

"Bitch. Go to your room and think about what you did." Vernon yell as his face turned red from anger. 

Harry Potter was humiliated. He was called many things but being called a faggot or anything that questioned his masculinity was what he hated the most. He wanted to yell back but he knew what would happen when he does that. He went to his room and looked at the small handheld mirror he had salvaged from his aunt's garbage. What he saw was a cute girlish boy with an amazing complexion and a beautiful face. He wanted a manly face but this is what he had. Even Dudley, that fat fuck at least looked like a man. Despite his claims that he hated his feminine looks, Harry was proud of his huge ass that seemed to attract attention wherever he went. He had caught Dudley stealing glances whenever he thought Harry wasn't paying attention. Harry loved the stares and craved more. It was only because of his pig of an uncle, he had begun to dislike his appearance. Harry had waited for his teens thinking that he would gain a beard and a mustache but all he got was pubes and not that many. He knew that today was his 17th birthday and he prayed to whatever existed up there for a change in destiny. 

Little did Harry know that there was indeed something listening to his prayers but it was not a god. It was just a Pervert ROB. 

Harry opened his eyes to the very same reality as it was before his prayer and was disappointed. It was the same. 


With a bit of smoke and a puff, a letter materialized in front of Harry. 

To Harry Potter. 

The envelope said. Despite the physics-breaking appearance of the letter, Harry opened it and was amazed. Magic, wands, potions, and flying brooms. It was amazing and the implications were even more amazing. Harry squealed and jumped around but was scared into freezing as a loud thump was heard. 

While the cute Harry was getting to the terms with this information. There was another boy in a not-too-far orphanage. He was calm and concentrating on pleasing his matron as she lay there writhing in pleasure as the boy's absurdly large penis pistoned in and out of her. The boy slapped the matron's huge butt and the matron rolled in a doggy position. The boy had closed his eyes in pleasure and didn't see the letter materialize in front of him. When he opened his eyes, there was a letter balanced on the matron's back. He was surprised but didn't stop his movements. He picked up the letter and saw his name. 

To Jacob Drake

From Albus *insert too many names here" Dumbledore. 

Interesting, Jacob murmured and began to read the letter. He was through the first few sentences when he felt the matron climax around his dick. He felt her turn around and felt her lips wrap around his dick as she tried to suck his semen out. Jacob continued his letter and just after he was finished, he felt his ball churn as a massive load was coming. He would say that this was a bigger one but they had all been huge every damn time. He reached his peak and began to climax, as huge streaks of semen painted the matron's throat white. The matron took nearly ten mouthfuls of semen and it still overflowed from her mouth. 

"Jacob, that was amazing, but one day I will swallow it all." She said and she licked Jacob's dick clean.

"In your dreams maybe." Jacob joked and they began to dress themselves. "I got an offer from a foreign school and I will be traveling there soon."

"That's great Jacob, congratulations," Matron said as she kissed him on the lips. Jacob could taste his known semen but he didn't really mind after all it tasted great. 

Over at a prestigious school wizardry, a literal giant of a man was getting charged with his duties for the next day. 

"So, you understand Hagrid. You need to pick up two boys." The aged voice said and the giant grumbled an ok. 

The next day, Hagrid first approached an orphanage and was surprised at how well it all went and then he took the young lad that was too tall for anyone his age to the next destination. 

"Who is there?" A voice that almost caused him to break down the door yelled out. 

"I am here for Harry Potter." Hagrid's obscenely deep voice yelled back. 

"How dare those fr. . . . ." Vernon's voice died in his throat as he looked at the two giants in front of his door. 

"Complete that sentence bitch." The smaller of the giants dared him but Vernon just shivered. 

"Hello, I am Harry Potter. Is this about the letter?" Harry asked as he walked from behind the fat pig of a human. 

"Harry, you are a wizard," Hagrid said and Harry just gawked at the giant.

"I am what?" He said. "I can't be."

This went on for a while till Harry was convinced that he was indeed a wizard. Jacob was surprised at how effeminate Harry looked and given how Harry blushed at every time their eyes crossed, Hogwarts was going to be more than just a place of learning and adventure. 

The trip to Diagon Alley was interesting to say the least as Hagrid abandoned me as soon as we left the goblin bank. I wandered around collecting supplies and wondering at how many men looked effeminate and how all the women were thick and voluptuous. The stop at madam Malkin was a little too much of a surprise. 

"Boy, I assume you want Hogwarts robes. We have some pre-made in many sizes. Let's see if some of them fit." Madame Malkin said and she pulled Jacob into a fitting room. 

"Now, remove your clothes as we need to take measurements." She said as a blush adored her face. 

I made a bit of a strip tease as I slowly shed clothes and watched in fascination as the woman's breathing increased as she was heavily aroused. I had discovered that I was able to heavily arouse anyone just from my presence and had used this ability of mine to fuck many. I stopped when I was just down to my underwear which was not doing anything to hide my erection as it popped up from the band and went a little above my navel. She looked at my penis hungrily but was frozen due to the arousal. I pulled the underwear down just enough for my penis to stand out and made her sit on a stool. Her eyes didn't leave my penis for a second as I manhandled her into setting his dick right in front of her lips. A gentle touch from my penis and there she went. A lick and a little taste. She was soon gagging on my penis like her life depended on it. 25 minutes of a wonderful blowjob and having her almost drown in my semen. 

"Ah, that was refreshing," Malkin said as she finally began to take measurements. "Don't think we have time for a quickie."

"We don't, and there will be no quickie," I added with a smirk. 

The fitting was done in mere minutes as Malkin herself used her family spells to design the best clothes at a discounted price. The rest of the shops were boring and uneventful to say the least. Then came the shop he had been waiting for. The wand shop. He entered the shop and was greeted by a very excited ass that shook with excitement every time it moved. Harry was truly the chosen one in this department. After going through a few wands and breaking a lot of stuff, Harry had found his wand or rather the wand had found him as an ethereal glow surrounded Harry. Having paid for his wand, Harry turned around and looked at me for a good ten seconds, mesmerized by my face. I smirked and got in real close to his face before he jumped back in fright. 

"Hello Jacob, I didn't see you there." Harry said with a gulp as he pocketed his wand. 

"We are all excited, so no problem," I said as I patted his shoulder and felt that it was too soft. Harry shivered at my touch.

"Want to see what wand I get?" I asked and he nodded absentmindedly.

"Ah, a new wizard. It will be very interesting to see what wand chooses you." Ollivander said as he summons a huge number of boxes.

"Holly, dragon heartstring." He said and as the wand touched my finger he pulled it away. "My, my. No dragon heartstrings for you. Hmmm. Let's see, Oak and phoenix feathers. No. Ok, this one is strange, banyan and phoenix feather." 

The wand had practically jumped into my hand and caused a glow that outshone Harry. 

"The tree of eternity and the power of rebirth, let us see what you show the world, Jacob," Ollivander says as he collected 7 galleons from me. 

"That was beautiful to see." Harry said as we exited the shop.

"Yours was a sight to see as well," I said as I looked at his butt.

Harry blushed at the insinuation and elbowed his stomach lightly. I chuckled a bit and we headed to the ice cream place we had spotted earlier. The ice creams were oddly magical and were fun to eat. Harry was opening up to me nicely despite his shy nature. Harry had a little bit of ice cream stuck to his lips which I had scooped up using a finger. As I touched his lips, Harry froze up, his breathing pitched and his lips parted automatically. I placed my finger in his mouth and he licked my finger clean. I removed my finger from his lips with a satisfying pop and sat back down in my seat. He looked disappointed and a bit ashamed of what he had done. Thankfully, Hagrid made his appearance on time, and the awkward atmosphere was gone, as Harry's attention was fully on the Snow White large owl. Hagrid had gotten me a grey-colored owl. We left for the exit to the diagon alley and Hagrid offered to drop me off to my orphanage but I refused. I pulled aside Harry and as a looked at the shy Harry, a smirk popped on my face. 

"So, Harry. Want to meet again before we head to the school?" I asked and Harry nodded absentmindedly. 

"I would like to but my uncle wouldn't allow it." He said as he frowned. 

"That fuck bastard wouldn't dare stop me. Anyway, I have a cassette of this new movie and we can watch it together in my room." I said and Harry nodded excitedly as well. "So, the day after tomorrow," I asked and he nodded again. 

We then parted ways and I waited for some time before walking back into the Alley. I headed to Makin's place and saw that it was being handled by another worker. I asked if Madame was here and the elf pointed to a back room. I entered the place and to my surprise, Malkin was standing proudly with scant clothes on.

"I knew that you would be back." She said as we began to get down to it. 

The next day, I was woken up by a pleasurable shiver, as Matron sucked me off. An hour later, I was reading charms books. It was easy to understand and due to my high comprehension and photographic memory, I was done with the book by the end of the day. The next day, I headed back to Harry's place and heard a sound that resembled a walrus. I knocked on the door and the walrus came to answer the door. 

"Your kind is not. . . ." He couldn't continue as I grabbed his throat and began to lift him. 

"You see, I had come to pick Harry up and not to see a devastating blight on humanity. Perhaps, I could turn you into a table so you could be useful." I let the man go from a single foot off the ground and he collapsed. "Now, be a good bitch and call Harry," I said and Vernon scrambled off his feet to call Harry. 

A minute later, Harry was in front of me with a bright smile on his face. 

"What did you say to him? He hasn't been that polite to anyone." Harry said as we began to walk to the orphanage. 

"Just a few kind words. Nothing too interesting." I said with a smile. 

"I am not believing that for a second." He said, but a chuckle was all he got from me. 

Creation is 'hard', cheer me up!

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