
Guardians of the Galaxy: Ragnarok & Roll

L1T3RAT1 · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

Land Of Fire

The Olympian fleet turned about and sailed away. Before anyone could raise a cheer, a thunderous voice echoed out inside each head: "Pitiful Asgardians, believe you have prevailed if you wish--but know this: as long as Asgard stands, the Mighty Actus sieges it! After the ceremony of my wedding, I shall return.

"With every passing moment, your isolation saps your strength and the willpower of your champions. With every passing moment, i grow stronger and more determined to conquer your realm. With every passing moment, Asgard's fall becomes more certain--and my predisposition more merciless. Ragnarok can not be stopped!"

Despite Actus' terrifying claims, the Asgardians wasted no time in organizing a massive victory celebration. Within an hour of the enemy's departure, mead and ale runneth ovet in every cup in every hall in Asgard. The celebration in Valhalla was especially gay, and it seemed even the dour spirits of the fallen heroes burned brightly with warm victory.

Of all the warriors in the land, only Balder was unhappy. Although he saw that no guests glass ran empty, his laughter was hollow and his smile was fake and timid. At last, the goddess Sif noted his glumness and requested an explanation.

In a low voice, so as not to disturb the celebrants, he said: "We have reason enough to rejoice--for now. But against one who can marshall the aid of Death herself, we are never truly safe. We must find a way to disarm this horror from beyond!" he paused, the continued. "This Actus is an incomplete being, who seeks something that will make him even more powerful. Whatever he wants, it is more than the Drinking Horn of Odinn. I have thought long and hard on the drinking horn's value, and it in no way justifies his determination to take Asgard."

Balder's deduction was correct, though he did not realize how closely he had hit upon the truth. Actus was instinctively driven to Asgard, sensing some missing part of himself was somewhere within the 9 realms. However, the despot did not even realize this himself. If asked, he would simply state that the subjugation of Asgard was the next logical step in his plan to unite the godly realms under a single ruler.

Balder was mistaken about the threat Actus posed if he found what he sought. As a natural force of existence, Galactus was keenly aware of his role in the universal order. But without his memory to focus his energy along the proper channel, Actus had become something of an interdimensional tornado, wreaking havoc and destruction with no apparent purpose.

Unfortunately for the Adgardians, the piece that Galactus required to unite his shattered personality lied in a sub-dimension of their land, Muspelheim. Because of this, Actus was drawn to Asgard like a storm to a low-pressure center. And like an earthly storm, he was a natural force that cannot be fought--only prepared for and accepted. It was in his assertion that Actus must be destroyed that Balder was mistaken, for destroying Galactus--even just two thirds of his being--was like trying to destroy gravity. It can't be done, and even if it could, the results would be unfathomably disastrous.


While the Guardians, Doctor Strange, Zeus, and Angela quaffed mead and gorged themselves on roast pig, the Asgardian healers ran from injured warrior to injured warrior. They, as guests of honor to Balder, recieved priority attention from Asgardian nurses with unearthly restoratives.

But just as everyone in Asgard began to feel good again, a few friends from Muspelheim joined the party. Three fiery streaks charged into the great hall, shooting streams of fire at the guests and creating a general nuisance of themselves.

After the guardians saved Valhalla, Balder dispatched messengers to sound an alert. They quickly returned, informing him that all quarters of the city suffered similar simultaneous attacks. Balder surmised that the attack was coordinated. That should not have been, since the ruler of Muspelheim, Syrtyr, was missing. Was there a new ruler of Muspelheim?

Sif strongly suggested the Guardians venture forth into Muspelheim to investigate. They traversed ilnto Muspelheim through the path deep within the forest of nightmare plants.


Great tongues of flame rose from a plain of liquid fire. The blazing roar of indiscriminate incineration echoed from the red-hot ceiling. The air itself was superheated; each breath scorched the nose, throat, and lungs.

In the middle of the fire plain, a great palace of glowing stone rose. A thousand beings of pure fire stood before it.

Doctor Strange worked magic over himself, Rocket, Star-Lord, and Mantis to protect them from the intense heat. As they approached the palace, they noticed that Gal stood upon the highest rampart. He was speaking to his demon captains in their own language. They all recognized Gal as a visually tormented version of Galactus.

At first, the demons attempted to prevent them from entering the palace. After the heroes demonstrated their ability to deal with fire demons, yhe remaining creatures stepped aside. They served Gal out of fear, and were not loyal enough to risk life and limb in his name.

When the guardians reached Gal, he approached them freely and addressed them by name.

When Mantis first made mention of Galactus, he began to panic. This fervor increased as the Guardians suggested he leave Muspelheim. He called Angela the angel of judgement. He plainly fears she had come to take him to justice for his crimes. He babbled about being destined to retribution, as he launched an attack against them. He was quite insane. In a mighty battle, the Guardians ultimately apprehended Gal.