
- sixty four -

Abigail saw the boy's eyes turn to a light brown, before his hair turned into a sandy blonde.

Karma's a bitch.

. . .

There had been rumors about what the Creator was about, but there was only little information and almost all that was known were fallacies. Nothing that Taeyong could use as solid facts when he had searched everywhere he had access on after his father's death.

The last words of his father shook him to his core.

Had the Creator be so important that that was the last words of the man Taeyong held dear to his heart?

What was so special about this mere notion of the older man's imagination?

The findings of the name that rested on the lips of his deceased father were slim to none.

There was nothing on this 'Creator' idea, let alone someone connected to it, so how was it of importance in Taeyong's life and future?

Those were the questions Taeyong had after trying to find more information on the Creator.

He had come against a thick wall mentally while he was still researching back then, which made him frustrated and couldn't find anymore leads.

He started questioning if those last muttered words were real.

If they mattered.

Until one night he lay awake in his bed, his head too full to truly try and sleep peacefully, when he realized the power his father had.

His father had refrained from telling Taeyong was his Defect ability was, not wanting to give the boy, at the time, the opportunity to fantasize into a reality that he eventually wouldn't want.

It was until it finally hit Taeyong while he was lying in his cold bed, laying atop the covers, too busy staring at the ceiling and making mental connections to actually feel cold.

His father had two powers.

One he flaunted to prove he was a Defect for Abigail's registration, but one he rarely used unless completely necessary. Taeyong had only a glimpse of it himself.

His 'registered' gift that was on Abigail's files, was that he had telekinesis.

Moving objects with a simple thought was no problem for his father to show.

And boy, did his father make a show of it.

He made sure he always was manipulating something at almost each part of the day.

Taeyong always wondered why he did that. That he would eventually let his power run out and die.

But he came to the realization that the telekinesis was a distraction from his other gift. His dominant gift.

His glimpse of his father using that gift could lead to many different conclusions, but Taeyong was sure as to which was the right one was.

His father's eyes had clouded over, a murky white covering the usual dark brown of his natural eyes, and then Taeyong saw his left arm tense and shake in strain, before his father gained control again and quickly levitated the coffee mug that sat beside him.

He never knew what his father's problem was, until now.

The color of Renjun's eyes were different than the opaque white of his father's, but instead a strong gold.

But he could confidently say that his father himself was once 'the Creator.'

He still wasn't sure as to what he could do, but the tenseness in Renjun's body as the younger seemed in complete control, and it was magical.

The anger that shone in Renjun's eyes was his anchor, where for Taeyong's father, he used his second power for a distraction, his anchor.

Renjun was faced towards Abigail, the woman still emitting her dark power.

The interesting thing about Renjun's situation is that most Defects have a color with their power. For a few examples, Taeyong's was red, Jeno's white, and Yuta's purple.

Whereas for Renjun's case, he didn't have a color.

There were movements in air, but no color in signs of power.

It was something that was seen in awe by everyone, but what was more interesting was that Abigail's black power almost seemed like it was diminishing, her power slowly retreating back to her form.

She held a confused face, perplexed that Renjun could actually retaliate.

Renjun was still stiff, his anger rolling off of him in waves directed towards Abigail as her power was almost only surrounding her.

The sight of her vulnerable made Renjun only want to go further.

She dared to hurt those he loved, and threaten his new family.

He wasn't going to stand for it.

It wasn't until all of her black aura was gone that she felt pain.

She yelled out, the invisible anger of Renjun affecting her.

Her head felt like it was going to explode, tension creating in her body as she felt like she was being suffocated.

She could feel her strength weakening, until she landed on her knees, her legs no longer being able to keep her up.

She groaned as the tension only began to ride from there, until she felt something break inside of her.

And then she felt totally and completely helpless.

Renjun slowly walked towards her cowering figure.

"How's it feel?" He asked, anger still evident in his voice.

"How's it feel to be human again. Your self-project failed, and you'll never be able to hurt us anymore," he said, crouching in front of her weeping face.

"You're nothing now."

Renjun started to walk away from the woman, until he felt something snagging at his ankle.

He turned, only to see the sight of Abigail lying on her stomach to reach Renjun's pant leg.

Renjun simply looked down at her, her futile grasp of him something he oh so wanted to shake off, but he still held a little decency towards her.

No matter how angry he was with the woman, he wasn't going to throw away all of his morals and modesty like she did.

"What?" He asked, his tone a little sharper than intended.

"You aren't going to leave me like this, are you?" She asked, looking at the boys that moved to surround her.

Since her power was taken, the holographic men disappeared, leaving the others of Neo City free and slowly go towards the situation between Renjun and Abigail.

There was terror in her face. She had no idea that the situation would turn on her like this.

But the boys never planned on harming the woman, because that would make them just as bad as her.

The woman continued to lay on the ground, pitifully grasping onto Renjun's pant leg as the others peered down at her.

"Are you?" she asked, cowering at their burning gazes.

Renjun felt the irony of it all.

"I don't know, am I?"