
Guardian Spirits : Cerriro Town The Origin

Peter and Tina went to the town in unknown danger together with their team. With survivors and officers, they resisted the monsters till someone came.

Lewis_Ravenclaw · Horror
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98 Chs

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Peter was drinking water and carefully watching at the place near the burning tree while listening to his subordinates. Suddenly Peter saw the mysterious man and the two fireballs he created. At the very moment he noticed that the two fireballs were actually coming to their direction, Peter shouted, "Stop the car! Lamps first. Then, take the other things! Hurry up."

He also didn't hesitate to throw down the rifles and ammunition to the ground as much as he could. Luke stepped on the brake as soon as he heard the command from Peter. He and Ronald didn't ask and hurriedly got out of the vehicle. When they quickly went to help the two to move the precious Vulcan Gatling, they also saw the incoming fireballs. Luke and Ronald ran to the roadside while carrying Vulcan Gatling. Peter and Allen brought some ammunition as much as they could and they also ran out to the roadside. Peter took a last glance and shouted, "Get down!"

He also didn't hesitate to drop the ammunition box and lie down on the ground. It all happened in just thirty seconds. The fireballs crossed nearly two hundred meters distance in just thirty seconds and hit the family truck. The family truck was instantly exploded and small parts flew around. Fortunately, nobody was injured. They were also able to save important weapons like two rocket launchers, portable Vulcan Gatling and their ammunition. Although there was only two rocket heads which were just for another round, Peter didn't want to lose them since they still had many rocket heads in Julia's basement.

After the four got up, the three couldn't wait to thank Peter. The three thought that it was unscientific but they shut up when they remembered what situation they were actually in. Peter told, "I dropped several things on the road in a hurry. There were some grenades and some bags of rifle magazines. Remember to take them back. As for that M61, load the ammunition and make a temporary defense post with it here."

Luke opened the ammunition box and started to reload the Vulcan cannon while Ronald and Allen took a lamp and walked back to take back the things on the road. Peter carefully watched the surrounding and opened the radio in order to seek help from SWAT team.

"Eagle-1, this is Ermine. We are in trouble. There was a mage in enemy side and we were shot down. Now we are on the Tosta Street heading towards the wild approximately 160 meters away from the mansion. Need someone to pick up us. Over."

In the mansion, Chester witnessed the brilliance sneak attack by the squad of QRT team; A.K.A Ermines. Everyone including him saw that cheered heartily. The table turned and they couldn't wait to leave the retreating monsters behind. Even, Chester picked up a M1 garand and started to attack after giving the command to attack legs of those wolves. With everyone's effort, nearly fifty monster wolves were left behind.

Chester shot again and broke the hind leg of the third monster wolf. It was not an easy job to shoot a part of fast moving target especially like wolf. Otherwise, they could be able to take down more of them. Even so, only around two hundreds wolves retreated alive. The number of monsters in the town also dropped significantly after this battle. There were only nearly eight hundreds monsters alive in the whole town.

Just as Chester wanted to give the command to clean up the battle ground, the radio on his chest sounded. The news about Ermines squad being attacked also came. Chester immediately answered, "Stay in place. We will immediately send two vehicles to pick you up."

He directly gave an order to send out a team to go and pick up the heroes who saved them. Soon, several people left the mansion with two family trucks. Other people also started to clean up the battle field orderly in several steps. They first put lamps around the corpses or inserted burning torches around the place. The presence of the light would stop the black mists from coming out of the corpses. Then they would move the corpses into a place and burn them down. In this way, the black mists would be eliminated along with the corpses. That was accidentally discovered by Chester while he was studying how to handle the corpses of monsters.