
Guardian of shouriku Ball Energy

One day, Gogan, a normal human, had an accident which made his right eye blind. after realizing that he has awakened an unknown power. with this power his plan is to create a group of superheroes with the same power name shouriku.After seeing that, the government decided to capture him and recreate his power to create the ultimate soldier.After escaping from the laboratory, Gogan and his friend went to an adventure to find all the shouriku ball across the world and destroy it.

xatriaxstudio · Action
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


[Are you stupid?].

[eh .. where am I?].

I was surrounded by black.

The demon says [You are inside the Bond of Darkness].

[a link?] I say.

The demon said [it was a place where a human and his demon could speak before they died].

[What you said? Am I dead?] [No, we're in between] Said the demon.

[Where are you? I can't see you] I said.

The demon says [I'm on your left].

When I look to my left there is a purple haired boy with a ponytail and black clothes with red eyes and he has horns.

[Hi, my name is Denma, one of the demon guardians].

[So your name is Dema] I say.

[No, it's Denma with an N in the middle] he said with an angry face.

[So do I summon you?] I ask.

[No, it was I who summoned you. you know? it's because of me that you're alive. He said.

[huh?] I was confused.

he said [This is the second time I've saved you, you know.]

So I said [When did you save me?]

Response from Denma [When you went you said Blondy was beating your ass and feeling unconscious. I possesed you and bit them up].

[Wait you possessed me?Why].

[I'm going to tell you, How did i end up in your body?] He said.

[4 years ago I was a Demon Guardian. My job was to protect the noble Demon baby. I did that for 4 years. the last years, I was order to protect a special baby demon. It was the baby of the demon duke Black. Everything was going well. One day, I was so tired that I went to sleep. I sleep too, so i can have some rest. I heard a scream and went i woke up the baby was dead and the sword of the murder was in my hand. So i open the door for looking someone suspicious. There were guards in front, there were guards. They capture me thinking that it was me who killed the baby. They throw me in prison for the moment. Until the demon King decide my fate. I was not prepared to die.After days and days of investigation to prove that i wasn't the murder.They came to the conclusion that i wasn't the murder. Even if i wasn't the murder. I wasn't able to protect the baby.So the demon king decided to banish me from the demon kingdom.

After they send me into the human world. Every demon who is dannish from the demon world is sent to the human world. After walking for 10 min. I saw someone. So, I said : Hi.

Suddenly he began to attack me. So, I tried to dodge everything. but he was so strong and so fast. I wasn't a match for him. The power level that he has was at the level of a royal knight. He tried to kill me with dark light. but in the last second using teleportation. I was able to escape. But not for long he can track me with my demonique auras.the human can't see that only angel and demon can see it.I was so in bad shape in need of a new body. If I possessed a human my demonique auras would vanish and he won't find me and the only way to acquire a new body was to do a contract or if someone was unconscious and that when, I find you. You were unconscious. So I possessed your body and for a moment I was able to control your body and I beat them up. The end].

[So you said that this place is the dond of darkness. A place where a demon …].

[Wait a second] [How did I die?] I ask.

Denma said [when you unplug it the bullet had so much energy it went crazy and hit you in the right eye].

[Can I live again?] I ask.

[Yes, you can revive].

[But before I resurrect you, you're going to have to make a pact with me].

[What? A deal?]

I was so confused [Why does a demon want a pact with me?] I thought to myself.

[So what do you want an exchange] I ask.

Right after, he smiled and said [If I make a deal with you. When you wake up you don't remember anything of what happened here].

[So what I want is ...].

Right after I woke up like he said I didn't remember anything.

But when I woke up, my right eye was hurting so much. so, I went to the mirror to see my face].

There was no pupil in my right eye. [What !!] I say screaming.

When Jake's parents hear me scream. They panicked.

[What's going on, are you okay?] They say.

[These are my eyes, I have no student].

[huh?] They were confused [let me see your eyes.]

When they saw my eyes, they were shocked.

[Can you see with your right eye] They ask.

I said no]. [Maybe you went blind in your right eye], said Mama Jake.

Before you go to the hospital, see my eyes.

We take everything I need to live in Jake's house.

When we got to the hospital we waited 48 minutes and they finally invited us to come see a doctor.

After 15 min of exam to see my problem.

The doctor finished and said [Looks like this boy's right eye is abnormal].

[??? What? Do you mean abnormal?] Mom Jake asks, confused.

[Your child's right eye is full of electricity. But I don't see any damage to his right eye].

After the doctor said, they looked at me.

[And the reason for his student's disappearance is unknown.]

[Do you know what happened before your right eye got like this?] Asked the doctor.

[I gathered my things and our school project, it was a ball full of electricity. When I started to unplug the electrical outlet the bullet raged and hit me in the right eye and I tried to open my eyes with only my left eye open] I say.

[ I see. For now, he is fine. But every week has come to see me and maybe we can find out what makes the eyes look like this], the doctor said.

After that, we say goodbye to the doctor and go home.

All week we played games and did the usual things.

Today is Monday. When I woke up it was 6:30 a.m.

I'm trying to wake Jake up so we can get ready for school.

We eat and do the usual stuff that we do everyday that we go to school.

After that we close the door and say bye to Jake's parents.

This time we walked until school, because we moved to a new place that was close to school.

when we arrived at school it was 7:20.

We enter the classroom and sit down.

After that, the teacher enrolled 3 new students, each of them looking like a delinquent.

The teacher says: Ok class, we have 3 new transfer students, so give them good welcome. You can introduce yourself].

[Hi, my name is John. Nice to meet you].

[Hello, my name is Den. Nice to meet you].

[Hi, my name is Jayson].

Once the new students have introduced themselves, the teacher says [ok, you sit at the back of the class]. the new students sat down calmly. [Ok class, let's continue with last week's lesson] said the teacher.

After the teacher said that, I remember last week I wasn't there.

So, I ask Jake to give me last week's work for me to copy.

After their first day, they started to harass the students at the school, but a few people knew about it.

The first week has passed. They change people every time.

At first it was just a joke. even there they did it every day.

It started to get annoyed.

Tomorrow was the day for us to return the project.

We just change the shape. We replace the ball with a cube.

We put our project where everyone has put their project and went back home.

Tomorrow will be the day of the presentation of the project.

When we entered the class our project was destroyed. So we started to panic.

I say [let's try to think about how we're going to fix this].

[Who can destroy it?] Jake asks.

[I don't know. Yesterday when I put the project on the table it was in one piece] I said

so Jake asks[Do you think someone destroyed it?].

[Maybe, but we don't know who did it] I said.

[We only have 5 minutes before class starts] Jake said.

we started to put it all together. But before we finished putting all the pieces together, it was time for class to begin.

So, we sat down and the teacher walked into the class and said [Ok everyone. Each group comes and presents their project. We will start from left to right].

Once everyone had finished presenting their project, it was our turn to present our project.

So, we told the professor that our project had been destroyed.

So the teacher gave us 10. I thought we were going to get a 0.

Once we got back to our chair, I turned around and saw Jayson's group lap at us.

so, I came to the conclusion that the one who destroyed our project was them.

[So it was them] I told myself.

I was so angry. I go to them and say [did you do it?].

[Did what?] Jayson asked.

[you know what i mean] i said.

[If you want to sort this out, come to the back of the school] said Jayson.

I was too angry to see what they were planning.

After the 5 period it was lunch time so we went to the back of the school.

This was the place where we had made an appointment.

[So what do you want?] They ask.

[Don't play a fool with me, you know what, I mean you broke our project] I said with an angry face.

[do you have proof that it was me?] he asked with a smile.

[No, But I know it was you who broke our project. It couldn't just be broken like that without anyone touching it] I said.

They started to walk around and say [Yeah, we broke it, what are you gonna do?]

After admitting it, I was so angry that I hit him.

He fell back and said [bastard, who dared you hit me!!] Jayson said.

After saying that John and Den went behind my back and grabbed me so I couldn't move.

Jayson closed his hand and started hitting me in the stomach.

He punched and punched me over and over again.

After I started to cry, they left me on the floor.

After that, my anger got stronger. [I want to kill them] i said to myself.

So, I decided to play a prank on them too. But it must be worse than what they did to us.

After 2 weeks, the teacher gave us a new project.

My plan was to destroy and throw their project in the trash.

After the teacher gave us the project. Jake and I went to great lengths to complete our project and bring it somewhere that only Jake and I know.

They still have 2 days to complete it.

In the morning, Jake and I go to class 20 minutes before class starts.

It must therefore be found and destroyed before 7:25 a.m.

Class starts at 7:30 a.m., but some students have taken the class five minutes before class starts.

After 6 minutes of searching, we finally found it to be number 15.

The teacher gave us a number. Each team has a number. You can be 2 or 3 in a team no more no less.

After we destroy it and throw it in the trash.

We went back to our room and they were 7 min before the class start the students began to enter in the class and began to place their project on the table.

After everyone present they protected it as they turned. But, when they went to take their project. their project wasn't there.

John says [ Where are our projects?]

Den says [It was just here yesterday].

After that Jayson looked at me.

Me and Jake tried to be mo naturel at posible. So they can suspect use.

But it didn't work.

After the class was finished it was time to go home.

Jake parents move some here close to the school and close to work.

So we don't ride the bus anymore.

When we were on our way to get to home where Jayson and his friend they were waiting for use.

I think it's inevitable for use to fight.

But this time I wasn't alone like last time.