
Guardian sanctuary

our protagonist is a well-meaning, hardworking but lazy college student who gets dragged into a crazy life filled with danger, laughs, dangerous villains, good friends, deceit and a mystery no one was able to solve....just what is this place?

REDX12_AE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

The Stampede

Lliw was woken up by the class Rep when the session ended.

"hey, wake up." she said in annoyance.

"ah? Class Rep?..oh the lesson's over." Lliw woke up and stretched comfortably.

"man, Mr Jibaal's classes are the best" he muttered before turning to face the girl with rounded-rimmed specs staring down at him with a scowl on her face. from his angle, Lliw's view of her face was blocked by the specs.

"what can i do for you?" he asked once he was fully woke.

"you! " she pointed at him and fumbled inside her mind for nasty words, ultimately she failed.

"argh! you are such a chore! why do you always have to sleep in class? its because of all the games isn't it?" she put on a lecturing face as she pushed her specs up the bridge of her nose. Her red face was a testament to her frustration.

"s-s-sorry" Lliw apologized meekly even though she wasn't entirely correct, he knew that he was indeed causing her a lot of trouble by sleeping in class.

"sigh...whatever, anyway he are the notes, make sure you study them and if there's anything you don't understand, you can find me in the Library" She said, her frustration disappearing quickly. although the situation kept repeating for a while now, she could tell that he was sincere.

"Thank you Class Rep, i'll put them to good use" LLiw thanked her earnestly.

"yeah, yeah. Just make sure you don't squander them. Ok, we only have a few minutes before the next class" She said before walking away.

"sigh... I've troubled her a lot lately. I must treat her to lunch one of the days" Lliw thought before also going to his next class, he definitely couldn't afford to be late to that one.

Lliw saw all the boys racing to the class, he also promptly picked up his speed.


the stampeding male students all pushed and shoved each other to get into the class.

the passing students were already used to the scene so they just ignored them but there were some who weren't and stopped to stare at the spectacle.

There also some who were there for their own personal reasons. There were 4 figures waiting near the door to the class.

They were all males and although they were dressed in fashionable attire, the dangerous looks on their faces made the other students not want to get involved with them. the 4 figures were radiating a very savage aura, someone was definitely in trouble.

"Ah crap!" Lliw saw the figures in between the stampeding male students.

"Shit, i forgot how vengeful these guys are" He quickly hid behind a pillar with cold sweat quickly inhabiting his forehead.

"why are you just standing there, quickly head to class" The Class Rep whom he had already passed caught up to him and scolded him when she saw him standing behind the pillar.

"ahahah, Class Rep, t-this is...i'm just waiting for someone" He quickly made up a lie.

"Well whatever. Do whatever you want." She said before walking away, clearly annoyed by how he was Behaving.

"sigh...I've annoyed her yet again" He lamented but quickly got a hold of himself as he had bigger problems to worry about at the moment.

He cautiously peeked at the door of the class that was so close yet so far.

"There he is!"

An angry shout reached his ears making his heart stop for a fraction of a second before he quickly fled away in panic. In the next moment, 4 figures chased after one through the Hallway.