the men exiting the cave as I press myself against the wall near the entrance,a man who looked like he weighed 400 lbs exits the cave right when he opened his mouth I shove my fist through and out the back of his head.

I fold my wings to my back as I quietly drag his body in front of me, I let part of his body show out from the shadow.

I see eight people relaxing around the campfire as a man in his sixties looks at the entrance.

" hey cubby what are you doing, come sit down and play some dice I'll let you roll first" the elderly man said as he drinks out of a whiskey bottle.

( ripping and crunching sound echoes through the cave)

I rip the fat mans head off as I lay the body down, then roll the head towards the old man, as he look down somewhat confused at what hes seeing in front of him as he crawls back away from the head.

All the men stand up as I notice a young girl who walks back slamming into the wall as Smith walks over grabbing her hair then tosses her in front of the entrance.

" see what the fuck it is even if you may be my daughter, women are only good for fucking....never wanted a daughter anyway, fucking useless" smith said as he gets behind a couple of his men drawing his bow aimed at the entrance.

" I will spare this girl" I mumble under my breath as I back away from the entrance , the girl walks forward as she now is in the entrance where he cant hit her with the arrow. I grab her hands pulling her in front of me with my back to the entrance as I put her to sleep with a spell.

("you have had a painful life, I'll keep you safe from now on")

I carry her out as I feel a arrow hit me in the shoulder, if I didn't have her in front of me she'd be dead.

I lay her down behind a rock as I enter the cave, three arrows hit me in the chest and stomach. I could of stopped them but I wanted to feel th pain, I see Smith with cocky smirk as he sees the arrows but when he sees a demon step inside, all of them step back.

" what the fuck is that, what happen to the girls" a middle aged man said as he glanced at smith then back at me.

They take their eyes down my chest and when they see a dick between my legs, confusion replaced the shock of seeing a demon.

" Luke, and you four kill it" Smith said as he shoved a man forward I step into the middle of the cave as the four men surround me. Luke runs forward first with his sword raised as I impale him through his heart with my tail, then swing around with my wings spread open, as blood splashes on my black feathers and the three mens heads fall on the floor.