
Ariadne's Thread

Jason debated whether to check the information on the chickens. They didn't look any different from the chickens on Earth.

Perhaps the only difference between the two was the presence of mana inside the chickens. Jason eyed the chickens for some time before raising his hands forward.

There were at least fifty of them walking together through the forest, probably in search of food or shelter.

'Hopefully, this works.' Jason silently prayed.

Dark mana gathered in the palm of his hand before launching outwards in the next second. The mana took the shape of a thin string which fell in the middle of the group of chicken.

Jason pulled on the string of dark mana. The edges sharpened out and directly passed through the body of multiple chickens, giving them a swift death.

The silver-haired boy simply moved his index and middle fingers, willing for the string of dark mana to cut through the chickens.