
Guardian in Orario (up for adoption)

This has a similar setting as my first book. Izuku died and reincarnated as a baby. The world the baby was born in a very cruel and twisted. After adapting to the world and gaining strength beyond what others could even dream of, he died. Now, on his third life, his cheat, the golden finger, came in late. In a world of monster, magic, and gods, he decided he will be at the top. I do not own Danmachi, I do not own anything but the plot and OCs. Do not expect anything grand or the like, I am just doing this for fun, everything I type is just things that come to my mind, so it will probably not be consistent or very good, if you hate systems, reincarnation, OP characters, or just a jackass of a main character who doesn’t really care about the lives and deaths of others, this isn’t the book for you, I hope you find a book or fanfic you like.

DaoistLvbLz6 · Others
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22 Chs

Chapter 22

It was a ln invasion from a neighboring empire, well, the name of the empire was 'Empire', real creative naming right there. Anyways, they were going to invade the kingdom and they planned on starting from with his village. An entire empire against two villages.

'This will be interesting.' He thought, the Empire if he remembers correctly has many gods within them, and the thing is that they give blessings to every soldier within their ranks. And with a force around half a million full of blessed people it could be troublesome. But if they are just small blessings then they would be easy work.

After all, people with the lowest level blessing from a god are not even in the basic tier. And if it is like that, their forces which has at least ten knights could easily butcher at least a hundred thousand of them before they need to retreat.

And the new artillery builders are very important as well. If they could create the Annihilation Cannon mark 2, then they would win, no doubt, the Annihilation Cannon mark 2 is a cheap but powerful artillery that can shoot a dozen rounds a minute. Each round is equivalent to an expert tier being attacking.

And to add to it, each shot only takes up around the average amount of mana or aura within an average person. That means any knight could use it for around half an hour without worry. This is why the Annilihation Cannon Mark 2 is considered one of the most useful artillery in history.

It has a great conversion rate and very high mobility, in fact four normal people could carry it around two kilometers with little problems.

He burst out of his room and started to look for the artillery builders. They were still building the ballista. It was perfectly reasonable, after all, it was well over twenty meters tall and dozens of meters wide. It was full of machinery and had runes and other forms of magic.

So it made sense they were not done yet. As he walked there the other turned their heads his way. Listening to him as they worked.

"I would like you all to set this to the side and make the Annihilation Cannon Mark 2, war is just around the corner and we need some artillery fast." He ordered he then started to go towards Olivia and Nick. He would need to inform them.

He soon found the two in the conference room by themselves. He burst into the room and found that they were waiting form him

"My lord, we have heard of the news, we shall ready the soldiers." The two said in unison. They bowed to the ground and started to prepare the troops of war.

Author, he was very interested in the way this was going to play out. The Empire is one of the largest powerhouses in the continent, if they invaded York it was guaranteed to fall.

But he was someone with the system, he could create many soldiers, many of which could throw people of this world around like toys. So it was very debatable who would win.

He would like to say it was going to be his own troops, but currently, the Empire could have gain great strength in the past. That would make the book he read about it outdated, which it was as it was over a hundred years old. There could easily be over double the amount of troops.

And it was likely he would need to lead the charge into the empire.

He looked into the distance and started to get ready for war. He had a vicious grin on him now, he was reminiscing about his past, as a warlord. He wanted to relive those moments.

Author was ready for war, and so was everyone else in the villages. With so many artillery plus with knights and the squires, butchering them will be easy. Especially if they were buffed with magic or the like.

"People of Dovana! The Empire has shown aggressive behavior to us! And it is only time before they launch war against us!!! But we shall not allow them the first strike, we shall strike them first, we will paint their cities in blood!!!" Author declared and the others were not disgusted with the idea of killing humans but were actually quite excited to do so.

"Come, let them know why we were considered the number one kingdom, let us show them our might!!" He rallied the people and they were excited for war, really excited.

"Now, march!"

The army started to march towards the direction of the Empire army. For them, it will be a cake walk, especially if Author helped them, with his magic he could easily take down half of them. Not to mention him taking down all of them.

He marched with the others, making sure to stand on the front lines. And that was for good reasons as well. For the strongest must be at the front, to pierce enemy lines and install fear into them, for fear will only show if the enemy seems invincible.

When that happens, fear kicks in, and when you have an army like his own, well they feed of fear and when you have fear against and army like his, well, that is there moment defeat is guaranteed.

The army marched to the empire army. Who were completely unaware of the hell that was to come, for they were ignorant. For they were weak. For they were stupid.

This is why they were going to know hell, and why they were going to lose.
