

In a world where magic and martial arts coexist, a young human accidentally stumbles into an orc camp, unwittingly uncovering a millennia-old mystery of racial warfare. Dragons clash with demonic beasts, elves feud with dwarves, yet the animosity between humans and orcs remains unyielding. As the continent of Belrand once again finds itself in turmoil, this young man may prove to be the pivotal figure in determining the fate of races.

DaoistfDbyhk · Fantasy
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215 Chs

Chapter 120 Silver Horn Cavalry

The orc wasteland is dotted with countless orc tribes.

 In order to survive in the wilderness where the weak can eat the strong, the structure of orc society is that small tribes are attached to the large clan tribe, and the large tribes are attached to the three major tribes of orcs. Only the leaders of the three major tribes can be called beast kings.

  Wars rarely occur between tribes belonging to the same clan leader. Even if there are occasional disputes over interests or territory, they are often resolved through the mediation of the chiefs of the large tribes. Conflicts between large tribes will be mediated by special envoys sent by the Beast King.

Although the orcs are violent and warlike, conflicts and deaths and injuries between tribes are inevitable, but due to the dependence between tribes, it is rare for the entire tribe to be wiped out and a certain orc tribe to be cut off.

 But the sudden intrusion of human soldiers completely broke the tranquility of the orc tribe.

Since uprooting the Jackal tribe, the 7th Squadron has penetrated deep into the Orc Wasteland and blood bathed four Orc tribes in a few days.

All the orcs in the four orc tribes were slaughtered, and any valuable items in the tribe were looted. After leaving, the orc corpses and tribal camps were burned to the ground.

Even if it is a war between two ethnic groups, this kind of massacre of old, young, women and children is an act of outright banditry.

  It's just that in the 7th Squadron, which was blinded by hatred, no one from top to bottom, except Aaliyah, felt a trace of guilt.

The huge gains from looting have further encouraged the madness and killing of the 7th Squadron. The next two attacks on the orc tribes did not even choose to attack at night, but directly broke into the orc camp and started killing.

The overconfidence also cost the 7th Squadron. The scale of the werewolf tribe attacked this time was obviously larger than the previous ones. The werewolf tribe leader who stayed behind was actually a level 5 orc warrior. In addition to the leader, there was also a level 4 orc. Warrior.

When Arthur was entangled by the werewolf leader and Jose and Land besieged another orc warrior, the battle of the 7th Squadron was no longer as overwhelming as before. Although they won in the end, two soldiers were killed and six or seven were wounded in the fight with the orcs.

 Without any replacement, every soldier's sacrifice is a huge loss for the squadron.

 The death of the soldier also made Arthur calm down a little. For several days after that, there was no movement from the 7th Squadron.

The information transmission between the orc tribes was no longer blocked, and the sensational news that several tribes had been eradicated was also brewing rapidly in the past few days, and a panic began to spread in the orc border areas.

Some large orc tribes have received news from the small tribes below, and they speculate that a small human army has broken into the orc wasteland and is carrying out massacres and massacres.

Most of the orc tribe chiefs casually threw the news aside. What kind of disturbance could a small human army that broke into the orc wasteland cause? If left alone and without support, it would be wiped out sooner or later. But some large orc tribes sent out reconnaissance teams or hunting teams to look for traces of this human army.

What is certain is that the greater the noise made by the 7th Squadron, the more difficult the situation will be.

The 7th Squadron reappeared a few days later, located three hundred miles away from the orc tribe that was attacked last time. The target was a large pasture of the orc clan.

This pasture is guarded by three groups of orc cavalry, plus the orc civilians who graze for the tribe, there are fifty or sixty orcs in the pasture.

This time, the 7th Squadron figured out the patrol pattern of the orc cavalry, and used the refueling tactic to lure the three teams of cavalry to eliminate them one by one, and then killed all the orcs in the pasture.

The 7th Squadron really stung a hornet's nest this time. Not only did they go directly to the orc clan's main tribe, they also attacked the three-eyed dog tribe that specialized in taming silver-horned stag mounts for the Golden Lion Family.

The silver-horned stag is tall and mighty, even taller than the wildebeest used by human cavalry. The six silver horns on its head are not only huge and beautiful, but also extremely hard and sharp, comparable to the third-level spear of the human race.

Silver-Horned Stag is a special mount of the Silver-Horned Cavalry, one of the three core cavalry regiments of the Golden Lion Family. On the battlefield, the silver-horned cavalry once caused the human infantry and cavalry to suffer a great deal. The huge and sharp silver horns could directly lift the human heavy infantry into the air. Their tall and strong bodies could collide head-on with the human heavy-armored cavalry. .

This time, Arthur and his Seventh Squadron not only snatched away more than 80 silver-horned stags with one person and two cavalry, but also drove away the hundreds of silver-horned stags remaining on the pasture.

 It can be said that Arthur and the others came specifically for the silver-horned stag this time.

  Orcs and human cavalry have their own exclusive mounts, but many mounts are not universal. For example, the war of the Wolf Rider, the human army could not tame the war to become its own mount even after killing the Wolf Rider. It's also like the horned antelope that Gale is accustomed to riding. Because of its timidity and small size, the orcs can't move even one step after riding on it.

The silver-horned stag is one of the few mounts that can be used by both races. Although the silver-horned stag is tall and powerful, it has a relatively docile personality. With a little training, it can become a battlefield mount, and it does not exclude human soldiers from riding it.

The Three-Eyed Dog Tribe did not dare to hide such a big commotion. While reporting the crime to the Golden Lion Family, they also contacted the surrounding orc tribes to send troops to hunt down this human army.

 After Arthur succeeded, he did not dare to stay for a moment and had already fled far away.

Although Arthur and his 7th Squadron suffered some minor losses in the last battle, the actual battles between life and death also allowed this unit and its soldiers to grow rapidly.

 Successfully slaughtering the orc tribes several times in a row, the 7th Squadron alone harvested more than 30 pieces of equipment of level three or above.

Especially the last werewolf tribe that lost troops. The two-headed Liana in the hands of the werewolf leader was a solid level 5 equipment. Arthur threw it directly to Lundy without looking at it. There are also more than a dozen pieces of third-level and fourth-level equipment. Although the equipment of the orcs is slightly rough, the power of the equipment of the same level is no less than that of the human warriors.

Now the weapons in the hands of the soldiers of the 7th Squadron are at least level 3, with level 3 enchantments and level 4 equipment accounting for half of them. If we look at the weapons and equipment alone, it is equivalent to Arthur bringing a team of officers entirely at the level of squadron leader. Formed army.

Although the individual strength of the soldiers is still slightly low, the "Death Technique" that Arthur thought the squadron soldiers before played an extraordinary role in the battle with the orcs. Coupled with advanced weapons, almost every soldier has cross-level abilities. Challenge the strength of the orc warriors.

 In battle after battle, an extremely fierce human squadron was tempered.

If the 7th Squadron has a shortcoming, it is the relatively slow movement ability of the infantry. Once surrounded by orc cavalry on the plains, the group may be wiped out.

Arthur led the team to attack the Three-Eyed Dog Tribe Ranch this time, which made up for the last shortcoming of the squadron.

The silver-horned stag mount makes the 7th Squadron even more powerful. One person and two riders ensure the squadron's continuous and fast marching ability. The orc cavalry cannot catch up now, even if they want to.

Arthur and his 7th Cavalry Squadron disappeared for a long time after that, coming and going like the wind, like a bloody whirlwind, sweeping through one orc tribe after another...

 Compared to Arthur's swagger, Leon is much more low-key.

 He is quietly poaching the corners of the Golden Lion Family one tribe at a time, and continues to grow his power.

To the powerful Golden Lion family, these small tribes that Leon has pried off are just a small brick in a skyscraper.

But Leon will continue to pry like this, and if too many bricks are thrown away, the skyscraper will eventually collapse one day!