
Laying a Foundation

Mike had ridden for hours and only stopped at a cheap motel when the sun was setting. At twenty five dollars a night it wasn't the best but at least it had wifi and clean sheets. Although those had cost five dollars extra. It would do for the night.

Sitting at the window typing on Haro and researching this new world he glanced out the window to see a high speed chase involving a dark suv a armored car and a vehicle shaped like an arrow. It was a dark color but he did not know what the color was he only saw them for a few minutes before they raced away towards the direction he had left.

He then went over in his head the information he had gathered in the last few hours. He seemed to really be in amalgamation of various fictional worlds.

He saw reports of the justice league fighting off aliens that looked like Elites and Grunts from Halo.

He found a blurry photo of a demonic figure with a huge right arm weilding a giant revolver running through the sewer in New York.

The biggest corporations were Lexcorp, Wayne Enterprises, Roxxon, Hammer Incorporated, STAR Labs, and Stark International. The Fantastic Four were already well established and had their own company though it was not up to the others when it comes to profit margins.

*DING* Quest issued "A Hero's Origin."


1. Establish a source of income

2. Build business relationships

3. Gain a plot of land at least 1000 acres


1. Blueprints for automatons (Gundam 00) Civilian type

2. Blueprints Strike Dagger( Gundam Seed)

3. Morganrote Base

100000 MP

"Well that's just great." Mike said to himself. "Haro any ideas on how to get a new business started?"

Haro looked at him confused for a few minutes before opening a screen that had the schematics for pseudo GN drive.

"No no the side effects of that are too...." Mike paused the knowledge of Dr J. Anylising the blueprint. "If I make these adjustments," He said concentrating on the screen. Clicking here and there before changing a few numbers in the blueprint he changed it to a protable GN Drive similar to what powered his bike, but also had none of the side effects of the pseudo GN Drives.

"There due to current limitations it only has a limited power, but it can be recharged through a standard outlet in a matter of a few hours. If used for a standard sized car it should have a range of about 3000 miles between charging." Mike thought to himself looking out the window he realized that he had worked on it through the night and the sun was rising.

Getting three hours sleep he checked out before getting back on the road. As he rode through the day he contemplated his options. As much as I would love to go solo I need starting capital. I need a sponsor and partner to get my business off the ground.

He immediately disregarded Lexcorp and Hammer Incorporated and Roxxon. All three had the capital and would probably be interested in his tech but he did not feel like being responsible for them using his tech to cause problems and plunge the world into a new arms race.

Besides if it came out he was responsible for those three getting tech like the Pseudo GN Drive he would have capes beating down his door left and right. Not to mention all three corporations would stab him in the back at the first chance.

STAR Labs was an option but if he remembered correctly they were affiliated with Waller and Cadmus. That was a rabbithole he was not ready to go down.

Wayne Enterprises was off the table till he was sure which version of Batman he was dealing with. Last thing he needed was for Bruce to get into his systems and plant failsafe that would allow the bat to take control of his tech, or exploit weaknesses in it.

Stark International would be tricky to approach, he felt that only Tony Stark himself would see and understand the potential of the GN drive. Approaching him would be difficult if not impossible.

Then Mike considered Reed Richards. A man of science his home was public knowledge and his company pretty much just existed to cover the expenses of the Fantastic Four along with financing his inventions and expiraments. Susan Storm and Ben Grimm kept him grounded morally and all four were heroes who had a reputation to maintain, so the chances of them betraying him or using his tech for evil were next to nothing.

Deciding on his partner, he spent the next week traveling to New York, staying in cheap motels, or sleeping under the stars at rest stations along the interstate, he drifted from place to place. One in the New York City area he found a slightly better motel. Using the last of his money he booked a room for the night.

The Motel had a business center, a small room that had 3 old computers and a printer. He printed out a technical schematic of the Pseudo GN Drive that he had continued to improve as he rode. The then got an envelope from the front desk. Leaving the motel he rode downtown. Finding the Baxter Building he addressed it to Reed before writing a short letter asking him to meet in the Motel lobby tomorrow if he was interested in the Drive. Sliding it into the mailslot he got back on his bike before returning to the Motel.

'Good thing it is not winter, and not supposed to rain for the next few days if this doesn't work I'll have to sleep under the stars for a while.' Mike thought to himself as he took a shower before laying down to sleep.


"Where is that kid?" Phil wondered outloud. The kid was like a ghost vanishing without a trace. Even SHIELD was having trouble tracking him. At first Director Fury was skeptical, but as more and more resources were applied and still nothing came up his paranoid side won out.

No one should be this good at evading SHIELD. then there were rumors of a strange motorbike moving quickly across the country. Radio signals seemed to cut out around it, and the few times that police tried to pull it over it out ran them.

He could find no footage of it stopping at any gas station but the rider seemed to match the description of Coulson's mystery youth. After all of this OKed Coulson to investigate this further.

POV Reed Richards

Reed was having a frustrating day. His sensors were detecting a new particle b0

"Hey slim got something for ya." Ben said as he entered the Lab.

"What is it Ben another inventor sent ne a letter hoping I'll back him?" Reed asked. "If it's not really importan..." Reed paused when he caught site of the blueprints in Ben's hand.

Taking them he grew more and more excited. "This is incredible. Who sent this? Tony? Wayne?"

"Cane with a letter, " Ben answered, "I'm going to watch the game don't stay in your lab too much longer Susy is already mad at you." Ben then left the lab.

Reed read the letter and looked over the blueprints all night. In the morning he eagerly left to go meet this mysterious inventor. Maybe he would even have the answer to those particles he had been tracking.