
Guardian Alliance

A generation of highly gifted shape the future as they forge alliances to battle the opposing forces. As one story unfolds another is told in the shadows of the light. Differences will be realized causing further difficulty that will add on to the many obstacles these young gifted will have to overcome if they wish to move forward.

JoKing101 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

4. Leading Lady

"It's just as the hostages said sir. Muhammad did not act alone." Allana said sitting in the Commissioner's office along with Commissioner Joe Adams and her S.W.A.T. Captain John Mills.

"If that's true then we've got another supernatural problem." Captain Mills

"Not to mention that ninja shows his hidden smug once again. Who the hell is he?" Commissioner Adams wondered.

"Commissioner, permission to give my opinion on the ninja?" Allana

"Granted." Commissioner Adams

"Sir, I'm no fan of the ninja myself but in reality, he is the reason that the people can go a long while without having to constantly worry about looking over they're shoulders." Allana

"She has a point Joe. We're still undergoing repairs after that invasion 2 months ago but we were able to begin the repairs thanks to that guy. Those creatures overran New York for nearly a month until he made his appearance on the very last day of February." Captain Mills said backing up his lieutenant.

"Yes, yes yet where did he come from? For all we know he came from that same portal that appeared over the Madison Square Garden. Maybe that's how he was even able to take out those demons and close the portal, because he's one of them!" Commissioner Adams

"Even if that's true Joe, why would he turn on his own? Not to mention he held a lot more power than those demons could even muster up and there were hundreds of them everywhere. He did after all take them out in one day maybe less." Captain Mills argued.

"If he's really on our side then why the full body cover?" Commissioner Adams

"I'm pretty sure all superheroes have secret identities Joe." Captains Mills

"Read to much comic books is more like it.." Allana said under her breath.

"What was that Allana?" Captain Mills said hearing Allana mumble.

"Nothing!" Allana replied quickly.

Moments later the Deputy Commissioner Chelsea Castro came bursting in the room with urgent news.

"Sir! Pardon the intrusion but there's been a citing of some unusual creature circling Liberty Island!" Said the Deputy Commissioner.

"Well that didn't take long now did it?" Allana asked sarcastically as she, Captain Mills and the Commissioner exit the office.

The 3 meet a large squadron of the police force along the New York harbor. They exit the vehicle they traveled in the second it came to a stop. Every police officer saluted the Commissioner upon sight.

"Report!" Commissioner Adams

"Sir! Something, massive is circling the island. The people that were there also say that there is a strange woman throwing a fit after the statue." One of the officers on the scene explained.

"What do you mean fit?" Allana

"Well.. They said that her exact words were, 'she doesn't deserve this'." The officer answered quoting what he was told.

"The hell?" Allana mumbled to herself.

Meanwhile on Liberty Island, there was but only 1 being inhabiting it. She wasn't human but had a somewhat human figure. Body covered in blue scales, long sharp claws, large black eyes, long pale blue hair and has a long thin tongue. She wears a large sky blue colored bridal dress which covers from her chest to her feet.

"I demand that this preposterous monument be removed at once!! I am obviously a much more qualified sight to be seen than this peasant!! I was once a ruler of my own kind!! I ruled with an iron fist, but that wasn't enough now was it?!!" The humanoid creature would go on and on about how great she is and would stick to that topic for a few minutes.

"Hmph! No one is around to hear me? Fine, we'll do it ourselves! Right Moochi?!" She said as she turned and faced the water asking her question.

Seconds later, an enormous sea horse like creature with sizable limbs rises up from the water in response to the reptile woman. Everyone on the harbor witnessed the creature rise up and did not like this sight.

"What the hell is that?!" Allana

"Its a.. Sea horse?!" Captain Mills responded.

"Helicopters in the air! Boats be ready to mobilize! We need to get that thing before it does what I think its about to do!" Commissioner Adams ordered.

The creature had scales that glistened in the sunlight. It made the reptilian's eyes sparkle with envy.

"Aww that's a good Moochi! Come to mama!" The reptile woman said to the large creature.

The creature lowered its head in front of the reptile, she in turn hugs and pets the creature.

"Awww yes my sweet Moochi! My loyal pet whom I can always count on! Unlike those rotten filth back home! If we can't rule over our homeland, we'll just have to take over this land instead and what better way to make a statement than watching their leading lady take a nose dive towards the bottom of the harbor? Do it now my pet, make mama proud!!" The reptile woman said to the creature.

"Sir! Its making a move!" Allana said noticing the creature.

Everyone at the harbor watched on as the creature came out of the water onto Liberty Island. The creature stood on 4 legs and has a height reaching as tall as the statue's knees and its length is about half of the island itself. The statue wasn't even on ground level so that height alone was impressive. The creature began to dig at the ground signaling that its ready to charge after the Statue of Liberty.

"We're to late." The Commissioner said clenching his teeth.

The sea horse arched its upper body forward far enough so that its head is slightly off of the ground, tensed its rear legs and instantly leaped forward with the intent of knocking over the Statue of Liberty with 1 massive impact from its head.

"Jesus!" Captain Mills said in reaction to the sea horse's leap.

Commissioner Adams kept quiet as he watched on.

"Anytime now." Allana said to herself.

Everyone in attendance witness the sea horse get in close proximity of the statue only to be bounced off and get sent back to the other side of the island. The top half of the sea horse remained on the island while the bottom half is off of the island in the water.

"What?!" The Commissioner.

"The hell?!" Captain Mills.

Everyone at the harbor dropped their jaws at the unexpected occurrence. All except for Allana.

"Moochi?!! W-What in the world?!!" The reptile said as she watches her pet Moochi deflect off of the statue and land in the distance.

She then turns back towards the statue and stares at the exact spot where Moochi made contact with. She instantly realizes upon sight that Moochi in fact did not make contact with the statue but something else, someone actually. The reptile woman watches as the man land on top of the statue's feet from the height it had made contact against Moochi. It was non other than the sword wielding ninja, Sigma.

"It's just one thing after the other with this city." Sigma says as he scratches the back of his head.

"Showoff." Allana said in a unhappy tone.