
Guardians of Managas

Welcome to the world of Malintia, where almost every person has the ability to transform into ancient and mythical creatures. Well, everyone except me. My name is Jop, and I live in a small village in the peaceful kingdom of Managas. This is my story of how I became the savior of our world.( first time writing so it might be shit but i hope it will be at lest somewhat entertaining )

RandomJOP · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 11: Alliance

So we entered Hell's Gate, the underground village's capital. The prince Inrot invited me to private talks in his mansion while Alpha showed my guards the good parts of the city.

We entered what looked like a throne room. He sat on his earth throne that had blue flames on the side

Inrot offered me a seat and called some of his maids for wine to drink. He took up his cup and said

(Inrot) "let's toast to enjoyable conversation and pleasant company, naturally"

I answered him. After drinking some wine

(Ari) "I'm looking forward to our talk but first let me thank you for saving on your own. I owe you a favor."

(Inrot) "No as I said it early it was my fault this happened one of my men didn't bother to explain what to not say while in our kingdom. So you owe me nothing."

(Ari) "Well if you see it that way, who am I to disagree? I'm here because my kingdom got destroyed and my people need a safe place to rest, work, raise a family and mourn the dead. And i think you would be doing me a favor if you allowed it to happen in your realm. Naturell i don't expect you to do this without any compensation so I'm willing to pay for it with whatever you need." he looked at me and started to laugh.

(Inrot) "Anything you say if that's not the offer of a lifetime. You know you have good timing since something big is happening in our kingdom a year from now and you are a famous and powerful fighter and ally who leads an army into battle. So let me get to the point, I want you to become my and my brother the leader of the waves realm ally. And I want you to promise me that you will support us in fighting our enemies."

I looked at him surprised since I thought olymp didn't have a bad relationship with the other 2 kingdoms so i did wonder what enemies he meant?

(Ari) Who is that enemy of yours?

(Inrot) "Our older brother is the ruler of the sky realm and the lawmaker of our kingdom. Long story short after our father passed away 10 years ago we decided instead of fighting for the throne to split it between our 3. And we all put ourselves in charge of things in the kingdom im responsible for borders defense and managing Mining my brother Persi who is the ruler of waves is responsible for maintaining our fleet and thriving handle and our older brother who suggested it all in the first place he put himself in charge of the capital city and establishing the law of our kingdom tbh we didn't know that he would hinder us like that. He made some ridiculous laws that also abide to us but not him and his realm in which he made us look inferior and made himself look like the King of Olymp whose word is absolute we endured it for too many years but enough is enough we are rebelling against him and take over the capital and kill him.And since you pay me, you're welcome to join us in the war, and your people can stay here for as long as they want and be protected by us."

I didn't want to involve myself with family war but if it was for our people i don't have a choice but to ally myself with Inrot and Persi

(Ari) "Good, we'll fight with you if it's for the future of my people. Also you said we have 1 year left correct?"

(Inrot) "Yes, that's when we attacked the capital"

(Ari) "That should be enough to train and get one of our other goals here."

(Inrot) "Other goals?"

(Ari) "I need to travel to the dark continent"

(Inrot) "ah i see then i know what you must do as well, but for training and starting I recommend going to the wave realm. It's more suited for this than my realm because it has the holy sister of the true god there. Oh and when you are there tell my brother to explain to you about the mountain and the judge since these 2 will be a problem and a high priority objective to take down."

I thanked him and drank the rest of the wine then I picked Yen and Canji up from Alphas care and we left to inform general olaf of the good news. We set up a camp inside the underground realm and were given everything we needed from Inrot. After a week me, Canji and Yen were ready to go to Atla

To be Continue