

In the Gregorian Calendar: 28th July, 1723

Today is the day Kasim Ibn Harun gets executed in the Yedikule fortress.

I have mixed feelings about my discovery. So the sultan sent the shehzade to raid Beirut to kill him off. The fire was done by him. The blame went to the shehzade. Is he really that guiltless?

And the wretched sultan! To kill one man he ruined the lives of so many! If I hear that my family was harmed back there, I swear I'll kill him!

But, I fancy, on a brighter note....I've finally become a cariye, the servant of Gulnihal- no, Gulbahar Sultan. I often mix up their names. Gul means rose, why are there so many roses in the palace?

Of course, like a dutiful cariye, I told Gulbahar Sultan of what I heard. Not about the fire, but the impending assassination. Honestly, I'd be happy if the shehzade was dead, but he promised to send me back home. Even if it was a lie, gaining the sultana's trust will give me leverage to escape.