
Chapter 25

She did not expect to see him again after more than four years, and how did he change his name to 'Zhao Zihao'?

When Zhao Qiang turned around, he recognized Lin Xin, or the body of the bean sprouts, which was slightly taller. It's a little bit more beautiful than when it's in an orphanage.

Four years ago, the change was a nightmare. He never forgot. In the past few years, he has been mixed in society, and he has experienced betrayal since he was a young man. Goodbye to the little friends who had suffered in the past, I felt very cordial.

"It's so good."

Zhao Zihao looks ordinary, tall and burly, and his skills are strong, always like a shadow behind Lin Xinyu. In the original work, Zhao Zihao's description is only a few words, and his appearance is taken by the word 'ordinary'.

Lin Xin felt that there was an invisible net covering them all. It seems that they are always working on this network.

If Zhao Zihao, that is Zhao Zihao, Wu Pingping is that Wu Pingping, Lin Xinyu is the Lin Xinyu, their relationship in the book is not impossible.

Will Lin Xinyu's ending be death?

Lin Xin did not dare to think, she stepped forward to Zhao Zihao's ear and asked: "How do you change your name? Say clearly!"

Zhao Qiang suffered a while, bent over and asked for mercy: "Grandma, you start with a light tap and tap. My ear is going to be knocked down by you."

Lin Xin threw a hand, Zhao Qiang with one hand on his ear and a finger on Lin Xin, jumping and shouting: "Lin Xin, don't overdo it, don't think me I am afraid of you, I can bully people. I am not the same as me."

Suddenly a figure flashed, the right wrist was numb, hanging like a dead body, and the arm could no longer command the right hand.

Lin Xinyu stopped looking at him coldly in front of Lin Xin.

Zhao Qiang recognized Lin Xinyu. He changed too much. The little boy who was weak and weak in his memory grew taller and taller. The body is no longer weak, and the eyes of the people are exactly the same as Lin Xin's, calm and scary. Just so gently twisted, his hand can not move. This kid is eating fertilizer, and it has grown from a small grass to a big tree.

Lin Xin said with a side: "Why did you change your name?"

Zhao Qiang said with a

grin . "Don't tell you." Lin Xinyu said: "You can't beat me." Self-confident, it seems that all the people in the world are not his opponents.

Hehe...... I don't know the stupid boy who is thick and thick. When he picked up his sleeves, he rushed to Lin Xinyu, and his left fist and right fist made him easy to escape. He swept down and Lin Xinyu jumped up and down, holding him down and slamming his arm.

Zhao Qiang has a painful, well-left left hand dragging his right arm and sitting on the ground watching the monster like Lin Xinyu. This kid, not only eats fertilizer, but also eats enhancers.

Lin Xinyu looked at him with a high concealment, just like when he looked at him, his heart rose inexplicably fast, feeling.

'I still want to fight? '

Lin Xin asked: "Why change the name?"

Zhao Qiang squatted down the arm and said: "First make me good."

Lin Xinchong Lin Xinyu said: "Give him a good job ." Lin

Xinyu grabbed Zhao Qiang Arms, 'giggle' two times, put the arm back. Zhao Qiang had a sweat, and he didn't say anything.

He stood up and twisted his arm and said, "

Let's find a place to sit, how bad it is on the street." The three went to the meeting and found a food stall on the side of the road. Zhao Qiang ordered three servings of spicy crayfish and a few bottles of beer. I drank a cup first, and poured a cup and pushed it to Lin Xinyu: "Drink a cup."

Lin Xin blocked the glass of wine and said: "He is still young."

Zhao Qiang stunned and looked at the two men. The school uniform, ask: "Are you still going to school?"

Lin Xin said: "High one."

Zhao Qiang smiled, full of silence, murmured: "Reading is good."

Lin Xin asked: "Why did you change the name?"

Zhao Qiang said: "I want to change it."

Oh, yes, how did you come to the city? I went to the dean after the day?" Lin Xin looked at Lin Xinyu and saw him sitting straight, without any strangeness, and then said: "We were adopted. It's been four years since I came to the city."

Zhao Qiang saw that she did not want to say anything about the dean, and he would stop asking. It's really disgusting to think about the embarrassing things of the year. Looking at Lin Xinyu is not so annoying.

He picked up a small lobster, stripped off a feed to the mouth, said: "You eat."

Lin Xin not in the mood to eat this, she took a sip of water, he stood up and said:. "Xiaoyu, we go back"

"hey Don't go. I haven't said why I changed my name." Zhao Qiang shouted at her.

Lin Xin just thought, if he really is the Zhao Zihao, let Lin Xinyu stay away from him, not let him stay away from him, there is no harm.

He wants to talk about her now and listen to it.

Zhao Qiang saw her sit down again and smiled and said: "I came out of the orphanage and got on a car and came to the city. I have no money. I just fell asleep under the bridge just like them. I have to eat rice during the day, and there are always good people who give me a few dollars. Then one day, watching someone fight, I ran over to help. I got to know me, then I followed him, and now it is. "

Lin Xin asked:" are you mixed triad is godfather and then let you change the name of how not to name also changed "???

Qiang asked:"? how do you know, "

Lin Xin said:" guess. "

anyway, When she was a child, she was smart and had many ideas. She couldn't guess it. He muttered: "I have a mother, why should I change my family name? If I change my family name, am I still a person?"

Lin Xin listened to him muttering such a sentence, and his heart softened, saying: "There is no good end to the mixed society, and it will come back sooner or later. I advise you to go to school to learn how to be young."

Zhao Qiang is not stupid . He is good, he can feel it. The people on the road said to him, "Good brothers speak loyalty, have blessings and share the same, and have difficulties." When he was the end of the fourteenth child, "The Young and Dangerous" comics, Chen Haonan, they all died. After mixing for a few more years, he took the cognac to support the elderly. It's rare that someone really wants to be good for him, or a small companion in the past, so I don't want to be close.

He reached out and wanted to grab Lin Xin's arm, and Lin Xinyu, who was sitting on the side and said nothing, reached out and gave him a look. He pulled out a smile and said, "Hey, hey, I take the crayfish." He picked up a crayfish and shook it in front of Lin Xinyu and asked, "Would you like to eat?"

Lin Xinyu tilted him and said, "You Keep yourself to eat." That way is like saying: You can't eat you.

Even the expression is exactly the same as Lin Xin, hey, he is still a little scared.

Lin Xin understood the situation and did not want to have any entanglement with Zhao Qiang. She got up and said goodbye. Pulling Lin Xinyu went to take a taxi. Zhao Qiang looked at the two people who were away and shouted to them: "Hey, I will find you to play after two days."

Lin Xin held Lin Xinyu's hand tightly and said: "Don't touch him in the future." There is a place where he is, you are far away. Do you know?"

Lin Xinyu did not know why she reflected this to Zhao Qiang. Anyway, she said it was all good, and he said everything.

"Well, I know." At

this time, a taxi came and the two returned to their homes. They didn't have a cell phone, and the school called Wu Qingrong, and he was in a hurry to find it. If I didn't find someone, I wouldn't dare to go home. I was afraid that my wife would ask about the two children. It is not easy to explain and walk around the door of the community.

Lin Xin and Lin Xinyu saw Wu Qingrong, who was going back and forth. Lin Xindun lived, she thought about how to explain to him. Lin Xinyu shouted forward: "Dad."

Wu Qingrong turned to see the two children coming to him, rushing forward and shouting : "Why do you skip school? Still come back so late, don't you know that adults will worry?"

Lin Xin stunned her eyebrows. In the first half of the year, Wu Qingrong was still afraid of Lin Xin. I don't know when it started. He wasn't afraid of Lin Xin at all. Seeing her doing something wrong caught her and taught. I was afraid that she would grow up, as if she could not eat a meal without teaching her.

In the face of Wu Qingrong's endless embarrassment, Lin Xin looked at him with a fisheye. When he finished his teaching, he left his ear and left, never listening to his words. Lin Xinyu screamed a 'dad', and every time he finished the lesson, he would be pleased to say: "It's still Xiaoyu."

Not afraid of Lin Xin's young mind falling into the shadow of 'the patriarchal'.

Wu Qingrong said with his hands behind his waist: "I don't know why I skip class today, you will stand in the community for one night."

Lin Xin quickly gave Lin Xinyu a wink.

Lin Xinyu asked: "Mom? Is the mother alone at home? Will it be afraid?"

Wu Qingrong took the picture: "Hui Hui is still waiting for you, have you ever eaten?"

"No food."

"You said you, I skipped school and didn't go to school. I didn't eat any food after dinner late. What are you doing? The next time I come back so late, can I eat the food and come back again, ah!"

Lin Xin and Lin Xinyu, who are behind him, smile and look at each other. Going upstairs behind him.

Hyelin has not slept yet, watching TV in the living room. In the past two years, she has rarely developed a disease and does not need to take a wheelchair. Usually doing some simple housework is waiting for Lin Xin and Lin Xinyu to come back. Hearing the opening of the door, she got up and greeted. See Lin Xin and Lin Xinyu were relieved and said with a sigh of relief: "Don't be so late next time, come and come, eat."

The dishes on the table are cold, and Lin Xinyu helps Hui Min to go to the hot dishes. Lin Xin wants to help Lin Xinyu: You just wait to eat, let me come to the ground to stop it.

God knows what she thinks in her head. Hot dishes can add a lot of ingredients to the inside. Beautiful name, innovation.

After Lin Xinyu had tasted it once, she would never dare to let her into the kitchen.

Here the two were eating, and in the living room, Hui Min urged Wu Qingrong to wash. When Wu Qingrong was in the bathroom, Lin Xin sneaked into the room after eating, and let her go outside without shaking her.

Lin Xinyu wanted to see Lin Xin again before going to bed, secretly knocking on the door: "Lin Xin, Lin Xin..."

Lin Xin opened the door and extended a head. She did not see Wu Qingrong's figure and quickly pushed him into the house and asked: "What? thing? "

Lin Xin put on pajamas, cotton pajamas and white floral dress small lantern sleeves, small lace low round neck, revealing a beautiful collarbone, slender neck swans. Lin Xinyu looked at her neck and thought of the afternoon, the scent that he smelled on her neck, and his heart was '咕噜, 咕噜' out of the water. The heartbeat speeded up a bit, and he was afraid that Lin Xin would see something different. He bowed his head and said, "Well, just look at you. I went back to sleep." Finished, hurried out of the room.

Lin Xin thought: What happened to this child? I didn't put it in my heart, and I went back to sleep.

It was night, I couldn't see the light, and Lin Xinyu kept running in the dark and could not find a way out. Suddenly there was a light in front, and a weak girl was lying halfway in the light. She bowed and wept. Lin Xinyu gently approached and asked: "Why are you crying?"

She looked up at him, a small face with a small nose, a small mouth, and looked at him with grievances: "I am hurting."

He is in a hurry. His Majesty asked: "Where is the pain? Is there pain? I look."

The sheets on her body slid down to reveal a slender neck, and the little kiss marks underneath were shocking. He hugged her and kissed every red mark on her body.

"Don't cry, there is me. If you are there, don't cry, don't you cry later, okay?"

"Good." The

next moment, the white sheets rolled into a ball, rolling on the ground, and a wave crashed through the waves. The last bit of light.