
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasy
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66 Chs

01: The Guardian Planet.

The pods headed into outer space. From the small window on the side of the space pods, the planet Mascus could still be seen. They traveled further and further away from the colony.

Margrit was no longer wearing that combat suit, but her combat uniform instead. She felt much more comfortable out of that heavy piece of junk. Her uniform was much lighter and allowed her to move about freely, especially in the air. It consisted of tights, knee pads, shoulder pads, and a chest plate.

Kane, however, followed the rules even more strictly than Margrit. Since his return from earth, he had never been seen without the combat suit.

Suddenly, the red light flashed on the control panel. "What's that?" Zelfire asked in alarm.

"Code red."

"What does that mean?" At least he knew red wasn't good.

Margrit: "It means we're under attack!! Star Fighters!"

Zell: "They obviously don't want us to get to Guardian."

Margrit: "Well, I'm not going down that easily!"

Not far from the pods, five Star Fighters approached at high speeds and the pilots were ordered to kill. They began shooting at the pods. Margrit's and Kane's pod shot back at them. Zap! Zap! Zap! Two of the ships blew up, thanks to Margrit's skills. Now, only three were left. One of them flew fast at the pod, Margrit shot it and BOOM!

Zelfire: "That was close..."

Margrit: "Three down, two to go!"

The ships chased after Kane's pod and shot it. The lasers damage the pod severely and it lost control. Margrit's pod quickly flew to their rescue. She shot both of the enemies and they blow up.

Margrit: "The enemy is gone...Kane, what's the status of your space pod?"

[Kane responded on the intercom. The picture on the screen was static and fuzzy., even though the pods were very close. "Although its badly damaged, it can still fly. But our gas tank is destroyed! We don't have much fuel left. It can't go to Guardian. We have to go back to the colony."]

Jerrell: "What?! But...what a bummer...we made it all the way here and we have to go back."

Zelfire: "Damn! I can't believe this! Just the two of us can't beat Dark Spectre alone!"

Margrit: "Don't worry about that! If you're too afraid, then you can hide some where and I'll do everything!"

Zelfire: "No way! I can handle it!"

Kane: "We'll come back as soon as the repairs are fixed."

Margrit: "See ya."

Jerrell: "Good luck, sis."

So Kane's ship went back to planet Mascus, while Margrit's ship continued to Guardian.

Margrit's pod finally reached Guardian Planet three hours later. Their long, tedious journey could be summarized according to Margrit in one word: torture. That had been the longest three hours she had in her life.

She and Zelfire had a long conversation, but they ended up talking about Mason.

She wished Mason could have been there. Yeah, they had different views on things, but they could understand each other.

Zelfire: "Look! We're there!"

Margrit: "Finally."

The pod entered the atmosphere smoothly. She landed the pod down on the ground. The door opened and they step out. The atmosphere was very different from earth or Mascus. Although there were suns, they were distant stars and the sky was pitch black. The whole planet was made up of deserts and mountains, nothing else.

The desert sand was dark red, and there were mild winds.

Margrit: "What a creepy place."

"This place reminds me of a nightmare I had once...it's like hell…"

"It's so dark...and lonely..."

"Yep, it is dark."

"What a crappy planet this is, don't you think so?"

"What a beautiful planet this is, don't you think so, my fellow people?"

Villager: "What do you want?"

"We have come for the crystal." Dark Spectre answered in his deep voice.

Dark and his gang were inside a village, knowing that a crystal was here some where. Their scouters had directed them to this pathetic excuse of a village. The villagers wore nothing but worn out clothing and some had no shoes. Their houses were primitively wood and hay.

Standing before Dark's soldiers were the leader of the village, the villagers and their children. The children grasped their parent's leg, hiding behind them, shaking in fear.

Leader: "The crystal? What crystal?"

"Don't play dumb with me! I know one of the seven Anubis Crystals is in here somewhere!" the tyrant said angrily.

D. Soldier: "Yeah, you better not anger our Lord, or else you'll regret it."

Villager: "Leave now! You're not welcome here!"

Dark: "Did you hear that, boys? We're not welcome here! Ooo, I'm soooo scared!"

All his soldiers laughed out loud.

Dark: "Now seriously, we'll leave once you hand over the crystal."

Child: "Daddy, I'm scared!"

Villager: "Don't worry! It'll be alright. Just get inside the house and do not come out!"

So all the children ran into their homes.

Dark: "Well? What is your answer? My patience is getting thin!"

Leader: "Never!"

He attacked Dark's soldiers, but they beat him up. He fell on the ground and the soldiers continued beating him.

Villager: "Stop! Can't you see he can't fight back?!"

D. Soldier: "We'll let him go once you give it to us."

Villager: "If I give it to you, will you promise to leave us and never come back?"

Kano: "Don't worry. We will. We always keep our word, isn't that right Lord Dark?"

Villager: "Fine, you can have it."

Leader: "Nooooo! D-Don't d-do it..."

The villager went inside his house and came out with the crystal.

Dark: "Magnificent! If only you've done that sooner, a lot less people would get hurt."

The villager noticed the other crystals the soldiers were holding. "You already have three of them? What are you, making a collection?"

Kano: "Just shut up and hand it over!"

He handed the crystal to one of the soldiers, who gave it to Dark. Dark examined it and assured it's the real thing.

Dark: "Good. Kano, you know what to do."

Kano: "I sure do!"

He walked over to the injured leader and took out his round sword.

Villager: "NOOOO!!!"

Kano stabbed him and licked the blood from his sword.

Villager: "Why? I did everything you told me..."

Dark: "Yes you did. And as a reward, you will receive a quick and painless death."

Villager: "I trusted you! You promised to leave once I give it to you!"

Dark: "Guess what, I lied. Ha ha ha ha ha!"

The villager was really angry now. No, not just angry. Outraged.

He just couldn't take it anymore. He attacked Kano, but he was no match for the fearsome space pirate. Kano stabbed him and he died.

Dark and his gang flew away with the crystals.

Dark: "Where's our next destination?"

Kano checked his scouter, "Hmmm, the next one is in the village ten miles from here."

Meanwhile, Margrit checked her scouter and made a discovery.

Zelfire: "What is it?"

Margrit: "Hmmm, looks like there's a crystal just ahead, not far from here. Hold on, there's more! So many energy levels!"

Zelfire: "Is it Dark Spectre?"

Margrit: "Yes, and his foot soldiers. I think it is...I've never seen a power level as high as this before, not even close to it! They're moving!"

Zelfire: "Where?"

Margrit: "Down south. There's four more very high energies, it must be the crystals!"

"They have four already?!"

"Looks like he's one step ahead of us...or should I say four steps ahead of us..."

With Jerrell and Kane out of the picture, do Zelfire and Margarita stand a chance on this scavenger hunt?