

In a time when magic coursed through the veins of the world, before the mechanical heartbeat of technology began, there existed a realm of kings and queens, of sorcery and grand beasts. This is where our tale unfolds, in the ancient, mystical continent of Valherya. Here, a young man wanders, a solitary figure amidst the vast, rocky plains. His past is a blank canvas, his memory a closed book. His only clues to his identity: the myriad scars that mark his body and a golden amulet, hanging heavily around his neck, whispering secrets he cannot grasp. Beside him always is Fukujin, a crow of enigmatic origin, whose watchful eyes have observed him since the moment he awoke in this unknown land. This crow, neither entirely ordinary nor wholly magical, has become his sole companion in a journey shrouded in mystery. Together, they seek the truth of his past, navigating a world where every step could be a revelation or a trap. But their quest is shadowed by danger. A relentless band of hunters, members of a shadowy organization, are on his trail. These hunters, with motives as obscure as his own identity, seem desperate to silence him, to erase him from the pages of history. Who is this young man lost in a world he does not remember? Why does his very existence threaten forces both seen and unseen? As his journey unfolds, so too will the secrets of Valherya, where every whisper in the wind and rustle in the shadows tells a story. Dive into a world where the line between myth and reality blurs, where every step is a dance with destiny, and where the truth might be stranger than any forgotten memory. The relentless pursuit of one's true self, but this is not just a quest for identity; it's a journey into the heart of magic itself.

MythicEchoes · Action
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17 Chs

Someone Who Knows

The winged beast, bearing a resemblance to Fukujin, extended its clawed hand and seized Guhin's face, forcing him to gaze skyward as a deafening war horn reverberated through the very fabric of the world.

A wildfire of flames engulfed the sky, causing the surrounding landscape to crumble. Massive chunks of the earth's crust caved in, plummeting into an abyss of nothingness. All that remained was the village's main plaza and a fiery sky, bathing the world in an orange glow.

GUHIN: Oi, Fukujin! If it's really you, you must stop this.

As the winged beast lifted its arm towards the sky, a colossal red portal materialized amidst the fiery clouds. Six crimson circles, inscribed in an alien language, formed a bridge to another world. The portal ripped open a gateway to another dimension, and from within the void, a swarm of beasts unfurled their wings and descended upon the earth. Shrouded in darkness, armed with flesh-tearing fangs and claws, their yellow eyes cast a haunting gaze upon the world.

Guhin's attention shifted to his left, where he saw Merin, a finger pressed to her mangled, torn mouth.


As she slowly disintegrated into ashes, the world began to tremble.

An immense pressure emanated from the other dimension, warping reality and distorting the atmosphere, leaving Guhin breathless.

The world continued to quake, and from the abyss, an unfathomably large structure ascended from the shadows. A sanctuary, constructed from shattered towers and stone castles, so massive it could easily be mistaken for a fallen empire...

The airborne swarm of beasts continued to pour from the void, taking residence in the immense, decaying sanctuary. Guhin took in the haunting sight, the image seared into his memory as the last lingering beasts slipped from the other dimension. The portal that tore open the sky began to close, its circles disappearing one by one amidst the fiery inferno...

Thousands of yellow eyes stared at him from high up on the walls...

Guhin's gaze fell upon a raised plateau hovering above the sanctuary, where a throne made of stone faces and masks with tusks and fangs piled atop each other sat. As he studied its design, the golden chain around his neck rustled, and his amulet floated before him. The hymn resurfaced, triggering a forgotten memory buried deep within him...

A memory of a boy, a scar running from his nose to his cheek...

The boy was trapped in a candlelit room, confined within a rusted cage. He shared his prison with rats gnawing at his clothes and the remnants of food rotting on the floor beside him. The candles flickered as a figure approached from the shadows. Heavy footsteps echoed through the room, filling the boy with dread. He retreated to the far side of the cage, pressing his back against the cold, rusted bars. Each approaching step filled him with terror.

BOY: No, please, not again! I can't take it anymore! NO! Someone help me! Someone! Help me!

As the boy's cries for help echoed, Guhin awoke.

Guhin was breathing heavily.

Rain lashed down on the mountain lands, and the wind howled with equal ferocity.

GUHIN: It was just a dream.

Etro stood beside him, rearing wildly on his hind legs, urging Guhin to follow. When Guhin heard the clash of steel and the faint laughter of Bokun, he didn't hesitate to rise.

He was invited by Etro to mount him, and so he did. They galloped towards the sound of battle. As they raced through the woods, they came across a family of deer fleeing from the clattering noise of steel. Etro skillfully avoided them, his powerful legs not wasting a single movement. Every muscle worked in perfect harmony as his hooves kicked up the dirt, propelling them forward at maximum speed.

GUHIN: You're pretty fast...

Etro cheered. Despite their speed and the strain on Etro's legs, he effortlessly halted when they neared the edge of a cliff. He let out a powerful neigh to draw Bokun's attention. The clashing sound of their blades echoed through the area as Bokun fended off several hunters at the bottom of the cliff.

As Guhin's gaze shifted towards the hunters, he studied their attire.

Another group, clan, or whatever they considered themselves, had come to take his life. Dressed in dark blue robes, they wore silver helmets and large red scarves draped over their shoulders. Rather than conjuring their weapons, they carried two long swords sheathed at their waists. Perhaps they weren't conjurers after all. Guhin couldn't detect any citrus in the air, so they must be "magicless" like him. It didn't really matter anyway, they had come here for one reason and one reason only. To kill Guhin without any hint of mercy. On the bright side, they didn't have the upper hand on Bokun. In fact, most of them had already met their demise. After another clash of his greatsword against their armored arms, Bokun leapt back, creating some distance between himself and the remaining hunters. Smiling from ear to ear, he took a moment to yell at his mighty steed.

BOKUN: So he finally decided to wake up, huh!! Don't make it too comfortable for him up there, Etro.

Bokun's wide smile morphed into a piercing gaze of focus. Even though these warriors were far weaker than the ones he faced earlier, he would never let his guard down again.

BOKUN: Now then, where were we.

Without hesitation, he charged the remaining "Masked Freaks".

Seeing the grinning giant fight another battle that he had no business in, angered Guhin. He specifically told him not to intervene if they showed up, but here he was, risking his life for something that had nothing to do with him... After Guhin dismounted Etro, he patted his mane and stepped to the edge of the cliff. With a clear view of the battle below, he jumped off the edge, cracking the surface as he landed. But when he arrived, the last hunter's head was split open from crown to chin. Brain matter spilled all over the earth's surface, and once again, Bokun was drenched in their blood. The fight was over.

BOKUN: Next time when you think about saving me. Don't.

You thought that was a cool line to say, huh... You didn't even move when these maggots were coming for you... Now, I'm a heavy sleeper myself, but you, my friend... You're on a whole other level...

Even though Guhin was annoyed, the corners of his mouth lifted, and he smiled at Bokun. He never knew being protected could give him such a warm feeling.

GUHIN: Bakayaro.

BOKUN: How many of these freaks are after you anyway? They were much weaker than the others.

Just as Bokun was about to sheath his greatsword, a bolt of lightning struck next to his feet, illuminating the area with a bright flash and a thunderous roar.

Blinded by the intense flash of light, Guhin rubbed his eyes and saw someone standing next to Bokun... It was an old man, or at least his face suggested so. A strong jawline beneath a scruffy beard and a broad upper body were not typical for a man of his age. His white hair was slicked back smoothly, and he was dressed in elegant white robes, woven beneath his armored pauldrons and draped over one shoulder. It was a perfect complement to a full-body suit of thick-plated armor... He diverted his gaze for a moment to look at the remains of the hunters, lying in their own blood.

The sudden appearance of the old man startled Bokun. In contrast, Guhin was already accustomed to the hunters' strange mode of travel.

BOKUN: What? Where the hell did he come from?

OLD MAN: It seems we are running out of time.

For the first time since Guhin had been on the run, or rather fighting for his life, someone spoke to him. Someone broke his oath of silence, or even better, someone who didn't have one at all, spoke to him... A small spark of hope ignited within Guhin, and his sunken, tired eyes were replaced with a determined gaze.

GUHIN: Who are you.

OLD MAN: If you don't mind, let's skip the introductions, I have to get rid of him. There is no other way.

As the old man extended his arm to the side, the rain stopped midair. Every raindrop in the area spiraled towards his arm, condensing into a massive hammer the size of a small tree in the palm of his hand... The small spark of hope within Guhin extinguished. It was too good to be true. Of course, he was no different. Just another hunter out to take his life... Well, not exactly... Guhin and Bokun locked eyes with each other. Without uttering a word, their expressions spoke volumes. This old man was in a league of his own... As they braced themselves for the impending battle, the three of them engaged in a stand-off.