
Chapter 117

Tai finally calmed down as her two mates was happily letting her get out all the energy she had after the battle, they layed there panting with Tais juices mixed with theirs was leaking out.

" mmm I'm so full~" Larissa happily said while kissing Tais shoulder, the demon layed there staring up like she has something on her mind and about what or who made this place...they have to be powerful to do so to use this much power and how long can they use it.

Tai thought to herself as she stretches her arms, she gets up then looks around at the temporary camp that was set up with barriers surrounding them. They managed to beat the waves of creatures, she pulled out the jade trying to communicate with Ari or Lucy and nothing gets through to them.

" well more than likely doing a transportation will either not work or will send us deeper away from the others in this fucking fog " Tai said to herself when Lo walks over beside her, she leans against Tais shoulder then looks ahead of the camp at the soldiers still burying their dead. Lillian looks around for Calista who is avoiding her since she got here, even last night Calista did not come to her or wish her a good morning like she used to.

Lillian kisses Los forehead then looks back at Larissa hugging the blanket while she slept.

" Lo I need to go spend time with Calista to see what's wrong with her " Tai said standing up she stays in her demon form while dressing in her leather outfit with a long sleeve white shirt and a corset.

Tai was now standing in front of Calistas tent where one of her servants stood in front of the tent entrance, Tai gritted her teeth when the girl refused to move.

Calista heard them outside even though her mind isn't well right now since Tai was in a coma, her mind slowly was starting to drive her crazy and she has been taking concoctions to help with her mental state.

" just let her enter " Calista said, she nervously plays with her fingers she made eye contact with Tai and couldn't look away. Tears filled her eyes and then slowly falls, Tai pulls her into a hug then kisses her face all over and she leans her forehead against Calistas.

" I've missed you so much...when I woke you did not return and I came to bring you back home with me " Tai said rubbing her hands up and down Calistas sides of her waist.

" I couldn't do anything while you layed there for months, you promised to not leave me and I came out to end it all my mind feels broken in fragments that won't fit back together " Calista cries out while hiding her face in Tais nape, she smelled Tais pleasant scent that started to relax her.

" I've missed you " Calista said kissing Tais lips like their fragile and might break if she puts to much pressure, Calista kissed her again and again until it turned into a hungry kiss.

" MMM I've missed you.,.. I want you to stay with me for now on, I can't lose you again.....I've missed you so much mmm" Calista said while kissing Tai passionately each time, Tais heart shattered seeing Calista so broken and how sickly she looks.

" I won't leave you baby, but if anything happens have faith that I'll make it back to you....I love you " Tai said, hugging Calista tightly when a horn goes off signaling something that's about to happen.

Tai stood at the edge of the barrier with Calista, Larissa and Lo watching a large group of women all wearing white dresses standing there and watching them standing there watching them as well.

" what do you think they want....well maybe their peaceful...we need to go speak to them and let them know we won't harm them " all three voiced out their opinions waiting for Tai to decide what to do, she looks over then spots four men who was making jokes about the women and who they'd like to be paired with.

" you four go tell them that we got lost in this fog and don't want any trouble, even off things they might use or want to lead us out " Tai said as Rau walks up to her watching the men go and he looks on in confusion of sending these four out to speak for the group.

" I'm pretty sure the bleach blonde woman heard these four men talking about them, she didn't look to happy with what they said...I'm expecting a reaction from her, I'm sure that she despises males" Tai said thankful that half of the soldiers are women not just men and the good thing is we are all from different races as well. Tai watches as a brunette fakes a smile at one of the men, she has disdain for these men and it can be seen in all the womens eyes. A red head was now speaking to the men with a fake smile as all four men nod their heads at what she said, the bleach blonde and brunette look back at Tai.

One of the four men got full of himself as his hand brushes the red heads butt and he whispers in her ear, the woman immediately scowled at him while stepping away. Tai heard what the man whispered about banging her all night, he stepped closer again toward the red head if ignoring warnings that she told him several times. Tai shakes her head then reaches for her dagger, when the man grabs the red heads wrist and the bleach blonde stops the brunette from stepping in. Tai threw the twelve inch dagger that pierces the man's heart from his back as he blinks in surprise before falling over dead.

" KNEEL NOW AND APOLOGIZE TO THESE WOMEN, YOU IGNORED YOUR FELLOW SOLDIER WHO DISRESPECTED THEM SO PLEAD FOR THEIR FORGIVENESS " Tai shouted out as the three men hit their knees on the ground, bowing their heads three times.

The three women haven't taken their eyes off of Tai, they step around the men and walk towards Tai and the hundreds of women stay standing put while these three are coming to stand ten ft away from Tai.

Tai noticed the body tattoos that is all over their bodies the brunette and blondes body is even on their chest, back, legs and arms. Alot of them are tribal designs while each one had a different beast on their backs, Tai noticed them earlier.

The brunette had a basilisk snake on her whole back, with trees and spider Lillie's around the snake and the red head had a white light owl with clouds and the moon in the background.

Tai looked over at the blonde with pale blue eyes, Tai had a thought of how beautiful these women are and their eyes flashed white. The blonde had a silver wolf that was standing on a large rock with a reflection of the wolf from the lake below the rock and a full moon behind it. Tai notices that all three of their backs have a moon in the back ground with different flowers as well, they all stared straight at Tai without showing a single expression.

" I apologize for the disrespect that he showed you, he has also paid with his life and if the other three showed disrespect in any way...even if it's letting their friend get away with it, you can decide their fate as well" Tai said as her eyes went from each woman then landing on the red head.

The red head stared at Tai even tilting her head as they all stand there quietly staring at her, a shorter girl runs over then leans up whispering in the blondes ear. Tai seen A snow leopard on the girls back while surrounded by a snow flake flowers that was around the leopard with the moon high up in the sky casting light down on the leopard.

(' damn I love each of their ink ') Tai thought, no one broke the silence again and the shorter girl wasn't as good as the other three who kept indifferent faces. The girls eyes roamed Tais body then landing on her lips, a small blush appears on her face then quickly disappears just as quick when the blonde steps in front of her.

" well the three men can come back, I'd like for you to join us four for dinner and to see if peace is something you truly desire " the blonde said, Tai heard a low growl from the shorter blonde and then a hiss sound coming from the brunette. The red head curved the corners of her lips, then turns first to leave followed by the others, Calista holds Tais hand tightly.

" w-wait don't leave yet " Calista whined out with teary eyes, Tai nodded her head then looked up at the women walking away.

" keep the three until later, I need to make sure she is ok before I follow you " Tai said, the bleach blonde womans eyes flickered to Calista then back to Tais and she nodded her head.

" my name is Farren, the brunette is Aliza and the red head is called Phrae....this one is Tala" Farren said then turns to walk back to their group who tied the three men like they would a wild animal. They were laying on their stomachs with their arms and legs tied together behind them.

Tai smirked at the women who she liked more and more, she wanted to have them join her and she'd offer them everything to make their lives easier.

Calista pulled Tai back to her tent that was close by where they were standing earlier, she desperately takes Tais clothes off pushing Tai down in the chair closest to them and then straddles her. Tai was still in her demons firm, Calista didn't waste a second pushing down taking all of Tai in as she starts thrusting up and down while Tai kneads her breast.

" AHHHH HAAH OHH IVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH HAAH " Calista moans out loudly while her pace was now at a quickened pace, she was crying lightly while moaning and Tai was meeting her thrust in desperation to get off and fill her as quick as she can.

" AHHH Calista mmmmmph haah I've missed you ahhn" Tai mewls and moans out, Calista snaps her head back when she feels her insides being painted with Tais seed. Calistas legs are straight out with her toes curling, Tai was still thrusting in and out of Calista.

" AHHNNN yes HAAH AHHNNN!!!!" Calista screams out while the thrusts slowed down to long, hard thrusts while Calista came back to her senses. Calista captures Tais lips aggressively to where they'd be bruised after, she even bites into her lower lip. They continue kissing each other both swallowing the blood as it's smeared on their faces, Tai stands up taking her over to the bed and she lays in between Calistas legs.

Their kisses turn gentler and she gently enters inside of Calista, taking long and slow thrusts while gently kissing each other.

" ahh haah I love MMMM HAAH YOU " Calista moans out and Tai kisses her the most sweetest kiss she has ever done as they slow down after their orgasms. Calista looked better than what she did, she was glowing and smiling up at Tai whose breath got caught in her throat as her heart swelled and started beating harder.

" I love you, I want you to always be safe and if I'm gone I don't want to have you suffering...I'm going to come up with something to keep you healthy while I'm gone." Tai said caressing Calistas cheek, Calista seen the love in Tais eyes. Calista smiles and pulls Tai down in a hug.

" yes we both need to do that and I want to work harder making potions for Ailments they use against their enemies just in case they try one of the hundreds I plan on making...you'll be safe " Calista said giving Tai a toothy grin then kisses Tais nose, receiving laughter from her lover.

" well it's been an hour those guards are probably in a lot of pain, also we three go with you or you don't go " Calista said clenching her walls tight to where Tai moaned out in pleasure and pain.

" ok love we'll all go together with Rau and the ones I brought standing to the left of our main closer to where we are " they are all veteran warriors who are some of the strongest in this army, they are to protect you three first and for most and you three will follow orders or I'll have to put you asleep then carry all three of you away knocked out." Tai said with a firm look, she pecks Calistas lips then gets up from the bed.

" let's shower then leave, we need to get these women to join us and I'll be sure to do whatever I can to get them except hurt them I won't do that " Tai said in seriousness while finishing her shower, they get dressed then meet Lo and Larissa walking up to the tent and both was mischievously smiling at them both.

Lo had a deep blush on her face as Larissa was trying to act innocent but couldn't stop smiling, Tai thought for a second then remembers Calistas session.

" you watched " Tai said with wide eyes, under normal situations she enjoyed a few of them together and she wasn't shy.

The thing was of how her true feelings flooded out and into Calista as she done a soul touch with her on accident earlier. The ones who have Harems with alot of mates, it's one way to become more connected with a stronger mate bond.

(' I will do this again with all of my mates, I love each and everyone of them") Tai thought to herself, she also thought of how much she truly was like her mother Lillian.

" Aye " Tai chirped as she shook her head dropping the thought process she was having about being like her mom and then smiled at that thought. Larissa pouted watching Tais face morph into a surprised look, then a confused look then a happy one.

" I want it too~" Larissa whines pinching Tais inner arm, she hisses jumping away from Larissa and the girls teeth extend as she glares at Tai.

" Tai I'm telling you to do me now !" Larissa said while crossing her arms in a bored look, Tai felt herself twitch seeing this side of Larissa. Lo stares at the bulge in Tais pants, her eyes remain on that spot with another blush on her face, Larissa smirks walking up to Tai as her hand Palms Tais bulge.

Larissa leans closer to Tais ear letting her breath hit her ear, she kicks and nibbles Tais ear.

" mmm yes when we get done there you will stay with us three in a tent and do a soul touch on us too, when you get back you better get to work with the others...Well let's go talk to these lovely ladies and get back home hopefully with them joining us, at least they'll be safe and they are strong enough to help us when we'll be in need." Larissa said slipping her hand in Tais pants, she smiles then strokes Tais shaft.

" we'll be back in five " Larissa said dragging Tai into a nearby tent, she drops to her knees releasing Tais pants as her member is now standing straight at how hard Larissa got her.

Larissa strokes it a few times then takes the head in her mouth, she starts slowly bobbing her head while her tongue would work different actions on her head. Tai grabs Larissas head, she starts thrusting her hips going deeper and faster inside of Larissas throat.

" MMMM FUCK HAAH" Tai moans out with a hard thrust where she holds herself there shooting her cum down Larissas throat.

Larissa licks it clean then licks her lips and fingers clean, Tai pulls her up in a tender kiss that was gentle, caring and love was felt. Larissas eyes are soft as Tais is while they look at each other after the kiss.

A woman clears her throat behind them, Larissas eyes go wide and she slowly turns to see a short haired woman looking embarrassed while standing in a towel. She was getting dressed when they entered, they started so fast when the woman noticed them they were already to in it to probably stop now.

Larissa smacks Tai hard on her arm then pinches her nipple through her shirt, Tai hissed in pain and then thinks of what to do.

The truth as well was the woman seen them right when Larissa freed Tais member from her pants the woman's jaw dropped at seeing the size and how beautiful these two women are.

(' so that part is true about my future Queen ') the woman thought as she watched the show in front of her, she knew that tonight or here soon she's going to get laid.