
Guardians At the Gate

The Once great ruler of the world, a human, who died because of old age, transmigrated to a world where all other rulers live in, to be precise, the emperors, the kings, the demon lords, dungeon lords! All in one world, he now has to choose to survive in this world, and because of an accident something happened! Now he has to go against all odds to survive in this world and become the strongest again. With his companions he does his way in this world! or more like to his dungeon... =============================== This is a story inspired by Gamers of the Underworld and others

LordMark · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

As the God looks at the man disappear into the void, he smiled, "You're one of us" he murmured, just then 5 silhouettes appeared beside the God, they were all wearing masks, no one spoke but they turned their head above and a hole appeared, light shone down and 3 silhouettes with wings descended, the God smiled and reached for something in his pocket, it was a smiling mask, the god wore the mask and then a crown appeared in his head.

Just then the 3 silhouettes have already descended and were staring at them, "Standing before you is the Lord of Cards. Bow your head low, or have it roll at his feet." The shrill voice of a shorter woman addresses the silhouettes, clothed in almost regal garb similar to those around her, vitriol dripping from every word.

"Foolish, we are one of the supreme archangels and we are here to bring divine punishment into that lowly god!" the angel in the middle spoke, he looked like a young man and he was wearing white with gold words engraved on it.

God raised his hands, the others immediately dispersed, only God was left there.

"We the 3 supreme archangels are sent here by the mighty ones to bring thy true judgment. But tell me oh foolish mortal. Why do I see that smirk upon thy face ?" the angel with her beautiful voice who was also wearing a robe, she was beautiful possibly able to charm any mortals.

"To think that the heaven would sacrifice 3 of its greatest soules to pacify my rage. How can I not but smile." the God replied with a smile, he raised his hands and a card appeared in his hands, the archangels also took out their weapons.

"Arrogant! We will show you the light!" The other angel who was also a female spoke, as divine light spread around the place.

The God smirked and just said

"The stronger the light, the darker the shadow it casts"

That's what he said to me that day."


"Welcome Master" A mechanical voice sounded when I touched the crystal, I was startled and immediately backed off, "Who is it?" I asked, I looked around and found no one, "I'm the dungeon core of your dungeon master, and your assistant" the mechanical voice again sounded the dungeon core? I was confused, "where are you?" I asked again, just then the crystal ball glowed, I instinctively close my eyes and a second later the ball stop glowing, I slowly opened my eyes and there I saw a female wearing a maid outfit and then a male wearing a butler outfit.

They both immediately kneeled and greeted me "Nice to meet you, Master", I looked at their features and found that they both had a very enhanced feature, the female maid looks like about the age of 17 to 19 years old, meanwhile, the male butler looked like a little older "What is your names?" I asked.

"We don't have names master," they both said, They don't have names? I massaged my temples as it was very hard for me to adapt to what is happening then I looked at them again "So what is with this master thingy?" I asked, "We are your servants Master" the one who spoke was the maid, Servants? probably given by that god I thought, "Then I'll give you names, the maid will be Janna and then you the butler" I pointed "your name will be Kyle".

"Thank you, Master, for giving us names" they both kowtowed, it will take me a long time to get used to this, "Rise, Explain what would I do, no, first explain to me what is a dungeon Master?" I asked I was supposed to choose the hero but with some bad luck I stumbled and became a dungeon lord, they both rose up and Janna backed off, "Allow me to explain Master" Kyle said with a bow.

I nodded and then he started explaining "Dungeon Masters are the entities who were neither good or bad, the most things they do was to stay at their dungeon and make it expand, their power also came from summoning their servants and how proper their dungeon was" Kyle explained, I nodded and Dungeon Master was a little clear to me now, so they were basically rulers who focuses on developing their dungeon.

Being a Dungeon Master may not be bad at all, I had already grown tired of war, I think it was much better to rest and develop my dungeon for some protection after Kyle finished I began to plan, I just got the information that the God changed the dungeon core, it was like a game now, I may be a man who spent all my time in the war, but when I was young I was so addicted to games and I have some general knowledge on this things.

I also have read novels, manga, watched some animes, I learned anime from my grandsons, it was really good I should say, I chuckled as I remember those days, after a while, I organized my plan, First will be summoning my servants and building my dungeon, right now my dungeon was nothing but a cave with nothing around, only the dungeon core in the middle was present, I sighed and I was sure this will take a long time.

I went close to the dungeon core and reached out my hand, I learned on how to summon my servants, just then "Master, Please wait" Kyle called out, I stopped and turned to Kyle who stopped me, "What is it?" I asked, "I have a suggestion," he said respectfully, "Tell me, what is it?" I said.

"Yes, God has added a dark technology on the system, which can be used to summon unique beings." Kyle, respectfully he paused for a second and then continued "the only problem was They will be a little weird", I was surprised why would they be weird? "Are they useful?" I asked.

"Yes" Kyle said.

"Okay, what do I do?" I asked

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