
•Chapter 12: Look alike•


So i woke up in this room.. as look beside me its her! Shes the girl the blonde hair colored! Ahhh! Did i do something when i was drunk? Looking at this angle shes pretty cute.. she smacked me in the face with her fist saying wat are you looking at pervert!

Heh wat? I say.. she said next time dont drink too much or else you might get into fight again... i said " what do you mean fightt"she said forget it.. just get out if my room now.. i said " how do you act normal were in the same bed!"

She said "nothing happned i would know cause i was sleeping at the floor whole night i just went on the bed cause my back hurs so much.." i said" oh thanks and sorry.."

Well she was nice for a minute.. we still have days to stay at Japan ....


So i was going out of this Cafe when i bummped to a boy as i said some arrogant words its G-Gusion.. then he said some words back arrogantly i dont remember he was this arrogant.. he didnt seemed to know who i was... i was invited to kagura's debut i have been contect with her since i was gone i know i can trust her.

During the party i didnt even knew Gusion is my partner..

He seemed to change hes actually diffrent now hes cold person.

He left me and went to the rooftop.

Well,its been an hour the party is almost over but he havent came back yet so i checked on him on the rooftop i found him asleep he was drunk i brought him to my room.. it wont matter ill just sleep on the floor ..


My baaack! It hurrts im gonna sleep on the bed now hes not drunk anymore anyways!

After a few minutes he was awake he seemed to be confused so i explained why he was here i dont want him to get the wrong idea.

Well he went out already phew!

But somehing left me... arghhh i dont want to think anymore!


Theres Only one place i want to visit in Japan. That is the forest.. i want to be at peace one play i want to visit actually..

As i arrived there i saw her again the blonde girl jeez why is she here..

Then she said madly" Why? Why are you here" i wanted to ask the same but instead i replied " Why cant i visit this place? I have my reasons! Forget it ill leave ill never return here anyways" then she said wait "What reasons youre here?" That question i felt mad, sad i said " Its none of your Buissness!" (Arrogantly) then i left the place... and went to a cafe then Kagura was there she said come one Gusion sit here!

So i went there.. she suddenly asked did you go there already i nod my head to her answer she asked "How was it" i said "i went and left the partner you gave me was there.. she was asking my buissness...." she said " Tho its funny right does she remid you of someone?

After that question it snapped me of course she does ... reminded me it didnt bother me actually ive forgotten it a long time ago... then kagura said "Go already i know you want to go to that place. Go on your like my brother!"

I did wat she said i went there again..

Tho she's not there anymore. Finally im alone at last.

Theres a tree here you could write youre regretts and mistake i wrote was "Loving her so much" as i was about to place it i saw one saying "Using Him"

Was she ever here? I wondered but its just a coincidence .. as i went down i saw het again.. i said what are you doing here again.. she said "Sorry for everything" then she ran.. what could possibly she be doing here..

What did she meant everything..

Well were gonna go back to home well guess what who gonna sit beside me at the airplane her again!

One Hour later

Well, shes asleep on my shoulders .. this moment reminded me so much.. that i cried.. again why is she always here ...

With her i feel Lesley again... is beside me..