

CHA GANGRIM, the fifty-three-year-old Commander of the Awakened Police Department, looked nervous.

To be honest, Yuno wasn't sure if the commander would yield to Ki Gayoon.

This old is infamous for ignoring Guides in favor of Espers, but it's not like he would easily yield to Ki Gayoon.

After all…

"Ah. Now I remember," Ki Gayoon said lazily. "Aren't you Matthew's father?"


Yuno was surprised that Ki Gayoon addressed Matthew as if they knew each other.

Well, they're both natural S-Class Espers. I'm not just sure if Hyung and Matthew are friends.

"That's right," Commander Cha Gangrim said smugly. "I'm Matthew's father."


Yuno just realized the reason why the police officers didn't take him seriously when he reported Matthew for harassing Kim Jaeha.

Esper Matthew is the son of the APD's Commander.