
Guardian Spirits : Cerriro Town The Origin

Peter and Tina went to the town in unknown danger together with their team. With survivors and officers, they resisted the monsters till someone came.

Lewis_Ravenclaw · Horror
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98 Chs

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Everyone checked themselves and their backpacks for fear that they would forget something important. Then they left the house quietly and walked cautiously towards a corner of the village. Kevin is leading the way on the front while the three followed behind him vigilantly. Nobody noticed a skull necklace on Ryne.

They met some wolves and humanoid creatures on the way. They were able to solve them quietly and quickly. The good thing was the big trees are giving them a good cover as people in the town loved to plant big trees for shade and the existence of their unwalled backyards.

Kevin introduced the one and two things about their village to Peter in low voice while moving forward cautiously along the backyard trees. Kevin took a lot of detours for a safety reason.

"I know about that group of young people. Their gang has twelve members if I knew it right. Kyle is the leader of them. All of them are just teens. So, even if we knew that they often went to cemetery to do something, we didn't take things seriously. Yep, and they said they believe in Lucifer. Who knows these bastards would do such a big thing like this. I don't know how many people could survive after this tragedy."

Peter asked, "So, where are we going now?"

Suddenly, a red skinny monster of one meter high ran out from nearby house. It was immediately found and solved by Allen. It was already thirty fifth monster they met on the way. Fortunately, they were all well trained and their guns were all equipped with silencers so it didn't further attract other monsters. The smell of twenty people was constantly attracting nearby monsters who got the sweaty smell of living humans. Because of that they still met some monsters on the way although they took a safe road with many detours.

Kevin also tried to lead the crowd to the destination as fast and safe as he could.

He explained to Peter, "We are now going to Granny Julia. We are almost there. Her place might be the safest place at this time."

Ava inserted cheerfully, "Granny Julia has a big house and many firearms. She actually let me touched her machine guns during the last visit."

Kevin smiled and touched the head of his daughter, "Very cool right? Let's go quickly. Julia might be worrying about us."

Then, he carried Ava in his arms and started speeding up. Fortunately, Kevin is a very strong man with a well fitted body and hard muscles. A normal man might never be able to do the same thing as him. Not to mention, whether the normal man would be surviving till this time or not is a good question.

Peter gestured other people to speed up. Their footsteps were also getting quicker along with the hurried Kevin. However, they were also paying attention to hidden dangers which could rush out and attack them suddenly.

After another ten minutes of walking to towards the East and after solving another twenty monsters, the group of twenty people finally safely arrived in front of a house. Unlike other houses in the town built with woods, this three stories townhouse is actually built entirely with marbles and strong old bricks.