
Guardian sanctuary

our protagonist is a well-meaning, hardworking but lazy college student who gets dragged into a crazy life filled with danger, laughs, dangerous villains, good friends, deceit and a mystery no one was able to solve....just what is this place?

REDX12_AE · Fantasy
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60 Chs

The Girl She kissed

Xiao Hua flinched at her father's words and lowered her gaze despondently. She knew what he wanted to say.

" Dad, I'm afraid Xiao Hua can't fulfill your wish." Xiao Hua's mother said.

"Why not? is it because you don't think that boy is suitable for her? Hmph. let me tell you, I have yet to come across a youth I find more pleasing than him. He has his short comings as well but i assure you, his strong points far outweigh his short comings. I know he will make a good match for our Xiao Hua." The old man started rambling about how amazing Lliw was.

"No, no its not because of that" Xiao Hua's father cut him off before it was too late.

"Then why is it? Oh... i get it. Xiao Hua, why didn't you tell grandpa that you already have someone you like?" Old man Mu said bitterly to Xiao Hua who had her head lowered.

"Sigh, don't worry. If the boy is good then i won't raise any objections" The old man said with a sigh, feeling rather sad that Lliw couldn't become his grandson in-law. However he loved his granddaughter and believed in her choice. He wouldn't try to get her with someone she didn't like. As an old man he knew full well how much genuine love was important in any relationship.

"No dad. Your precious granddaughter here doesn't have any boy she likes." Xiao Hua's father corrected the old man.

"Eh? then what's the problem?" Old man Mu was feeling quite annoyed at how his son was beating around the bush so much, not realizing that it was he who kept interrupting him.

"That is the problem, dad. Xiao Hua doesn't like boys. " Xioa Hua's father said.

"Oh, that's fine. Its not a requirement to have found a boy you like at her age. Also, most of the young men today are horrible failures. In fact, i'm quite proud of Xiao Hua for keeping off them." The old man defended his granddaughter.

"That's not it dad. We caught her kissing with a girl, twice." Xiao Hua's mother joined in.

"She doesn't like men, she likes women. "


Old man Mu's eye twitched. He silently stared at the pair of husband and wife, then at Xiao Hua who had her head lowered even further.

"Xiao Hua, is this true?" He asked her. He was feeling very nervous. This was his one and only granddaughter. I-if she turned out to be one of those girls then he could kiss his dream of seeing his great grandchildren goodbye.

"..." Xiao Hua remained silent.

"See. She's not denying it. we saw it with our own 2 eyes" Her dad said in exasperation.

"Quiet! I want to hear her answer." Old man Mu snapped. It was easy to tell that he wasn't in a comfortable state of mind.

"Come dear, tell grandpa, do you really like girls?" He asked her, his tone still gentle. "..."

Seeing that she wasn't willing to talk, Old man Mu thought that she must be afraid.

"Come now. Grandpa only wants to know. Even if you do... prefer women. Grandpa won't hate you. You'll still be my sweet granddaughter" Old man Mu embraced her and gently rubbed her back consolingly.

"Wuu...Wuu, grandpa. I don't like women." She buried her face in his chest and cried pitifully. Her parents faced each other and shook their heads helplessly.

"Its ok, Its ok. Grandpa believes you. See, what did I tell you?" He consoled her before boasting to the couple. His face was full of smiles.

"The ask her why we caught her kissing those girls" Xiao Hua's father said.

"Xiao Hua, Why were you kissing with girls?" Old aman Mu asked but he didn't really care so much since he was still feeling elated that his granddaughter wasn't a degenerate.

"..." Xiao Hua pursed he lips and just buried her face in her grandfather's embrace. She couldn't tell them the reason for that. That was how this whole situation developed in the first place.


just as her parents were about to say something, a knock came from the door.

"Oh, could it be little Lliw?" Old man Mu wondered. He was in a pretty good mood and had long stopped caring about what the couple were trying to say. If his granddaughter said she didn't like women then she didn't. He knew her much better than they did.

"Oh, Lad! it's you" He exclaimed when he saw the 2 people that came in. It was Lliw and a young girl he didn't recognize. She was truly beautiful, beautiful enough to rival his own precious granddaughter. He wondered what her relationship with Lliw was. It'd be troublesome if she were his granddaughter's rival.

"Well, its fine. I don't believe our family's Xiao Hua would necessarily lose to her anyway." He thought.

"Err.." Lliw saw Xiao hua who was still in her grandfather's embrace and froze. She looked just like a cute little puppy. suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his back. He turned to find Jane pouting at him.

"Look at you. freezing at the sight of a beauty. can't you carry yourself properly" She whispered. She was embarrassed for him.

"I wasn't" He protested bitterly, knowing she wouldn't believe him anyway.

The faces of Xiao Hua's parent turned pale due to the shock.

"What's wrong with you 2?" Old man Mu asked the couple after releasing Xiao Hua from his embrace.

"I-its her.." Xiao Hua's mother stuttered.

""Her who? speak properly." Old man Mu said in displeasure.

"Dad, that's the girl we caught kissing with Xiao Hua" Xiao Hua's father said with a bit of reproach in his voice.
