

In a world where magic and martial arts coexist, a young human accidentally stumbles into an orc camp, unwittingly uncovering a millennia-old mystery of racial warfare. Dragons clash with demonic beasts, elves feud with dwarves, yet the animosity between humans and orcs remains unyielding. As the continent of Belrand once again finds itself in turmoil, this young man may prove to be the pivotal figure in determining the fate of races.

DaoistfDbyhk · Fantasy
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179 Chs

Chapter 17 Magic Apprentice

In the overgrown bushes, the young mercenary calmly faced the first hunt of his life. The angry monster roared and slammed into the thin human in front of it again and again, trying to tear him to pieces with its fangs and knock him away! The bushes are the home territory of the black-backed pig, and its powerful force plows deep furrows among the bushes and weeds. Faced with the crazy attack of the black-backed pig, Arthur was calm and calm that a boy of his age should not have, and he could only dodge the attack at the moment it was about to come. It seems to be an extremely dangerous process, but every dodge is precisely calculated, and no one is wasted on it. While Arthur was dodging, the sharp hunting knife in his hand scratched the black-backed boar again and again. Although the wounds each time we're stabbed were not deep, after escaping more than a dozen attacks, the black-backed pig's body was covered with more than a dozen wounds that kept gushing blood, and its black mane was like blood. Dyeing is average. This scene made Tony and Angus stunned in the trees in the distance! Doesn't this kid know how to be afraid? This is obviously a practice with this monster! You must know that even the second-level mercenaries couldn't cope with the crazy black-backed pig. Some first-level mercenaries who were hunting for the first time were even scared to the point of peeing in their pants. Little did they know that in the eyes of Arthur, who was accustomed to seeing more ferocious orc warriors in the orc camp, this crazy black-backed boar was not as ferocious as the war in the camp. After missing again, the black-backed pig did not charge forward again. Its body was trembling slightly, and the continuous blood loss had made it weak. However, its blood-red eyes were still staring at Arthur, inside. Still full of violence, madness and anger! This is a precursor to the complete outbreak of the black-backed pig. The crazy pig would rather die together than turn around and run for his life! Arthur clenched the hunting knife in his hand again, bowed slightly, and stared at the black-backed pig with the same intensity. Now he really became serious! The black-backed pig and Arthur suddenly moved at the same time and rushed towards each other. The running black-backed pig used all four hooves to leap up from the ground, slamming into Arthur from the air with a huge force. The huge force is enough to knock Arthur away. Before the collision, a pair of fangs will easily penetrate the leather armor and open Arthur's chest. Arthur, who was facing the collision of the black-backed ferocious pig, had no intention of dodge and also jumped into the air. Arthur jumped higher than the black-backed pig, and the hunting knife in his hand flashed with cold light, and he stabbed out like lightning. This is clearly a move to die together! The key to life and death is only whether the black-backed pig's fangs open Arthur's chest first, or whether Arthur's hunting knife penetrates the pig's body first? This is "fighting to death", every move is to put oneself in danger of death! But at the moment when one person and one beast collided, a sudden change occurred! The black-backed boar shook its head violently, and a pair of fangs in its mouth suddenly shot out, like two flying knives shooting up and down at Arthur's chest and face. Tony and Angus in the trees in the distance couldn't help but exclaimed. They had forgotten to remind Arthur that although the Black-backed Hog was only a first-level Warcraft, as long as it was a Warcraft, it had its own magic skills! The Black-backed Hog is no exception. Its natural skill is to shoot out a pair of tusks. A pig that has lost its tusks has basically lost most of its attack capabilities. Therefore, the pig will never give up its pair of tusks easily until it is a critical moment to save its life. It seems that Arthur's previous teasing really made it anxious. The black-backed pig is already furious! Faced with the shooting fangs, Arthur did not hide. At such a close distance, he couldn't hide even if he wanted to. He just tried his best to turn slightly sideways in the air, trying his best to avoid the vital points of his body. He stretched his arms forward and stabbed the knife faster. A fang instantly scratched across Arthur's cheek, bringing out a bright red line of blood. The other one easily pierced the leather armor on Arthur's chest, and the huge inertia pushed Arthur down hard. After all, the hunting knife in Arthur's hand did not touch the body of the black-backed pig! As if it had exhausted its last bit of strength, the black-backed pig followed and fell to the ground, its huge head hitting Arthur, who fell to the ground. Before the black-backed pig could stand up and attack again, Arthur, who was lying on his back, jumped up like a spring. His body rushed forward, and the foot-long blade in his hand pierced the pig's eye socket like lightning. The black-backed pig shook its head crazily and roared at the top of its lungs. Arthur grasped the handle of the knife tightly and rotated the blade vigorously, smashing the black-backed pig's entire brain. The black-backed boar swayed in an attempt to maintain its balance. After several attempts, it fell heavily to the ground and stopped moving. Arthur took a few steps back and sat down on the ground. A fang was still stuck in his chest, and the blood on his left cheek was still dripping down, but Arthur had no strength left in his body. The last blow just now had exhausted the last bit of fighting energy in his body! You have to know that a mercenary who has just stepped into the threshold of a first-level warrior hunts a first-level monster alone, which is similar to an old mercenary who got drunk and said that he once hunted a dragon! Arthur propped up his body with both hands and raised his head hard, smiling evilly at the huge oak tree in the distance. "This little bastard, he should have known we were following you." Tony couldn't help but cursed and prepared to sneak down with the tree trunk in his arms. "Ah, no!" Angus on the side suddenly exclaimed. This exclamation was accompanied by a huge roar. Arthur, who was getting closer, turned back suddenly, and his face, which had already lost a lot of blood, became even paler! A slightly smaller black-backed harpy pig rushed up like crazy. The slightly shorter tusks and the relatively smooth bristles on its back showed that it was a female harpy pig. "Damn it, I met a pair of pigs in love, they are just here for revenge!" A strange thought popped into Arthur's mind between life and death. Between life and death, there was a ball of fire in his chest and abdomen, and the last potential in his body was instantly stimulated. Arthur stood up from the ground in a flash. The violent movement pulled at the wound on his chest, and Arthur grinned in pain. After only running a few steps forward, Arthur stumbled and fell again. He was so weak that he couldn't escape! In an instant, the black-backed pig was behind Arthur, and a pair of sharp fangs were aimed at its lower back, delivering the final stab. Angus's hunting bow had just been drawn, and Tony's head hit the tree trunk hard. He was a hundred meters away, and it was too late! At the moment when the black-backed pig and Arthur collided, a huge fireball exploded from between the two of them, and both of them were shocked and flew backwards! Level 3 magic "Exploding Fireball!" Angus and Tony were stunned...