
Do not ask for sympathy ——2

" You…." Shen Hanxing truly did not expect that in exchange for her three sentences, Shen Li will shoot her down with a hundred of his own, she looked at Shen Li who stared back at her calmly and rolled her eyes multiple times before she calmed down and looked at Shen Li again. 

The more she looked at him the more her eyebrows knitted as she looked at his simple wooden hairpin which was tied in his hair along with the clean cotton shirt that he was wearing with matching pants. Though he looked calm and serene, one could see that what he was wearing was nothing but humble, Shen Hanxing had seen Chen Mi and Ye Liu. 

Even though the two of them were not dressed lavishly, they still had gold and silver hairpins on their head, but Shen Li who was the official husband of Yu Dong…he only had a single wooden hairpin? What kind of bullshit was this?