
Guardians of the Realms

A servant boy is seen by his Lord whom falls head over heels for him. Noticing the boys prowess, he finds a way to get closer to him. On their first travel together all hell breaks loose. Secrets unveiled, new faces introduced and old one remembered. What will happen to the boy, and to his Lord? Will they fall in love, or perish under the world's flames.

Hrrsane · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter Seven: Thou Mission

In my surprisingly short time in the infirmary, not once did Lord Michael come to visit me. He was most likely busy. I shouldn't expect him to come visit me every time I get injured.

"Az dear, you can't keep getting injured like this! One day you'll be unable to visit the infirmary anymore." The Doctor scolded me, surprisingly worried this time.

"You only barely came out alive from this one, and you're lucky 'she' isn't here anymore otherwise this would've been a much worse outcome" He continued.

"I know. Though, you know it isn't my fault ALL of the time. This time was merely training with a Guard, not getting beaten up by some mysterious character." I know the doctor means well, truly I do, but he's right. One day I'll never come back.

I spent 5 days in the infirmary, shorter than when it was just a light scratch on my thigh. I'm getting better at healing? This doesn't make sense. Regardless, Lord Michael has asked me through a new errand boy to serve him on a solo mission to the south-east town of Lirr. A small town whom recently went through a terrible seige and is in need of resources. My job is to make a pathway for the incomimg resources beforehand and rid Lirr of the bandits that caused the siege.

One single day after getting out of the infirmary I was already on my horse, Gui, setting off to the South-East town of Lirr. It was a half-day trip thus not in need for food nor water but instead fuel for Gui, apples. We had a short break every hour before arriving to the towns entrance. Stick walls that looked like they were made in a rush stood before us. This was definitely the place.

"State your name and business." One of the Guards out front of the gate inbedded in the walls orders. In ordinary situations I'd rather die than take orders from some low-life bandits, but this isn't an ordinary situation. Since this isn't an ordinary situation, I can some fun with this.

"Name is Allium Cepa, a Duke from the nearby Kingdom. I come in the name of the Cepa family to check up on this town" I reply in a shallow and elegant trying voice. Laughing under my breath, but not enough for them to notice, they grant my entry and I signal for Gui to walk on through.

Just from how the layout was built, I could already tell where their leader was. He was most likely held in the big reinforced building that practically looked like a sacrificial temple. It was also the most well-guarded area in the place. Although, everywhere I looked I couldn't find a single civillian, only bandits. The mission letter also said that the civilians had been evacuated not long after the first stage if the seige. The intel on this seemed to be right. Gui also saw the scene and instinctively walked to the Temple. They were so dumb that even a horse could see their mistake. The leader should be hidden as so people like me don't intrude in their party and mess up their plans.

We both arrive at the bottom of the towering steps before us, and so I hop off Gui's back and attempt the steps.

"State your purpose of this visit" One of the bandits guarding the stairs asks with a deep monotone voice, like he's trying to sound intimidating. I refuse to bow my head and just get on with the assignment by barging through them and walk up the steep stairs. They slowly chased after me, but they were weak and grew tired from running up the stairs while I simply walked.

I reached the top of the temple to find myself face to face with this leader whom looked very stereotypically like a bandit leader. Scars that looked super fake, ripped muscles that also were fake, and a complection of a middle-aged man. I scoffed at the sight.

"What is so funny? Is defeat funny to you? Who even are you?" He walks towards me, towering over me like some giant. Still ceasing my fear for his not-so-intimidating look. I flick is forehead ever so gently, and he falls back, unconscious.

"Weak." The guards all became hostile and began their attack. I used only my fists for defense as I made my way to one of the rushed towers on the back of Gui. I order Gui to kick down the towers one by one as I hop off of her and fight the rest of the bandits head-on.

I fought without my sword knowing that these guys we're weak and no reinforcements were arriving until Wednesday. With only 3 bandits remaining and Gui returning to the gate after tearing down all 4 towers. Problem is, these men looked stronger than the rest. Stronger than me. I grabbed my sword, but didn't unsheathe it. I figured just the scabbard should do since my fists might not be able to do the job. The first man rushed towards me, the others stayed back to watch and observe. One swing to the lower neck knocked him out swiftly. The second circles me before closing in behind me. He tripped and fell on his face, also unconscious. The third and final opponent walked towards me slowly, unsheathing a very fancy and expensive sword from it's scabbard that sat on his belt. I unshesthed mine as well, for good sportsmanship. This man found his stance into a very uncomfortable pose, lunging toward me. I dodged as his face met the rear end of Gui. His sword is now mine. The third bandit falls unconscious from shock.

I trapped the bandits who were all unconscious in a magic cage, summoned by a relic made by Lord Michael himself. Both Gui and I were then on our merry way back to the castle to report to Lord Michael. On the way back, I decided to give the sword to the Lord as a gift. Wait, does he even like gifts? As far as I can tell, only Marcus had ever given the Lord gifts, and he was a suck-up for it. Will I be known as the new Suck-up to Lord Michael if I give it to him? If so, then I'll refrain from the idea.

"The Lord will not be seeing any visitors. He has announced that anyone wanting to talk to him shall report to him through letter" The guards at the castle gates had told me beforehand, so I wrote a letter to him as soon as I returned to my room. Well, more of a report than a letter. I finished writing it and handed it directly to the Lord's door. I forgot Marcus was fired, and didn't want to run into him. The letter was slipped under the door discreetly. I didn't forget to write my name clearly so the Lord knew I was the one who wrote the report.

The report was dropped off, and it was surprisingly late. I headed to my room and decluttered it. My OCD was terrible, but not as bad as most housewives. I melted into my soft bed and fell asleep to a song from a memory I could never seem to remember.