
(3)Section 14: Mysteries hidden in the cracks of the mountains

At this time, the waterfall washed down, and the water flow roared slightly. Like a white roller curtain, the gap in the boulder was completely blocked.

Through observation and sizing, Fang Yuan's breath is no longer so short. With a determined light flashing in his eyes, he walked to the boulder, took a deep breath, and rushed in.

The gap between the boulders is quite large, so two adults can walk side by side without any problem. What's more, Fang Yuan's body is just that of a fifteen-year-old boy.

As soon as he rushed in, the rapid water pushed Fang Yuan's body down, and at the same time, the cold water drenched Fang Yuan all over his body.

Fang Yuan carried the water pressure and walked forward quickly. After walking for dozens of steps, the water pressure gradually decreased.

But the distance between the gaps also narrowed, so Fang Yuan had no choice but to walk sideways.

There was the roaring sound of water in my ears, there was a bright white sky above my head, and there was darkness deeper than the boulder.

What is hidden in the darkness?

Maybe it's a sinister snake, maybe it's a poisonous gecko, maybe it's a trap created by the demon flower wine traveler, maybe it's nothing.

Fang Yuan just turned sideways and slowly squeezed into the darkness.

The water flowing above my head has disappeared. The stone wall was covered with moss, which was extremely smooth when rubbed against Fang Yuan's body skin.

Fang Yuan was completely engulfed in darkness, and the cracks in the stone became narrower and narrower. Gradually, his head could not move freely.

Fang Yuan gritted his teeth and continued to move forward.

After walking more than twenty steps, he discovered that there seemed to be a red light and shadow in the darkness.

At first he thought it was an illusion, but after blinking and taking another closer look, he confirmed that it was indeed light!

This discovery cheered him up.

Continuing to walk fifty or sixty steps, the red light became brighter and brighter, gradually expanding into a long vertical slit in Fang Yuan's retina.

His straight left arm suddenly felt that the stone wall in front of him was empty and bent down.

Fang Yuan was immediately overjoyed, knowing that there was indeed space within this boulder. He took a few quick steps and finally squeezed into this gap of light.

Suddenly, a space of about eighty square meters appeared in front of Fang Yuan.

"I have walked such a long distance, and I have already passed the boulder. I should be in the middle of the mountain wall now." He moved his hands and feet, stretched his limbs, and looked at this hidden space.

The entire space was filled with dim red light, and it was unclear where the light source came from.

The surrounding stone walls are very damp and covered with moss, but the air here is very dry.

On this stone wall, there are still dead vines clinging to it. The vines are tangled and intertwined with each other, weaving most of the stone walls on all four sides. There are still some withered flower rhizomes growing on it.

Fang Yuan looked at these fallen flowers and fallen leaves and felt they looked familiar.

"It's the wine bag flower voodoo and the rice bag grass voodoo." Suddenly, he had an idea and recognized the dead flower stems and vines.

There are many forms of Gu. There are some that look like minerals, such as the moonlight Gu that looks like blue crystal. There are bug-like ones, such as the silkworm-like wine bug. There are also flowers and plants in the form of the wine bag flower Gu and rice bag grass Gu in front of Fang Yuan.

These two kinds of Gu are both first-level natural Gu. Only by infusing true essence can one grow. When grown, nectar wine will be secreted from the heart of the flower, and fragrant rice will grow from the straw bag.

Fang Yuan followed the root system of the vines and moved his eyes, and sure enough he found dead roots wrapped in a ball and bulging in the corner.

The wine worm lives on this mass of dead roots and falls asleep, easily within reach.

Fang Yuan walked over, first put the wine bug into his arms, then squatted down, pushed aside the dead vines, and found a white skeleton wrapped inside.

"Finally found you, Flower Wine Walker." Seeing this, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

I was about to reach out and peel off all the dead vines, just then!

"Will you try moving?" A voice full of murderous intent suddenly sounded behind Fang Yuan.

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