
Either he marries me or I will jump down

Because Lin Hanjing stayed awake all night, he couldn't wake up early the next day. His eyes kept closing as he turned and tossed in his bed while thinking that he needed to get up and do his work. The sound of his daughter fussing stopped when Xiao Zimo who had been cleaning the house walked inside his room and took her away while muttering, 

"If you two cannot fight then what is the point of quarreling with one another now look at this!" Xiao Zimo exclaimed as he turned on his feet and walked out of the room, though he seemed to be scolding Xiao Hua and Lin Hanjing he did not raise his voice because he was holding Lin Hanjing's daughter in his arms. 

On the bed, Lin Hanjing closed his eyes and covered them with his arm. He sighed, before drifting off to sleep again. He was too tired to care about anything. However, as soon as he slept, Lin Hanjing heard a sudden bang as if someone had smashed a heavy pot on the ground.