

In a world where magic and martial arts coexist, a young human accidentally stumbles into an orc camp, unwittingly uncovering a millennia-old mystery of racial warfare. Dragons clash with demonic beasts, elves feud with dwarves, yet the animosity between humans and orcs remains unyielding. As the continent of Belrand once again finds itself in turmoil, this young man may prove to be the pivotal figure in determining the fate of races.

DaoistfDbyhk · Fantasy
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215 Chs

Chapter 168: Inside and Outside the City

From sunrise to dusk, the battle lasted a whole day underground and on the city walls.

Not only did the orcs fail to capture this human army of only more than 300 people, but they also killed nearly a thousand orc warriors, including a thousand-man leader who was a senior orc warrior. The casualties paid by the human race were minimal.

At dusk, when the two thousand-man leaders personally led their troops to capture the city walls, the human warriors fled through the hidden soldier cave in the city wall.

At this moment, Chili and the orc warriors truly understood that they were not facing an ordinary human army. This army was not lucky or accidental in hunting in the orc wilderness and assassinating the son of the Lion King.

Even so, no matter how much it cost, the orcs had to completely eliminate this human army, because they were a thorn in the heart of the Lion King Elliot. If they were not pulled out, the Lion King's anger would never go away.

As night fell, the orcs lit countless torches and continued to demolish and dig holes overnight.

After a day of fighting, the human warriors hid in a corner of the city, waiting for an opportunity to rush out and attack again.

At the same time, the vanguard of the Snowstorm Legion had already rushed towards the orc camp.

When Chili, who was stationed outside the Front Army City, received intelligence about the movement of the human army, it was already the next morning.

Chili's face instantly became extremely gloomy. This was the second bad news he heard after learning that he still hadn't taken down the human army.

The Snowstorm Legion suddenly launched an attack at this juncture, which made him quite a dilemma. If he didn't sit in the orc camp in person, it might be broken by the Snowstorm Legion in one fell swoop. No one knew the ferocity of Hobbes and King better than him.

But if he gave up the Front Army City, he was worried about something going wrong. The small human army inside was really a tough nut to crack.

Milieu walked back and forth in the tent twice, and a sneer appeared on his face, "Order the whole army to retreat to the front army city. I want to see how the human army attacks the city this time?"

Because of Arthur and his men, an extremely rare scene appeared in the history of the war between humans and beasts. The orcs defended the city, and the human army became the attacking party.

The first to feel the change of the orcs were Arthur and his men in the front army city.

The rhythm of the orcs' attack suddenly slowed down, and they no longer demolished the buildings in a hurry. Instead, they dug several tunnels and began to dig and destroy the underground military roads of the human race bit by bit.

If the orcs maintain this excavation progress, Arthur and his men will have no place to hide underground in a week.

Another change is that more and more orcs are pouring into the city. At the beginning, there were only four or five thousand orcs in the city entangled with Arthur and his men, and the rest surrounded the city on all sides to prevent them from escaping. And on this day, the number of orcs in the city doubled.

Arthur originally thought that the outer defense had weakened, and he ventured to the city wall to investigate, but the result made him pale instantly. Outside the city, a group of orc troops were constantly pouring into the front city.

On the fourth day of Arthur's siege, 40,000 to 50,000 orcs had gathered in the front city. Now Arthur and his team had no chance to get out of the ground to harass or sneak attack. No matter where they went out, they were surrounded by dense orc warriors.

Except for the huge military warehouses, the orcs had occupied most of the intact buildings in the city, and the underground military road where Arthur and his team hid had been dug less than half of the previous one. Gold and Hughie, who had nowhere to hide in the city, also took their warriors and hid with Arthur and his team.

The four strange flowers gathered together again, and even Arthur, who was always calm, looked bitter.

No matter how big the front military city is, it has a limited scope. It is not comparable to the orc wasteland. It is impossible for a small force like them to stir up tens of thousands of orcs. The final result can only be that everyone is caught in the trap.

"It is all my fault that we were surrounded by orcs this time. You can ask Professor Sharing for help. As long as she uses the magic circle to send us out, all the magic materials and her reward will be borne by me alone!" After being forced into a desperate situation, Joan stood up to take responsibility.

Arthur looked at Joan with a slightly surprised look. In times of trouble, human nature is revealed. After knowing that Joan is rich, he now sees Joan's responsibility.

Arthur smiled bitterly, "Professor Sharing will not help us anymore. It has nothing to do with the reward. It is because she cannot intervene in the war between the two tribes. Her frequent help will bring trouble to herself."

"Let's break through!" Gold, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke.

Arthur shook his head, "There are orcs everywhere, we can't get out at all!"

"We can get out one by one, we can't all hide here and wait for death."

Gold, who was born in the Grand Duke's Mansion, is a natural general. Unlike Arthur, who always can't give up the friendship of brothers and comrades, it is still Gold who is ruthless and can make choices at critical moments.

"Wait a little longer, it's not time to break out of the siege."

"Wait until when?"

"We must first find out what happened outside, why so many orcs gathered in the front military city? If it is really to dig us out, then we can only escape one by one." Arthur said in a low voice.

"We are underground, and we don't know what is going on outside." Joan whispered aside.

"So I have to go out!" Arthur said firmly.

The others were silent for a while, they knew that it was useless to stop Arthur from taking risks.

Finally, it was Gold who spoke up, "Then let's make some noise to cooperate with you."

While Arthur and the others were discussing what to do, the Snowstorm Legion camp outside the Front Army City was also holding a pre-military meeting.

The Snowstorm Legion had just pushed the main force of the army outside the Front Army City. Facing the orc army defending the city, all the human generals, including Prince Hobbs, had never fought a siege with the orcs, and were discussing the next battle plan.

"Joshua, this Front Army City was your previous base. Tell me how to fight this battle?" Prince Hobbs asked the Forward Army Commander Joshua first.

"Although the defense system of Tianjin City was severely damaged in the last battle and the orcs are not good at defense, if a siege is fought, the casualties of the attackers will still be much higher than those of the defenders."

"What's your suggestion?"

Joshua pondered for a moment and said, "I suggest sieging instead of attacking. With so many orcs hoarding food in Tianjin City, the consumption must be huge. We didn't leave a grain of food when we withdrew. As long as a period of time passes, the orcs in the city will face food shortages and be forced to break out."

Prince Hobbes stroked his white beard and nodded gently.

"Have you forgotten that there are still hundreds of our soldiers in the city? I'm afraid our soldiers will starve to death before the orcs starve to death." King suddenly interrupted.

Joshua blushed. He really didn't consider this problem.

Someone immediately responded, "There are now 60,000 orcs in the city. Even if our soldiers really reached the front city, they would have died for the kingdom."

After this person finished speaking, the other army commanders nodded. How could a few hundred human soldiers survive in a city occupied by tens of thousands of orcs?

King also lowered his head, his heart beating repeatedly, "Are they still alive?"