
Guy gets stuck on an island with a check-in system

There was a bright flash of light and the continent shattered! Everyone is assigned to an island that is two meters square! A broken fishing is being provided to everyone, how to survive is up to each person's ability! "Ding, sign-in system activated!" "First day sign-in successful, obtained fully automated fishing net

Midfuto · Games
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47 Chs

Expanded island and graded apple soil

Seeing this information, Xiao Yi's eyes widened, one square meter a week, then this small island could only last for four weeks before being completely submerged!

The consequences of the flood can be imagined, a person in the sea without encountering any danger, it is estimated to be able to hold on for five or six days.

But the various kinds of creatures in the sea would definitely not let you float around so comfortably for five or six days.

"How does this cornerstone work?" Xiao Yi frowned as he looked at the two small stones that could be clutched in one hand, it felt like throwing them into the sea and they were directly gone, they couldn't even make a splash, so how could they possibly expand the area of the island by one square meter?

"Island monument, build page." Seemingly hearing Xiao Yi's muttering, the system prompted.

Xiao Yi immediately took the two cornerstones and took a step towards the Island Monument.

At this moment, the public channel was buzzing again.

"What the hell, I'm not a fisherman, I don't know how to use a fishing net, I can't throw it at all!"

"Being a fisherman doesn't help, this fishing net is too broken, even if the net is caught, it will leak when you pull it back! I've already missed it three times!"

"I don't think the distance is too far, why don't we just swim over and push it back!"

"That's also true, swimming is also more reliable than using that broken fishing net, I'll go into the water first, wait for news of my victory!"

Xiao Yi just glanced at them and ignored their discussion, instead tapping to the build interface.

The originally empty construction interface finally appeared with content.

[Expanding Island] Required Material: Cornerstone per square meter*1.

[Stone Axe] Required materials: stone *1, wood *1, twine *1.

Materials needed for [Wooden Plank]: Wood *3.


Only the item of expanding the island was lit up, the rest were gray, so it must be a lack of materials.

Xiao Yi didn't hesitate to tap on the first expanding island.

"Consuming one cornerstone to expand by one square meter, please confirm the expansion location!"

At this time, a three-dimensional image of the island appeared on the island monument interface, and Xiao Yi tapped at the edge.

"Expansion successful!"

The cornerstone on Xiao Yi's hand disappeared a piece, he turned his head to look at the location he chose to expand, and found that about a square meter of space really appeared there!

"What kind of person came up with this Island Monument?" Xiao Yi was secretly shocked, this completely overturned his three views.

Although it was mind-boggling, Xiao Yi currently had no other way but to follow the rules here.

Xiao Yi no longer hesitated and used the other cornerstone to expand the island as well.

Now Xiao Yi's island had changed from 2*2 at the beginning to 2*3, turning it into a rectangle.

After the expansion was completed, Xiao Yi once again switched to the public channel.

"Did that old brother from before come back from swimming?"

"I'm afraid I can't come back, I see that there's a shark around that supply box, I don't dare to go down at all!"

"Can I wait for the supply crate to be pushed to the shore with the waves?"

"Are you thinking of how to die? They're only going to drift farther and farther away, and the supply crate that was closest to me before has already drifted even farther away! Even if I were given a full fishing net now, I wouldn't be able to reach it!"

Just at this time, the one who said he would swim over spoke again

"Whew, I'm back!"

"Brother, did you really push the supply box back?"

"Push the hell out of it, there's a two-meter long sea serpent near the supply crate, although I don't see if it's poisonous or not, I don't dare to go near it!"

"Then it's over, I feel like there are dangerous sea creatures near every supply crate, what can we do?"

"So hungry!"

"I'm so thirsty!"

"I have an idea, you can trade me fishing nets, two broken nets should be able to combine into a full fishing net, so that when I net the supplies, I can trade them back for free! If you trust me, initiate a trade to me, if you don't, forget it."

The person who claimed to be a fisherman before spoke again on the public channel.

Xiao Yi couldn't help but look at his ID, Li Fisherman.

The reason why he didn't say that it was that person's name was because there were so many people on the public channel who had strange names, just like the names they used to come up with on online games.

Of course there were also many that looked like real names.

Although Li Yu (the fisherman) proposed such a program, not a single person responded to him.

After all, everyone didn't know each other, and this fishing net could be related to their own survival, no one would easily trade it to others, even though it was just a broken fishing net.

"Haha, I managed to get a supply box, wait for me to open it and see what's inside!" A person with an ID called Emperor's Advent said within the public channel.

A few moments later, Emperor's Landing spoke again, "Great, there's a bottle of 500ml mineral water and 100g of bread inside!"

"Big Brother, can you trade me a bite of bread? Please, I'm already starving!"

"Big brother, reward me with a mouthful of water, I'm dying of thirst!"

"Food and water, don't even think about it, what I can tell you is to hurry up and use what's around you to craft something that can collect a supply box, or else wait for death!" Emperor Lin Tian said like he was educating his juniors.

"Big trees and big rocks, these two things need tools even if they can make something, or else use fingernails?"

"Yeah, how can we do that?"

"Wouldn't you guys just use a slightly thicker branch, then disassemble the fishing net, tie it into a triangle, and play with the lasso as if you were going to lasso that supply box, although the success rate is a bit lower, but there is always a chance of success!" Empyrean returned.

"Good idea, brother thanks ah! I have to hurry up and craft it, the supply crate is already drifting farther and farther away!"

Xiao Yi looked at their chat and secretly said, "It's true that people are forced out, the wisdom of the working people is infinite!"

In an instant the public channel was missing a lot of people.

Ding Ding Ding!

The fully automated fishing net sounded another beep as it netted back a supply box.

Xiao Yi left the island monument and walked over to the supplies box and opened the waterproof bar.

"Acquired: water purifier manufacturing diagram (Grade A), Chocolate 200g*1."

And the item Water Purifier could be found on the Island Monument's construction page.

[Water Purifier] Determine the materials based on the manufacturing drawing.

Xiao Yi opened the drawing, "Water Purifier Manufacturing Drawing (Grade A): glass*8, burlap*8, charcoal*8, metal sheet*8."

Looking at those completely unseen materials, Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, it seems that the water purifier still needs to wait before it can be built, fortunately he still has two bottles of mineral water.

Scientific research showed that a person could only last three days without drinking water, while having water to drink without eating could last almost a month!

So the manufacturing of the water purifier was the highest priority!

Xiao Yi put away the water purifier manufacturing diagram and then looked at the two already empty supply boxes.

"If we can take them apart, combining them should be able to make a shelter from the wind and rain!" Xiao Yi rubbed his chin and thought so.

the use of brother is symbolising a person of great value to them

Midfutocreators' thoughts