
Guide to power(Dropped)

A 4 year old kid thrown due to bad luck thrown into a planet filled with monsters that are wayy out of his league,a fateful meeting changed his whole life. "You monster,afterall these deaths you still have such an indifferent face"a lady said. "For my goals I would massacre this entire world an still have this indifferent face of mine"A Teen replied in a calm voice. He then beheaded the woman and confine his massacre "so much bloodlust for one so young he friend's ". .. 1:am a newbie writer so expect some mistakes although I will try not to make too much.

revolt_027 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Fateful reunion

As the kid compared the vibrant and lushed forest to the now wasteland,he couldn't help but be terrified of what wouldve happend if he hadn't listened to the sword.

As she felt the kid fear she add"That was just a small rift compare to the ones I've seen"she continued "now imagine one the size of a planet exploding.

As he tried to form a picture he just couldn't he just said in a even voice "I can't picture it"he continued "Just the thought frightens me".

She laughed and asked"So how long are you goin to keep hanging off a mountain"she continued"I for one don't like being stuck into such a hard surface I personally prefer flesh".

As he heard her voice he asked "where headed towards the mountain top aren't we"He then looked towards the peak of the mountain which he couldn't see because of the clouds.

She answered in a tone that reeked of sadism "Where else but up can you head".He then looked towards the waste land and said"Let me guess we can't head down because of that weird looking smoke"

She answered in a jesting tone"go down and find out if your so curious "he replied in a calm voice"If your suggesting it in that tone then I will pass"

She sucked her teeth and said "then start climbing and do it with your fingers"he asked "Why must I use my hands,when I have you".

She answered"If you dare use me to climb a mountain you will pay one way or another remember what that bastard said"the kid thought back to what the old man said.( Kid treat a sword like you would treat your life partner).

He sucked his teeth and started using his fingers to climb as the sun rise you can see a lone kid climbing an endless mountain.

As he climbed for days on end he was looking horrible,how lips where dry his fingers beld his eyes where sunk in ,his eyes however were unweaving.

As the first week passed since he didn't eat,drink or even sleep he started to slow down however the the end of the mountain was nowhere in sight.however as he was climbing he saw a small cave in the mountain.

As he approached the cave he sensed something coming fast towards him as he was a little tired he reacted late.

As the creature reached it opened its mouth the kid raised his hands,which was a mistake he felt something dug into his arms.

He then grabbed the things head and squeezed and with a popping sound the creature died, however the damage was done he suddenly felt lightheaded.

He looked at what his hands was holding he saw a snake a 10 inch snake however it's colour was quite disturbing an all white snake with white pupils everything white it looked ominous as hell.

The sword yelled in a panicked voice "hurry and eat the snake raw or you will die kid"suprised at that the sadistic sword was actually panicking.he heed her advise an ate the snake raw ,he felt his gag reflexes trying to push that disgusting thing out his mouth.

However with a sour expression he swallowed it.He then felt his lightheadedness disappear along with his hunger , however the next second his brain shut down and he dropped face first on the hard surface.

As months passed the kid however was stilled passed out in the cave,he woke up however instead of his joints feeling all stiff he woke up yawning as if he had only slept for a night he woke up feeling refreshed.

He asked the sword "so what the hell happened what was that snake that made you all panicked"the sword however answered "Thats the first thing you ask after being passed out for month's"?

With suprise written all over his face he asked "Wait I slept for months"the sword answerd "yeah enter your mind space so I can explain somethings to you being ignorant is cute however even to that has a limit".he did as he was told and enter his mind space.

As he entered his mind space he took a moment to appreciate the beauty of the woman that was meditating,as he stood stunned on the spot he blurted out in a lament filled tone"Who would think that this angel like appearance of hers is just a cover of her devil side,the phase 'dont judge a book by its cover fits her to a T".

The woman who heard that took a sword stance and disappeared from her spot only to appear above the kid and in one smooth motion she punched the kid in his head.

She then said in a even voice"keep your opinions to yourself"The kid thought (your just proving my point)and he clicked his tongue which earned him another punch.

Finished venting she spoke to the kid "come sit this conversation will probably take a while".

The kid took a seat and she started explaining"starting with the snake"she continued "it wasn't anything special,the snake is just a green rank however it's more dangerous because of one thing it's poison,it's poison is so strong that it could kill a diamond stage cultivator within a minute much less you a gold stage"she concluded.

The kid asked in a bewildered tone"Diamond stage, black rank,gold rank"however with a frown she said"wait until I am finished then speak"the kid lowered his head and said"sorry ".

She continued"they are ranks for cultivators such as yourself they go from low to high to final low ranks are--



Sliver "

{A/N.i added sliver and took out trash for the cultivators ranking however it doesn't change the swordstyle ranking}

She continued "they high ranks are



Diamond- I won't get into the final ranking".

However she wasn't finished yet she continued"The ranking for beasts goes -Black



Yellow - you met a yellow cored beast already remember the wolves"she concluded.

He nodded and asked "how were they so big"she smiled and answered "well that's because from time they reach the yellow core stage they awaken some of their ancestors blood".

She then clasped her hands and said"well that's enough info dump also you won't feel hungry for the next 3 months atleast so start climbing when you exit".

The kid faced turned sour and asked"Is there something up there that you won't tell me" she gave him a sadistic smile and said" you will see when you reached the summit" the kid shivered and let out a tired sigh.


1:sorry for the info dump

2:Thanks for reading

3:I will only be writing one chapter a day from now on until hopefully I get a contract.

4:if I do get a contract I will start releasing 2-3 chapters daily, hopefully.