
Guardian Angel.

Xukai pulled her closer so that she could feel the bulge between his legs. What what is that.She thought of what the book said. "Don't fall in love with your guardian object.

Lisarosa_Nicole · Others
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10 Chs

Encounter at DaoXiangCun.

Li Fang pulled the garment tightly on her body as she waited under the Yunnan tree.He asked her to meet at DaoXingCun.This was one of the things she hated about him.As usual,she arrived in his absence.

She turned around and the smell of freshly baked jujube flower shortbread hit her hard like a hailstorm.A family sat happily enjoying the delicacy as the little boy among them threw tantrums around.

She looked at the far corner of the bakery through the glass slides and saw a man gazing at her intensely.His gaze was so intense that,she had the urge to go ask him the reason for staring at her that way.

Her legs suddenly became wobbly as the man smirked still gazing at her.She controlled herself just as she was going to fall on her butt. "Sorry for the delay" ,a familiar voice said trying to take her attention away from the man.

"Do you want to have some cakes with me?" ,he asked her. "Haoyu,it is a quarter to nine already and you are talking we having cakes" ,Li Fang said turning to peek at the man again.To her surprise,he was not there.

"Umm..Haoyu,it's getting late,why don't we talk about this tomorrow",Li Fang suggested.Haoyu nodded and offered to take her home as it was getting dark.She declined his offer and rounded the next corner to her house.

As she walked,she felt someone following her.She turned the next corner and the person seemed to be getting closer." Why did decline Haoyu's offer ",she thought to herself as she quickened her pace.In no time,she was in front of her gate.

She opened it walked into her house with a smile on her face.The smile suddenly turned into an ear splitting scream.There sitting on her comfy sofa was the man she saw at the bakery.