
Guran Veil: Shadespire Academy of the dead

"Guran Veil" follows the extraordinary journey of Sumiko Mihara, a young woman who tragically loses her life in a fatal accident. Instead of fading away into oblivion, Sumiko awakens in the afterlife, retaining fragmented memories of her untimely demise. Lost and confused, she finds herself in a realm known Erebus, a place known as the land of the dead. One day, Sumiko encounters a mysterious individual he claimed to be what is called an Alexiares, He reveals himself to be a guide for lost souls and a protector against malevolent spirits. Recognizing something unique within Sumiko, he invites her to join the prestigious School Shadespire school of the dead, an institution dedicated to training individuals with special abilities to navigate the afterlife, banish evil spirits, and guide souls toward their final transcendence. As Sumiko enters the School of the Dead, she becomes entwined in a web of supernatural mysteries and ancient secrets. Alongside a group of talented and diverse individuals, each with their own unique abilities and tragic pasts, Sumiko learns to harness her newfound powers and understand her purpose in the afterlife. Along the way, Sumiko unravels the mysteries surrounding her own death, piecing together the truth about her past and the significance of her presence in the afterlife. "Guran Veil" is a captivating supernatural adventure that explores themes of life, death, identity, and redemption. Through Sumiko's journey, the story delves into the complexities of the afterlife, the power of friendship, and the endless possibilities of self-discovery. As Sumiko and her fellow students navigate the trials of the School of the Dead, they discover their own strengths, forge unbreakable bonds, and strive to find their place in a world where life and death intertwine.

Chiisana_otoko · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Shadespire Academy

As I stood there, my heart still racing from my encounter with the otherworldly creatures known as "the keepers of light," I couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

The world around me seemed to have shifted, as if I had crossed into a different realm altogether. The sky outside seemed to shift back to its dull lifeless color.

It was then that I noticed a young boy approaching me cautiously.

His name was Hiro.

Hiro had an air of mystery about him, his eyes holding a wisdom far beyond his years. He seemed to sense my confusion and offered a gentle smile as he began to speak.

"Welcome to the land of the dead, Mihara. Here, we call this place Erebus. It's a realm where monsters and lost souls reside."

His words sent a chill down my spine, but I couldn't tear my gaze away from him. I felt a strange connection, as if our paths were meant to intertwine. Hiro continued, explaining the intricacies of this realm and the creatures that inhabited it. He spoke of soul beings and their powers, and how they could find solace and training at the Shadespire Academy.

My curiosity piqued, I couldn't help but interrupt. "Shadespire Academy? What is it?"

Hiro's eyes lit up with excitement.

"It's a safe haven for soul beings like us, Mihara. A place where we can learn to harness our powers and protect ourselves from the dangers of Erebus. The academy is known for its renowned instructors and its rigorous training programs."

As he spoke, I felt a surge of determination welling up inside me. I had always sensed there was something different about myself, something more than the mundane world could contain. Although my life was just ordinary I still felt like I had a purpose.. just sad I had to die to find it.

The encounter with the keepers of light had only confirmed that belief. Now, standing before Hiro, the prospect of joining him on this journey to Shadespire Academy felt like an opportunity I couldn't pass up.

"Hiro," I said, my voice filled with a newfound resolve,

"I want to come with you. I want to explore this land of the dead and discover the extent of my own powers. Together, we can face whatever lies ahead."

Hiro's expression softened, and he nodded in affirmation.

" I sensed a great strength within you. I believe that together, we can navigate the mysteries of Erebus and find our place in this realm. Let's go to Shadespire Academy and unlock our true potential."

And so, with our fates intertwined, Hiro and I set off on a journey into the unknown. The path ahead was shrouded in darkness, but our determination burned like a beacon, guiding us toward our destiny at Shadespire Academy. Little did we know the challenges and adventures that awaited us, but we faced them with hope, courage, and a shared purpose.

" how long have you been here?" I asked hiro , the light from the dull sun seemed to darken around his bright green eyes.

"Believe it or not, I have no idea. " he said with a slight chuckle.

"Like I have no idea, I just know it feels like forever." He said his smile slowly faded as he began to ponder.

"The sun never sets and time just seems to blend here, doesn't seem like it's possible to know tbh." Hiro continued as he spun a small twig between his fingers.

" yeah.." I said looking down at the ground, as we walked it seemed as though we were moving through jello.

This world was a strange one, from the landscape to the creatures that reside here.

As Hiro and I continued our journey through the vast expanse of Erebus, the land of the dead, the landscape around us began to transform. The once familiar flat terrain turned into floating mountains and ethereal streams of water took on new shapes and colors, as if reflecting the ever-changing nature of this realm. It felt as though we were stepping into an endless abyss, where time and space held no sway.

The journey seemed to stretch on indefinitely, and yet, we never grew tired. There was an energy pulsating within us, fueling our steps and pushing us forward. As we traversed through the shifting landscapes, I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer vastness of Erebus.

It was a world that seemed to defy comprehension, where the boundaries between life and death blurred into a surreal tapestry.

After what felt like an eternity of walking, we noticed a faint glimmer in the distance. A shimmering shack stood amidst the desolate landscape, beckoning us to seek respite within its walls. We exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the need for rest and a momentary escape from the ceaseless journey.

Approaching the shack cautiously, I pushed open the creaky door, revealing a small, dimly lit interior. The air inside carried a hint of ancient knowledge and stories untold. Dust particles danced in the rays of light that filtered through the cracks in the wooden walls. It's foundation was solid beneath our feet.

It was a sanctuary, a brief sanctuary in the midst of the enigmatic Erebus.

Hiro and I settled ourselves on worn-out cushions placed haphazardly on the floor. We gazed out of the small, cracked window, our eyes tracing the distant horizon.

The landscape seemed to shift and transform with every passing moment, as if it were alive itself. I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and trepidation, knowing that we weren't merely visitors in this ethereal realm.

As we sat in silence, the weight of our journey began to settle upon us. The encounters with the keepers of light and the tales Hiro had shared about the monsters and soul beings that roamed Erebus played through my mind.

I couldn't help but wonder about my own place in this realm, my purpose, and the extent of my powers.

Turning to Hiro, I broke the silence.

"Hiro, what do you think awaits us at Shadespire Academy? Will we truly be able to hone our powers and protect ourselves from the dangers of Erebus?"

Hiro's gaze met mine, his eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and uncertainty. "Shadespire Academy holds ancient wisdom and teachings passed down through generations. It is said to be a place where souls like us can discover their true potential and understand the secrets of this realm. But the journey there is not without its perils. We must remain vigilant and prepared for whatever awaits us." He said , he had this way of speaking. Even though he looked young I could tell he was way older.

He wore a black jacket, it was adorned with different emblems and attachments and on the back read the words ayakaski with the number 12 in the center.

He wasn't really one to talk much, though you could tell from his eyes, he thought about a lot.

His words resonated within me, stirring a sense of purpose and curiosity. I knew that the path ahead would be arduous, but the prospect of unraveling the enigmas of Erebus and understanding my own abilities overshadowed any doubts that lingered.

As we sat there, contemplating the road ahead, a gentle breeze caressed our faces, carrying with it whispers of forgotten tales and distant echoes.

It felt as though the very essence of Erebus was reaching out to us, urging us to continue our journey, to seek the truths hidden within its depths.

"This world is so strange, from the heaviness , the way it seems that something calls you. This land makes me wonder if it, itself is alive."

I said , my lips quivered alittle as I tried to think of my old life. It seemed the long I dwelled in this land. The more I forgot of my own home.

We rose from our makeshift resting place and prepared to venture forth once again. The shack, though temporary, had provided us with a momentary sanctuary, a chance to gather our thoughts and find solace in each other's presence.

Stepping back out into the ever-shifting landscape, we marveled at the beauty and haunting allure of Erebus. The floating mountains seemed to reach towards the heavens, their jagged peaks disappearing into the ethereal mist. The streams of water flowed with a mesmerizing rhythm, their gentle currents whispering tales of forgotten souls and eternal dreams.

As we continued our journey, I couldn't shake off the feeling that we were being watched. Shadows danced at the edge of my vision, and a sense of unease settled upon me. Erebus was a realm teeming with life, both benevolent and malevolent. We had to remain vigilant, for danger lurked in every corner.

Hours turned into days, and days into weeks it seemed as we pressed on towards Shadespire Academy. The path ahead was treacherous, but our determination burned brighter with every step. We encountered monstrous creatures that would have sent shivers down the spines of mortals, but with Hiro's guidance and our combined strength, we navigated through the perils unscathed.

Along the way, we met other wanderers, lost souls seeking their purpose in Erebus. Their stories echoed our own, filled with longing, hope, and a search for meaning. Some had experienced unimaginable loss, while others had discovered newfound powers within themselves. We shared our own tales