
Guardian sanctuary

our protagonist is a well-meaning, hardworking but lazy college student who gets dragged into a crazy life filled with danger, laughs, dangerous villains, good friends, deceit and a mystery no one was able to solve....just what is this place?

REDX12_AE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

The tutorial 4

[ blessed shield –blue ( epic ) ]

+50 DEF

+1000 HP

Unique: encases the target in holy light. Reduces damage received by 40%.

Lasts 20 seconds.

Cooldown : 5 minutes

Unique : transforms the shield into a holy barrier to protect an area. The barrier will absorb 5000 damage before dissipating.

Lasts until barrier is breached or recalled.

Cooldown: 1 hour

Note: only 1 effect can be used at a time.

" Wow, I don't know about the rest of the items but this is seriously OP!" He exclaimed.

" Hm, since the member I need to protect is a VIP, it's most likely a member of the royal family. In that case, they'll be somewhere in the main wing. Sigh, it'd be great if I had a map" He thought as he ran through the garden.

As soon as he stepped into the courtyard of the castle, it was like he'd entered another world. As if to reject the garden and it's tranquility, the main wing was embroiled in pandemonium.

Well, it wasn't like your run-of-the-mill apocalypse scene. There were no wild fires burning down the castle walls nor were there any giant rampaging monsters wreaking havoc upon the foundation of the castle.

Instead, there were many zombies and skeletons running around the magnificent corridors. Lliw expected to see some guards fighting against the undead but, unfortunately it appeared that he was alone.

" Man what a load of bullshit. How am I supposed to beat all these things?" he felt a bit frustrated.

" No, hold on… the mission is to protect, not kill the invaders.

" It seems the first part is a test of stealth" he thought.

" No, that'll take too long. Let's try another idea" he decided and without wasting any time, he ran into the thick of undead.

" uou…oo.." The zombies and skeletons noticed him and began to charge towards him. Luckily for Lliw, they were both pretty slow and had very stiff, mechanical movements so they couldn't quickly overcome the obstacles There were some in his way but he just rammed into them with the new shield he received. Although it wouldn't cause any substantial damage, it was successful in pushing them away from him. He didn't slow down to kill any of them. He was actually quite anxious to complete the mission. Not only did he not want to fail the task, someone's life was in danger.

Lliw was in a rush but he didn't let his impatience cloud his mind. He knew that the evil necromancer was among the undead and although he didn't know which one, his eyes were always frantically searching around, trying bro find something different from one of the undead.

" blergh, keep it together, keep it together.." He chanted to himself as the smell if decay was particularly strong and incredibly nauseating.

Lliw passed many undead and after more than 15 minutes if running, he finally found some humans.

To escape the persistent army if undead, Lliw entered one of the doors.


As soon as he entered, he immediately rolled forward to dodge a sudden are attack. It wasn't that he saw it or heard it or felt. It was just that it was the most logical thing to do. Just imagine, there's a siege happening and the enemy is right outside your door. One of the easiest and most convenient ways to hinder them or reduce their numbers is by setting a trap by the door. They'll never see it coming.

"Wait!" somebody cried.

Lliw stood up and found about 20 people inside the room, all aiming some sort of weapon at him.

" Friend, sorry for the…ahem. Anyway, who are you? I don't think I've seen you before." A short man with a neat mustache spoke. He wore a tattered suit but that couldn't hide the upper-class aura within him. He seemed to be the leader among the party. The others wore messy, tattered suites and dresses but they were of far inferior quality. He guessed that they were the attendants and maids.

" Please, I mean you no harm. My name is Lliw, I have been sent here to find someone." He said, not minding the fact that they were still glaring at him threateningly.

" Oh, who might that be?" the short man asked.

" uhm, I was told the specifics but I'm guessing that it's a member of the royal family. Does anyone know where I can find them?" he said.

" Er, friend. All members of the royal family have gone to fend off the undead" the short man said.

" Really?" Lliw was quite surprised. He was sure his conjuncture was right.

" so then, if it's not a member of the royal family, who could it be?" he wondered.

" alright, anyway, you guys can't stay here. This place is about to be overrun and I feel it's better if we migrate to someplace else." He said to them.

" che! Do you take us for fools? You want us to go out there?" a tall man wearing an attendants uniform spoke up.

" Uhm, well ok. Just… try to survive until I get back. " He said before bolting out of the room. He knew that they would try to stop him if he stayed any longer. Though not because they're worried about his safety but rather, because they're scared that he might draw the undead over to them. Tht situation would end up in a feud between them and Lliw would rather they remain Cordial. He had seen a lot of these kinds of situations in anime and movies.

When he came out, he saw some undead heading for the room.

" Damn idiots " he sighed and went to draw the undead's attention.

" Uuhho..oo" the undead got infuriated when a living midget with a large shield struck them on their skulls with the shield. They all chased after him.

" Well, at least they're not fast." He thought. Although the bastards had infinite stamina, they were much slower than he was.

" hey, I know you're dead but I didn't know you were hungry too. What's with that speed? Even my grandma runs faster than that, by the way she's still alive. Haha" Lliw stopped and resorted to taunts when he saw that some were starting to lose interest in trying to catch him. He just said some random bullshit at the top of his head but surprisingly, the taunt worked as they chased after him with a newfound vigor.

" pui! You guys are a disgrace to all undead everywhere, how can you all fail to capture a single weak human ? I bet even a ghost infant can do better than you guys. Her that's right, that's why you guys are here in the first place isn't it? It's because you're useless and can't do anything against the soldiers. Tsk, who knew you were so useless that you can't even catch a small little human such as myself"

" hey, you there! The ugly one, no not you, the other one. No not you the other ugly one..yeah that's right you'll all ugly"

" Hey I got an idea for you guys, if you really want to be useful, go to your master and tell him to commit suicide on a piece of tofu. He's useless for creating something as ugly as you, that's right he must be ugly too. He's also probably never seen a good looking human in his life that's why you'll look like that, yes it's his fault y'all look that way"

' puoffff!'

Lliw was about to launch another round of nasty comments when suddenly, a powerful, dark aura spread from the middle of the army of undead. The aura was so cold an vicious that Lliw felt a chill even though the sun was shining brightly, spreading it's warmth everywhere.

A dark ray of black light ascended into the sky. The sky turned several shades darker. Several skeleton and zombies suddenly rose into the sky before turning into black lights. The black lights all converged into an average skeleton standing in the middle. The skeleton was opened it's boney mouth and swallowed all the dark light. The light was no different from a fog as it bathed the skeletons bones in its aura. After a while, the dark light surrounded the skeleton like a cocoon.


A small crack appeared in the cocoon and a second later, it burst into several small fractures of dark light, falling pitifully on the ground. A figure appeared from the cocoon.

A black staff, a skull crown. A majestic white magic robe. Pale skin and a grim face. A very menacing aura filled the entire castle as a handsome youthful man appeared in the castle. All the undead stood still and looked at him with reverence. It was a spectacular sight, too bad Lliw had run away from the moment he saw the undead being turned into black lights.

" Damn, just my luck! The boss appeared, and I haven't even found the VIP" he thought bitterly as he frantically searched s the castle.

" Damn where are you?" he muttered, starting to get impatient.

" guide, can't you provide me with a clue of sorts" he asked hopefully.



[ A clue has been provided! ]

[ Search the royal sleeping quarters ]

" hehe, there you go. You're awesome" he laughed before charging to the extra lavish building in front of him.

" Why are there so many rooms?" He felt like cursing, there were over 30 rooms in the first floor alone.

" Cone on, think. My initial guess should have been correct, the VIP is a member of the royal family and since no one knows that they're here, they're most likely held up in a secret room somewhere." He thought as he entered the first room. The room looked very beautiful and wonderfully decorated. However there were no signs of activity in the room for at least a week.

" These should be the guest rooms" he thoughts after finding the same situation in each of the 3 rooms he opened.

He immediately decided to stop searching in he first floor an ascended into the second. After looking around, he left the second floor onto the third.