
15 days of protest

Five friends were again ready. Their wound filled and bandage and cotton were removed they all were recovered and were ready for protest. They lead the crowd.

"To make bulbule valley a better place

Caste discrimination should end"

This slogan was heard by almost everyone.

People were holding a sign like caste discrimination sholuld be end

they were again standing infront of district office.

Administrator again went temper. He ordered to use batons to dispersed the crowd.

All the police including Raj and Ramesh strated to bit the crowd.

"I want to say you something" Raj said.

"I want to take a revenge with Rabin the boy who stopped me hitting a old man" Raj said.

"Right don't attack straightly he looks like strong attack twistly. Attack those who looks weak" Ramesh said.

"What do you mean" Raj said.

"I mean attack his friend Kancha it will be easy you can see Rabin and other friends suffering also and then attack other friends" Ramesh said.

"Right, I will do exactly what you say let the battle begin" Raj said.

Rabin, Sabin and Kancha were fighting with police where as Sanu and Kanchi were protecting other people. They were taking women and children to the safe place.

"Rabin, Sabin we can't fight this way the police has dangerous weapon you two join Sanu and Kanchi and hid in some safe place i will join you later" Kancha said

Rabin & sabin did exactly what Kancha said but unfortunately Kancha was gathered by Raj and Ramesh. "Let me see how you escape" Raj said.

"Your friend had stopped me to hit that old man now i will take a revenge. I will ruin you and your friends life" Raj said.

"Don't be silly what you get by hurting innocent people" Kancha said.

"I am not silly silly is you by fighting alone" Raj said.

"Don't talk too much Raj" Ramesh said.

"Now its my turn Kancha i will never let you escape this is for you and your friends" Raj hold his baton and started to hit ramesh also started to hit with baton.

They bit kancha much badly. Poor Kancha couldn't hit them back. He couldnt even stood. He was lying on road uncounciously.

"Where is Kancha" Sanu said.

"He told us to go and he promise he will also come" Rabin said.

Raj and Ramesh went near to Rabin, Sabin, Sanu and Kanchi.

"Your friend better not to be alone" Raj said "Ha Ha Ha" he laughed.

"Ha Ha Ha" Ramesh also laughed.

All friends panic Rabin went near to Kancha.

Kancha cotton shirt and cotton pant were torn he had wound in his hands chest legs.

He was lying uncounciously on road.

"Kancha" Rabin shouted.

All friends came near to kancha

They all started to sob.

"Lets take him to hospital" Sabin said.

They caught two taxi.

One for Kanchi and Sanu and one for Rabin, Sabin and Kancha and hurried.

They reached greenland hospital which was near by. Greenland hospital had five floor they went ton the ground floor.

They put Kancha on a stretcher and ran to the emergency ward.

"Sabin you go to reception and pay for emergency ward. Kanchi and Sanu you call the doctor . I will took Kancha on the emergency ward. Now go quickly" Rabin said.

Kancha was lied on stretcher uncounciously. They did exactly what rabin said

A few moment later doctor whose name was Rajesh was a kind hearted doctor. He went to opt and did operation as soon as possible.

Rajesh went out from opt and said "Dont worry wound was not to deep so he is ook fine now but he need rest for at least one month. So his wound will be recovered you can take him home after 15 days. Don't worry you can see him now. He is councious now".

"Thank you Doctor" Rabin said.

"They went inside the opt"

"Kancha are you ok" Kanchi said.

"I am ok i guess but what about protest" Kancha said.

"Don't even think about protest right now Rabin said.

"That right" Sanu said.

"You take rest right now when you will be recovered fully we will think about it again" Sabin said.

"We will think about those policeman also" Rabin said.

So two weeks passed Kancha wound were recovered his stitches were removed from some part of body and he was discharged from the hospital and went to home.

Kancha became happy and all freiends too.

Next day on kancha kanchi house where friends were gathered they were discussing about protest.

"So can i join the protest" Kancha said

"No remember what doctor said you should take rest at least two weeks then only you can join. But i am wondering what protestor might thinking about us. They might thinking we are looser how we join protest again" Rabin said.

"Right how we join protest again" Sabin said.

Meanwhile Kanchi took the curtain off and saw hundreds of protestor were standing infront of their home covering the road and their yard.

They were holding sign mention 'Long Live Kancha'

"Its unbelievable" Kanchi said.

"What happened Kanchi" Sanu said.

"Friend look at here" Kanchi said.

The four friends peered from window.

"Oh my god Kancha you wont beleive its about 1000 of protestor are with us" Rabin said

"Wow it encourage us to do our work more efficiently" Sabin said.