
Chapter 5 – Second Encounter

"See you later, be careful on the road."

That sentence Dhea repeated over and over again since her first guest took a taxi to their respective homes, after a tour of South Korea.

Two weeks ago, Dhea went to the country of ginseng for work, escorting twenty guests in a group.

It's normal for Dhea actually, but for some reason this time she felt more tired than before.

"Do all guests already gone home? Let's go check in then and wait in the boarding room, so I can take a rest for a while,” Dhea asked two of her co-workers, who took part in this tour.

"Already. Come on then. You don't look well," said Jena, one of her female colleagues. Meanwhile, her other partner, a man, is a talkative person.

"Yeah, maybe tired and not drinking enough," said Dhea.

"Do you want to buy a drink first?"

"Do not have to. Mine is still there, it's just that I'm really lazy to drink it. Later, when I'm in the boarding room, I'll drink."

"Take a lot, so you don't drop. Yeah… even though after this we get one week off, it's not funny Dhe if your day off is even bothered by illness."

"Okay, Jena, okay. Huh, you're fussy like Mr. Maha."

"Uh, speaking of Mr. Maha, he was chatting with me to ask you. He misses you, the office is empty without you there."

Dhea clicked her tongue lazily when her coworker mentioned the name of their boss who had liked Dhea and even proposed to her.

A few months ago, Dhea's boss, Louis Mahaprana, had proposed to Dhea. At that time, of course, Dhea was surprised, because she never thought that her boss had feelings for her.

However, the proposal was rejected by Dhea. Not because Maha – her boss's nickname – is a widower. But because Maha has three children, and Dhea doesn't like children.

Dhea always feels dizzy with the behavior or screams of a small child, and that has been the case for a long time.

Therefore, she avoids having a romantic relationship with someone who has children, even though the man has the criteria that Dhea wants.

"Dhe, this is hot lemonade. Jena asked me to bring it for you because you don't want to hang out with us."

Dhea, who had been focusing on her cellphone, looked up and found Boy, her co-worker beside Jena, handing her a paper cup.

When they arrived at the boarding room, Jena did invite Dhea and Boy to hang out at the coffee shop.

However, Dhea, who was not in the mood, refused to come and chose to sit on a chair in the waiting room instead.

"Oh? Thank you, Boy," said Dhea.

"You don't want to wait for the boarding call over there?" Boy asked, pointing to the coffee shop he was referring to.

"No Boy, I'm just here," answered Dhea.

"Yeah, if that's the case. I'll be back again."

Dhea nodded her head a few times and let her coworkers pass, while she returned her focus to her cellphone while occasionally sipping her warm lemonade.

»Guide Me To Your Heart«

"Oh? Dhea?"

The call made Dhea, who was sitting comfortably in the plane seat and looking outside, turned her head.

She was surprised to see Hannan standing in the aisle next to the empty seat next to him.

"Oh? Mr. Hannan?" Dhea replied before Hannan sat on chair number 5B.

"What events do you have in Jakarta?" asked Hannan after the safety belt was fully attached.

"I've taken guests on a tour to South Korea, Sir," answered Dhea. "What are you doing to Bali yourself, Sir? Checking the house as usual?”

“Well, that's how it is. The problem is that there is no one to take care of it, so it must be checked as often as possible.”

"Why don't you just contract it, Sir?"

"No, I don't like other people in my house. The other person is in a sense… a stranger. Not sure if the contractor can take care of the building, right?”

"Yeah, right." Hannan looked at Dhea for a moment and it made Dhea frown in confusion. "Why Sir? What's on my face?"

"There's nothing. But you look a bit pale. Tired, huh?”

"Oh yes. I'm a little tired. But I already took medicine and vitamins before boarding."

Hannan reached his hand towards Dhea's forehead and clicked his tongue when he felt that Dhea had a fever.

"You got a fever. Should I ask the flight attendant for a blanket?”

"No need Sir. I already used my sweater and it's thick."

"I keep asking. You can't refuse."

Dhea could only purse her lips when Hannan called a flight attendant to ask for a blanket but still thanked him after that man put the blanket on her.

"You should sleep better Dhe. Later when we were about to land, I'll wake you up," said Hannan.

"I can't, Sir, I've been sleeping for a long time since I came here from Korea. If you want to sleep, go ahead. I'll just want to see the scenery outside."

"I want to sleep with you."

Hannan said those words in a low voice, right in Dhea's ear. It suddenly made Dhea goosebumps.

Even though Hannan wasn't the first man she'd slept with, yet, somehow, he could make her feel like someone she'd never been touched at all.

"No, thanks."

"Why? Why don't you want to? I can't satisfy you? But… if I remember how you were a month ago, I don't think it's possible.”

“Sir, we are on the plane, you know, which is a public place. Can you not talk about that here?

"You make me uncomfortable."

"Okay, okay. I won't do that again. But…, from the time I returned home the other day before I returned to Jakarta, I had been to your boarding house several times.

“But you were never there, and unfortunately at that time, I forgot to ask for your contact. Your landlady said that you were working, and the hours of your return were uncertain.”

"Oh yeah. The next day I went to Labuan Bajo for about five days. After that, I just went on tour in Bali, until two weeks ago I went to South Korea.”

"Ah, no wonder we never met again. Because a week later I left for Jakarta.”

"Anyway, Sir, what are you doing to my boarding house again? And… why didn't the boarding house mother tell me when you came?

"Wasn't it when you wanted to go back that day, did you meet the boarding house? The landlady should know you, right?”

“Oh, I was the one who told the landlady not to have to tell you that I was coming. I'm afraid you'll feel uncomfortable."

Dhea was stunned for a moment to hear it before finally nodding her head a few times.

"Oh yes Dhe, there is something I want to ask."

"Yeah, just ask."

"You mean that you are still single?"

"Yeah, still. So what? Do you want to register to be my boyfriend?"

"That's what I want. Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
