
Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmos³

L1T3RAT1 · Sci-fi
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Attilan was much larger than it seemed so the 2 groups broke into smaller pairs. Rocket and Star-Lord (really still Maximus), Gamora would be following Crystal in shackles, Black Bolt and Groot, medusa with Mantis, Gorgon and Karnak.

Rocket and Star-Lord's body inhabited by Maximus set out about the town and visited the marketplace. There Rocket gleamed alot of information regarding the Inhumans. Crystal had scandalized the entire royal family at one point by having an affair with a human. Black Bolt had accidentally killed both of his and Maximus' parents. All the produce in the market came from a massive hydroponic vegetable garden beneath the city. Gorgon once considered Earth's Fantastic Four to be his greatest enemy. LockJaw was actually a deformed Inhuman, who simply looked like a dog because of the mutation. It was also common knowledge of a Kree Sentry robot that guarded the moon and observed the Blue City, yet nobody knew where to find it. As they walked the Marketplace Rocket began to suspect something amiss with Star-Lord as he behaved erratically.


Gorgon and Karnak revisited the prison Maximus had escaped from to search again for the Cube. Several witnesses recounted seeing the Sentry-bot walk through the wall, despite the withering guards' attacks. Many had assumed Maximus had devised another plan of escape, and duly reported it to the Royal family. They had seen The robot exit toward the sub-city.


Medusa and Mantis first searched the Attilan Parliament building. In parliament, a special session of the genetic council had been convened to consider counter-measures to the grandmasters destruction threat. After not finding the Cube and being wrapped in the depressing political climate of Attilan's private affairs the duo decide to search the city's parks. Dozens of Inhuman families and children played there. Some of the citizens claimed to have heard a loud boom coming from the pit of the dead.

In each park, a group of dazed, ragged Inhumans marched near each entrance. They carried signs reading: "the end is near!" when questioned about their signs, the sign-holders would ask if Mantis had seen "The crazy cats atop the tower of wisdom"?


Black Bolt first led Groot, with whom he easily and initially developed a friendship with, to the Terrigen labs. Genetic records indicated that there were 2 Inhumans in Attilan with mutated bodies resembling giant robots: Garnet Cato, a reclusive philosopher residing in the old city, and Claude Victor, a raucous public sportsman who lived near the Avenue of harmony. Garnet's neighbor, when they visited, claimed the man hadn't left his home in 10-years. When they asked where he had been the night of Maximus' prison escape he had no alibi and asked why he would need one, clearly oblivious. Claud, and Inhuman known to always be making a scene claimed to have seen the robot attacking the prison and that his 6 friends and he would have defeated the robot had it not fled.

Eventually the 2 ended up at the Attilan power plant to search for the Cube. The superintendent said, "i know why you're here, and i haven't seen any Cosmic cubes or robots. Although i could sure use one after losing a couple of my Alphas a few days ago. If you find either, would you mind lending it to me for a couple days?"

Their last stop was the Silent City, where nobody spoke in honor of the Inhuman king. Black Bolt and Medusa traditionally used their sign language to converse, but found Groot empathic enough to understand their wordless communication. They sas the tremendous robot walking through their portion of Attilan heading towards the pit of the dead. They later heard a loud boom, but considered it was the sneeze or cough of their king Black Bolt mistakenly.


LockJaw was able to find Star-Lord in Maximus' body and recognize his true identity due to his advanced telepathic abilities. LockJaw aided Star-Lord in escaping, and then began searching for the others who had all convened and decided to search the last remaining place in Attilan where a stone had yet to be turned. The Pit of The Dead.