
Chapter 18 - Mechanical Menace

After traversing the city, we've finally arrived at the docks. The docks, or should I say space port is not a place where it's bustling. Well that is to be expected in the current climate, out of the planet transport is something that is not possible so that only left the local traffic, but at the current time that too is not that crowded as I only see a few ships that's coming in and out. The ships flying low enough to avoid the atmospherical storm that is trapping the people of the planet from leaving the planet. I then lightly clapped myself on my cheeks to reorient myself.

Marion looked at me weirdly as I do that.

According to the intel that the master provided, the ship that we're supposed to work with is called the twin dragon. There's quite a few ships parked at the landing pad. Guess we gotta ask around to see which one is our target. We then approached the landing area, oho? There's someone who's currently overseeing a cargo loading.

"Excuse me! Can we ask you something?" I asked to the man that I suspect to be the overseer.

"Of course! Ask me anything!" He answered as he turned his attention to me. He looked at us with a kind and friendly smile on his face.

"Do you know which ship is the Twin Dragon?"

The man then approached us still with the same friendly disposition.

"OH YEAH?! ARE YOU WITH THOSE BASTARDS FROM TENPENNY?! WELL TELL YOUR BOSS THAT WE AIN'T GOT A DEAL!" The guy suddenly asked as he pulled a large caliber pistol from goddamn nowhere and aimed it straight at my head. Holding me up like a highway bandit.

"Oi! I'm only asking where the ship is!"

"AND WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO WHEN YOU FIND IT?! YOU GONNA PLANT A BOMB AREN'TCHA?! WELL TOO BAD IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!" I then turned my attention to Marion and the little gremlin is looking at me with a shit eating grin on her face, oi oi oi, I'm currently having at the edge of having my head blown away over here and this little shit is taking this as an entertainment.

"No! We're with the flagger! You can check our credentials!"


"THREE!" The man yelled and shoots his gun at me. I instinctively took a step back and looked at him in shock.



Marion then knocked the man out cold with a single punch, sending him away from where he was standing to the ship stern making a mark on it. She then looked at me.

"D-did I overdo it?"

I can only let out a sigh at what she has just said, man it's been less than a moment and another weirdo has appeared, what is it with this planet.


"OH! I SEE! SO YOU'RE WITH THE FLAGGER!" I winced as the man understood at our identities and yelled at us.

"Geez, is it really necessary to yell?" Grumbled Marion on the side.

"Sorry about it young lady, the fact that help has finally arrived really bring out the joy in me hahaha!" The man answered Marion's complain.

"Um… I'm Kain and this is Marion." I said to the man introducing ourselves to the client.

"I see! My name is Robert! It is nice meeting the two of you! I really appreciate the fact that you're both coming to hunt the great whale!"

"Whoa whoa whoa, what is this about fighting the great whale?" I asked the man whilst doing some stopping sign at him with my hands.

"Oho? I thought that's why you both are here? To help me with the great hunt?"

"We're only here to help you with lifting some cargos man, I didn't hear anything about helping out with some hunting."

"Doest the flagger master didn't explain it to the both of you? I thought he would have explained it by now."

"That old fart, I knew it that the job sounds too good to be true." Whispered Marion under her breath.

"Now now, Let's hear the details first." I then looked at Robert. "Could you tell us more about the job?"

"Of course, it's a simple job! I need a helping hand in my crew for hunting the twin headed dragon Ex-Machina!"

"Ex what now?" Asked marion.

"You don't know have you been living under a rock?"

"Yes. I indeed have been living under a rock for years." Flatly answered Marion.

"Of my condolences." He then turned towards me. "Surely you know what I'm talking about right?"

"Oh sorry, I'm new to this planet, most of the things that's a local legend is still lost on me."

"Haaa… I guess it can't be helped then, I take whatever crew that I can take at this point." Robert said with a sigh at the knowledge that both of us are clueless at what he's talking about. Robert then take a seat at one of the boxes that littered the area. "We're fighting the twin headed mechanical dragon Ex-Machina. It is one of the monstrosity of the old imperial era. It's been harassing cargo ships and transport ship for years. We are supposed to stop it's threating existence once and for all."

"Question, how dangerous is Ex-Machina?"

"Very. As I were saying before It is a mechanical dragon, it's body are riddled with automated machine gun turrets, it got a high particle laser canon on it's mouth, hard steel teeth that could easily wreck a ship in a flash, and that's not counting it's self-repair function." Answered the older man calmly.

"And we're going to fight that." Stated Marion as she crossed her arms.

"That is correct, if we don't, it will continue to harass the cargo lanes and—"

"We're leaving." Marion said as she grabbed my hand and turned around ready to leave the ship.