
Guardians of the Galaxy: Ragnarok & Roll

L1T3RAT1 · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

Battle Plan

Valhalla was a narrow hall that rose ten levels into the sky. Steep balcony roofs shielded the windows on each level, and the high gable was adorned with spiral towers. The battle flag of Asgard wove bravely from each tower.

Inside, the hall was crowded with warriors, gods, and fallen heroes. Each wore their armor, carried their sword in its Scabbard, and rested their helmet beneath their arm. The air sizzled with excitment and anticipation. The soldiers nervously boasted and jest at one another, and not a one showed their fear or trepidation.

Balder forced his way to a raised dais at the front of the room. The spirited chatter died to a buzz, and Balder studied the room with a steady gaze. "Ragnarok is upon us!"

A mighty cry rose from the crowd. More of a proclamation of bravery and determination than a welcoming applause.

"We have long known our world could not endure forever. We have vigilantly stood day and night against the forces of chaos. And we have done well!!" A cheer echoed from the rafters, and Balder continued. "But the twilight of Asgard has come to us. We now face our final battle!"

He pauses, his face bloomed red with determination and ire. Finally he shouted, "The legends may have prophesied our doom, but they have also foreseen that while we live, we will fight, and with glorious victory breathe life into a new world!" the amassed warriors triumphantly cheered once again.

After the rousing speech, Balder requested for the Guardians to assemble in his war room. He then laid a map of Asgard and the 10 realms on the massive table, and motioned for his guests to gather round and discuss strategy.

Ymir and the Frost Giants would attack the rainbow bridge, which it was believed Ymir would magically repair for the occasion. The Olympians setting sail across the sea of space, would probably attempt to land as close to Asgard as possible, meaning the Plains of Ida. The dark Elves would likely swarm from Svaralheim as soon as the battle began. Luckily, the demons of Muspelheim would remain neutral, for without Syrtyr to guide them, they lacked the organization to field such a host, even in such time of opportunity.

Asking for comments, Doctor Strange mentions the overlooking if the detail of Trolls, led by Geirrodur against Asgard. Balder immediately stationed Beta Ray Bill on this mission to repel the trolls. The outline of Balder's basic plan was to mass the bulk of his force on the Plains if Ida against the Olympians. Thor and the Guardians of the galaxy would be sent to meet the host of Frost Giants, he expected them to be capable of handling the giants expediently enough to return to the main battle quickly. His mistress Kamilla, would be sent to deal with the dark Elves, and Angela and a small host of Asgardian soldiers would hold Hela up in the Gnipa Cavern at the possibility of her betrayal.