
Giant Chickadee

=Above the grounds of the earth=

Celsius: "Wait you, two. Before we start moving, I need to unpack some things."

Nympha: "What's there to unpack?"

Ray: "Hmm. Don't tell me you're tired already?" (Are nomads this weak?)

Celsius: "No…This!" He brought out his storage crystal and scattered several purple cubes on the ground.

Both were dumbfounded by Celsius' action. Nympha picked one of the purple cubes.

Nympha: "What is this anyway?"

Celsius: "Hey drop it. Just leave it there on the ground. Those will come in handy." (You guys will be amazed when you see what it does. Just wait.)

Ray: "That's a lot."

Celsius then took two strange looking pills.

Celsius: "Catch!" He throw these at them. "We will need it as well." He took the preparation on this mission seriously.

Nympha: "And what is this?"

Ray: "Hey, this smells funny…what is it?"

Celsius: "Don't ask. Just eat it. You won't understand once I explained it anyway."

Ray and Nympha hesitated.

Celsius: "Hey, I'm a nomad and I ate it. What could it do to a human specifies like you two?" He taunted.

Both were forced to swallow the pills.

Celsius: (Heh. They fell for it. My guinea pigs.)

Nympha: "Ray, do you feel different?" She asked.

Ray: "…No…" (What is that thing anyway?)

They both looked at Celsius as they start to doubt him.

Celsius: *It's not a thing, Ray.*

Ray: "!!!" (You can hear my thoughts?!)

Nympha: "Hey, Ray I'm talking to you. (Just what did this crazy kid do to me?)

Celsius: *That's quite a compliment, Ms. Nympha.*

They both panicked.

Celsius: "Relax, it's called a telepathic gum. I invented it."

Nympha: "You're a weirdly genius."

Ray: "It's kinda creepy. You reading our thoughts."

Celsius: "It's much faster to talk inside our heads rather than our mouth. But this pill only last a day, we need to take it once a day." He explained.

Nympha: (That's amazing.)

Celsius: *Well, I'm that capable.*

Ray: (This is an effective way to communicate.)

Celsius: "Okay, enough. Use it only if we got separated or if we got some emergency to deal with." He looked at their surroundings. "Since the purple cubes had been absorbed by the ground, we can now proceed."

Nympha: "You didn't tell us what's the use of those purple cubes."

Celsius: "Later, you guys will find out."

The party went on and explore the plains. Along the way, they saw a lot of habitants in pack and other different wild creatures and organisms. They passed thru large trunks of trees and gigantic plants. They even saw a flying habitant above the big vast blue sky.

A lot of times Ray and Celsius can't stop with their bickering. They are having this petty argument on the things they've been seeing.

Nympha: "Quit it you two! With that attitude, we will never find it. Stop admiring things here."

Celsius: "She is right…Hey, Ray come here!"

Ray was observing a creature from afar. It's a two-legged creature with a red feather above the head and a golden yellow feather covering its entire body. He was fascinated by the creature, he didn't hear their calling. The two had to approach him.

Nympha: "Hey, what are you doing?"

Ray: "What are those? They look delicious."

Celsius took a glance of what the thing is.

Celsius: "That's a Chickadee. And yes, they are known for their delicious tasty meat."

Nympha: (Quick! You, two hide.) She started speaking with her mind.

Ray: (Why?)

Nympha: (Celsius was right but you guys didn't know that Chickadees are dangerous habitants.)

Celsius: (That's only a young. What could it possibly do?)

Ray: (What are you guys talking about?)

Nympha: (You're right. I think that's a lost Chickadee.) She scanned the surrounding.

Ray: (Hey guys, don't ignore me.)

Celsius: (Good. Since it got lost in its flock, we can have it for our meal.)

Nympha: *sigh* (Okay just this time. I will let you have it your way.)

Ray: (Guys? Anybody?)

Celsius: (Ray. Slay that Chickadee, we can turn it into our meal. This searching made me hungry.)

Ray: (Geez. Finally.)

Nympha: (Ray, I will cover for you.)

Ray: (No need, sis. I will end it quickly.)

Ray unsheathed his stone sword. He began to concentrate his energy in his sword. The sword levitated in the air with a swirling air of energy.

Celsius: (Whoa.)

Nympha: (Hurry, Ray. I think it just felt your energy.)

In a sudden flash the sword flew and slashed the head of the Chickadee.

Ray: (Great! Right on time!)

Nympha: "Wow! That was an instant death."

The party went to the beheaded Chickadee's location.

Celsius: "I'm going to store this habitant in my storage crystal. We need to preserve its freshness."

He was about to secure the meat of the dead Chickadee when suddenly Nympha felt something's rushing towards their direction.

Nympha:"Guys! We need to r---"

Above them appeared a large mature looking Chickadee. It was about thirty feet tall. The creature eyes were fierce and all of its feathers were standing up. The feathers were like a sharp edged swords.

Celsius: *gulp* (Oh crap! It's the mother!)

Ray: (So, they can grow about this size.)

Nympha: (Ray, it's not the time to be amazed. We need to move!)

The creature is intimidating. The mother glanced at its dead offspring.

Nympha: (We need to run now! Ray, carry Celsius and run fast as you can. I will try to lure it.) She looked at him straight in the eye.

Ray: (What?! Carry him? We can fight---)

Nympha: (Ray!! Just follow my instruction! I'll explain later.)

Ray had no choice but to agree.

Nympha: *sigh* (I hope other nasty creatures won't appear as well. This won't turn any good.)

Celsius: (What are you guys talking behind my back.)

Nympha and Ray faces were dead serious. One mistake could lead to their end.

Celsius: (Guys?)

Nympha: "Celsius, cover your ears!"

Celsius immediately followed.

Nympha: "HOWLING!!!" She used her 1st tier skill. The deafening sound redirects the creature's attention on her. "Run! I'll catch up ahead."

With her signal Ray ran toward Celsius and swiftly picked him up.

Celsius: "What are you doing?!"

He was carried in a bridal style manner!

Ray: *embarrassed* "Shut it! I'm trying to save your life!"

Ray run with all his might while he carries Celsius in his arms.

Celsius: "Hey, put me down!" He protested.

Ray: "No! Just bare with it for a while."

The ground shuddered from the place. Trees and plants were almost blown away. Upon reaching a distance, Ray stopped and let go of Celsius. He looked at the direction to where they left Nympha.

Ray: "I hope sis is alright." *deep breath* "Celsius, stay here. I'm going to go back."

Celsius: "She will be alright. It's dangerous to go back."

Ray: "Bu--"

"I TOLD YOU GUYS TO RUN! WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!" The voice came from behind. It was Nympha.

Both felt glad seeing her.

Ray: "I forgot your tough, sis."

Celsius: "Told you she's going to be fine."

They got interrupted when the furious giant Chickadee suddenly appeared chasing after them.

Ray: "Right…I forgot about him."


Celsius: "WAIT!" He halted.

Nympha: "Are you out of your mind?! We're doing this to protect you!"

Celsius: "Keep silent for a while."

Ray: "Guys! It's closing in!"

The creature is up ahead in a distance. Its beak is wide open and its eyes are glowing red. Nympha turned her head and faced Ray.

Nympha: "We got no choice. We fight it! Let's just hope it won't attract any viles in the area."

Ray: "Okay, I'm ready." He held his stone sword firmly.

In a brink of a moment, the creature is about to reach them. Celsius suddenly took out the purple cube and grabbed the two of them in the arms.

Celsius: "I told you guys to wait." He broke the cube and a purple mist came out and engulfed them.

They had instantly vanished leaving the giant Chickadee behind.


"Blehh!!! Blehh" Ray and Celsius were on the same state again.

Nympha: "Huh? What happen? We're back at entrance."

Celsius: "A--allow me to explain." As he wiped a stench from his mouth.

Ray's head is hurting.

Ray: "That was more terrible the second time around."

Nympha: "You two need to settle down first."

After some rest, they started with their discussion.

Celsius: "Check any parts of your body. Any missing limbs?"

Ray: "Huh?"

Nympha: "What?"

Celsius: "Just do it."

They just did what he asked.

Ray: "All complete."

Nympha: "Same here."

Celsius: "Then…It works!" He exclaimed. "This purple cube is what you called prototype gates."

Nympha: "Did you just say prototype?" Her eyebrows automatically furrowed.

Celsius: "Let me rephrase it. It works, so it's not a prototype anymore."

Nympha grabbed the collar of Celsius' clothes.

Nympha: "We could have died, if your plan failed. I will choose to fight that giant Chickadee and be killed by it rather to die with an unknown death."

Celsius just shrugged.

Celsius: "Okay. But my point is, it worked."

Ray: "Sis Nympha, it's okay now. You can release him."

Nympha let go of Celsius and looked at them seriously.

Nympha: "Since you both guys are nutshells, I'll be taking in charge."

Celsius: "Sure, if that's what you want."

Ray: "Well, I'm okay whoever is in charge." He smiled.

Nympha: "Good…Before we continue this mission…Celsius, you have to tell us everything we need to know. Who knows if you have some hidden plans or other prototypes you need for testing. I don't want to become a part of your experiments." She said seriously.

Celsius: "Okay, I will. Let's just get this done and be over it." *sigh*
