
Guerre des Ténèbres Enchantées

an young girl from france went all the way to transylvania not knowing she will meet a vampire and werewolf who wanted to us her for nothing good but end up falling in love with her?

Strawberry_flower · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Trip to monster hotel pt.2

I was trying to figure out what was really going on here in this crazy house or whatever I don't give a fuck what this place is what the heck is going on. " Hey isabella I just called your mom to let her know you and I are together having a sleepover alright " she said as she placed a kiss on my forehead " okay sure but can I keep my phone device with me in case something happens with or you? " I replied as I sat on the bedside " sure here you go , I will be with my boyfriend if you need anything just call me or text me. " Madeline replied as she handed me in my phone " thanks! " I replied as I lay down on my bed , As madeline left the situation that happened between me and beomgyu was super undescribable and I think he also felt this energy to it is so abnormal 


 ~ beomgyu's pov ~

What is she? I can't believe it that the girl in my dreams is in my palace and Is sleeping in my guest room " beom are you still awake. " Madeline said as she bunched into my chambers " yeah Is they anything you need " I asked scenerly as I could not stop thinking about isabella " no I just wanted to check on you " she replied as she wanted to leave the room I immediately stopped her " yes " she replied as she looked back at me with eyes of guilt " what's wrong why are you feeling tensed " I asked as I walked towards her and closed the door behind us " it's just ever since we started dating we haven't made love to each other since " madeline said as she closed both of her legs as she sat on my bed " madeline we have talked about this , you are--- " as my sentence was stopped mid way as madeline started releasing soft sobs out " I'm young right I know I'm but what is the fucking point in having a boyfriend then?? " She replied as I looked outside trying to figure out what is her problem is that how it feels to date someone if you start dating you should start make love to each other come on!! " You know I not used to this kind of stuff called 'dating' well I have dated a lots of girls but they never asked me about this before " I replied as I trying to comfort madeline from stressing " FINE LET'S BREAK UP!! " Madeline shouted as she stood up from my bed ' shit I can't let her break up with me , fuck I need her to get close to her friend. ' I thought as I moved towards madeline and placed my hand behind her ear as I gently kissed her " liked that " I asked as I could see her expression changing from mad to excited " Yeah , that's what we are talking about." She replied as I pushed onto the bed and started undressing her softly as I could feel her warm stomach warming up my lips ' I really hate this ' I thought as I un-buttoned up her blue skinny jeans " you in order to continue we need to head onto the floor. " I said as I was in the middle of un- buttoning her jeans " WHY? " Madeline asked as she made an confused expression " Don't you read the tales of vampires I break beds that's why I don't sleep on one " I replied as I pulled madeline down on the ground and continued our business.

I was fast asleep as music was plugged into my ears was the only way to make fall fast asleep as I stood up finding my way to the bathroom I just stopped by a painting of someone who looked familiar ' mm I wonder who is this lady that looks exactly like me ' I wondered as I stated in deeply for clear details " ma'am are you lost? " A voice that spoke in British accent spoke from behind me " nope I was heading towards the loo " I replied as I looked back I saw the undescribable butler " alright it's on your left ok " he directed me as I quietly smiled and left the corridor ' what a weird guy first he has a nice voice on top of it a ugly face haha ' I wondered as I bummed into madeline with bruises on her arms " where are you going? " Madeline asked as she tried to cover up her bruises " to the restroom. " I replied as I was so focused to her arms than her words " okay be careful " she replied as she left ' what happened to her jeez ' I thought as I shaked up my head and as I on my way to the restroom I bummed into beomgyu " oh my gosh , I'm very sorry beom " I apologized as I released I called him beom which is his nickname given by madeline and only her can call him this shit I m screwed. " Well isa no need to apologize it not your fault it's my if you need the restroom you can go in first I will follow after " he replied as he giggled softly and opened up the door for me , it was a super huge bathroom and had 3 toilets, 4 bath tubs , 3 showers and 5 sinks WOW " well we can go in together if you want too or I can just go in by myself " beomgyu said as pulled up a soft smirk and looked at me directly in my eyes ' what should I choose to go in with madeline's boyfriend or wait until it's my turn but I can't do that go in with madeline's boyfriend in the bathroom that would be wrong I think I should wait my turn ' As I thought but before I could say my answer , beomgyu pulled me in and locked the door behind us as I was frozen as I saw him starting to remove his clothes " BEOMGYU STOP RIGHT THERE! " I shouted as I covered up my eyes " what's wrong? " He asked as he removed my palm fingers from my face " are you scared of my fearless body " he asked as he pulled up a teasing smile and pulled me onto his chest which was warm which made my cheeks a bit red