

'Together we stand, together we fall,

all for one, and one for all.'

The three musketeers

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I wanted to burst out laughing when I saw the expression on their faces. Shock... Confusion... Disbelief...

"No way!", Gavin, Jordan, and Ezra exclaimed together. They then turned to Caden.

"You knew it was her?", they asked, and when Caden nodded they continued, "Since when? "

"Sunday. ", Caden said curtly.

"You knew from Sunday and didn't tell us? ", they asked. I cut in before Caden could answer.

"If you're done bickering, shall we get to business? ", I asked.

"Yeah. I guess you've decided. ", Caden replied.

"I made this decision when you made that move last night Caden. You took a knife for me, that shows your true self. ", I said, recalling the moment.

"And your decision is...? ", Gavin asked.

"I accept the help. Ya moron. ", I said chuckling.

A large smile broke out on the boys' faces.

"So, boss. We'll get the car? ", Jake asked me.

"Yeah. But before that you have to be introduced. ", I replied.

"Guys, this is Jake, my second in command. And that's Garrett, my third.", I told Caden and the boys.

Jake and Garrett then left to get the car and I was left alone with the boys. Killian took that moment to enter and sheepishly said hi to the guys. He then came to me and leaned down to whisper in my ear in Greek.

"Grandfather Jonah is coming in a few weeks for a visit. I think he knows or suspects that our mom's and sister's death wasn't an accident."

I nodded in understanding and then gestured everyone to follow me.

"Where are we going?", Jordan asked me when we got into the black Challenger.

"To meet the gang. ", I replied.

I took them to the basement quarters the same way I had taken my gang members when they had first arrived. Their reactions were pretty similar too. I navigated through the corridors and pointed out the kitchen, gym, individual and combined training rooms, washrooms, sleeping quarters, my study, the large strategizing room, underground garage, and finally the common room.

We went to the common room where I was sure everyone was waiting. All heads turned as we walked in. They straightened up when they saw me. I spotted my boys in one corner and as soon as they saw me they came to me.

"So, they're staying?", Jared asked.

"Yeah. about that... ", I said and then raised my voice.

"Listen up everyone! This is Caden Pierce, leader of Evloen. He will be helping our future missions. His gang will be moving here and I hope you will all get the rooms ready. Also, organize the garage to accommodate the extra vehicles. Give them their keys and show them around. I expect you all to work together as one to achieve our goal."

I turned to leave and suddenly remembered, "And one more thing, Pappoús Jonah will be coming in a few weeks. I hope you have the brains to be on your best behavior."

Before we left the room, Gavin suddenly spoke up.

"Who's your best fighter?"

"Why do you ask? ", I questioned him.

"Oh I know... ", Ezra said, "We are new acquaintances and gang members so a friendly match is called for. Right? "

"Ahhh... About that... ", Killian stayed but I raised my hand and stopped him.

"I agree. We need to have some fun."

I saw Jake, Garrett, and the rest of the gang members exchanging a knowing look.

This is going to be fun!

"So, who is it? ", Jordan asked.

Garrett came forward to take my jacket. At least that's what everyone in Snow's Hold knew. For Caden and his buddies, I was sure it looked like Garrett was stepping forward to fight. His large broad shoulders and bulging muscles could get anyone to misunderstand. While in truth, Garrett was the same as candy - hard on the outside and soft on the inside.

"Since it's the best VS the best, our fighter is Caden. ", Gavin announced. "Come on Garrett, give it your best shot."

"I'm afraid that's not possible. ", I said.

"why not?", Caden asked.

"Because the one fighting... ", I said just as Garrett pulled my jacket off, "-is me."

Gavin's jaw dropped but a large grin took over Caden's face.

"I expected that.", he said. "C'mon, give it your all. "

He got into the fighting stance, legs shoulder-width apart and fists stretched in front of him. He beckoned me to attack with his right hand.

"Don't regret adding fuel to the fire. ", I said as he continued to tease me, slowly calling me with the shine of underestimation in his.

"No regrets, I promise. Just don't cry when I kick your ass. ", he said arrogantly.

"FYI Caden... There no rules", I said and then plunged forward with my fist aiming upwards. Caden fell for the hoax and raised his arms to protect his face. Smiling, I landed a punch in his gut and knocked the breath out of him by giving him a roundhouse kick in the ribs. The impact caused him the get pushed back a few steps.

"Not bad. As expected from the boss.", he said. He attacked next with a punch aimed for my jaw, once the right and next to the left. I deflected them easily and when he passed by my side with his back bent, I gave him a karate chop on his back. This successfully made him fall to the ground.

"And Kat wins!", I heard Sky shout, and all my gang members cheered.

I gave them a dramatic bow. Suddenly, I felt the ground sweep out from under my feet and I fell on my back. I realized that Caden had used his legs to trip me. Caden climbed on top of me, straddling my hips and pinning both my arms down with his hand. His face was dangerously close to mine.

"I win. ", he whispered.

Catcalls and whistles were heard all around us as Caden pecked me on the lips. He then got up and pulled me up with him.

"I think it's time for dinner. Let's go, Kat. I'm starving. ", Tyler whined like the food devouring maniac that he is.

"Uh-huh, let's go.", I said and pulled myself out of Caden's arms. Before leaving I turned back again.

"Evloen will be moving here next week. We will start the combined training of all members the day after that. ", I said and then left.

The guys followed me and I heard Seth say, "All for one and one for all!"

"We're not the three fucking musketeers ", Tyler muttered.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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