
GTA 5 - Viper

Keith, a bank robber from New York moves to San Andreas to start a new chapter in his live. After his last crew fell apart, or more accurately they died after hitting the New York grand reserve. he needed something new and San Andreas had that. (it is a mix of GTA 5 and GTA online content) (r18 tag - I was planning on having a couple r18 scenes/ chapter but will limit the amount of plot that revolves around that in case some people want to skip parts containing such descriptions.)

KAAS_Sad_Dragon · Video Games
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66 Chs

Humane labs?

"Why don't you just join in then, eye?.. save the country yourself." Trevor already seemed done with the conversation.. bringing the ultimatum of them joining or it not happening.


After a while a bike could be seen, arriving a little late compared to the rest.. Getting of the bike was Kieth, seeing that everybody was ready there he apologized profusely..

"Sorry everyone.." but he was interrupted by agent Haines, who seemed somewhat stressed

"You are late, I had better expectations after finding out who you were.." his stress was poured out of him, into his treats…

If Haines knew of his past then Keith could be screwed, he realised that Lester had probably discovered it, but he was a insider someone that wouldn't betray him out of the blue.. not like a FBI agent that would throw him under the bus the moment he wasn't useful anymore…

"Can we get a move on!" before Keith could respond, Trevor went of getting in his car to drive off..

Michael sighed, but agreed that it was best to start as soon as possible.

"Keith.. you are with me, Haines and Dave.. Trevor and Franklin handle the pickup.." Trevor was already halfway gone, and Franklin was quick to leave to..

"So we are the once getting in there.. great.." Keith looked at the three that would accompany him.. doubt in his mind.. he trusted Michael and knew of their skill… but the other two, were one not trustworthy and two, he didn't know how good they were… civilians might think that FBI agents have good aim, but Keiths life depended sometimes on the bad aim of the government agents..

The commend seemed to annoy Haines, but he didn't bother beginning a argument with the fleeting time they had..

The four of them each grabbed a wetsuit, changing into them and gearing up to leave on a boat.. they would be diving into the facility, cutting though a waist expulsion gate..


"Agent Norton, it been a while since you were in the field.. the sight of you in neoprene is something we save for our worst enemies." Dave got on the boat, while Haines commented on his figure in the bodysuit.

"Shut up I will be fine.." Dave sat down in the front… with Haines and Sitting himself behind him..

"And you.. get in you are driving." Haines pointed at Keith, still being upset with him being late..

Getting on the boat, Keith was the one driving with Michael sitting behind him and the two agents sitting beside them...

"Follow the coast to the south. Its not far.." Dave instructed him on where to go..

"It better not.." Keith mumbled under his breath, his voice being hidden by the splashing waves that the boat created..

The ride was mostly quite, only being broken between a argument, about patriotism and shit..

"this is the bay, we can get in through the discharge tunnel.." Dave mentioned the obvious..

Stopping the boat and turning of the engine, all four of you got your mask in place, getting the communication channel working through a earpiece…

With everything in order, Michael performed a small check on the earpiece..

["here goes.."] getting a nod from everybody he secured his mask and was the first to go down, followed by Haines and Norton, being the last to go.. Keith prepared himself mentally for the things he would hear between the other three, already not liking the friction between them..

With a small splash Keith was also in the water.. he had secured his mask properly so there weren't any complications… the other three seemed to be some ways ahead of him.. with some flairs being on them for better view..

["There will be a grate over the outlet. Townley you've got the cutter.. when we get there go to work Punching through."] Haines gave instructions along the way, meaning that Michael also hadn't been well informed before hand.. Keith had been late, but it seemed as though they received just as little, if not a bit more..

["Roger that…"]

["Okey, Using the oxy-hydro cutter on the grill."] Michael voices his agreement activating the cutter and beginning the work..

["That's burning at over three and a half-thousand degrees.."]

["Yeah.. thanks for the science lesson.. can I keep this for next fault I hit?"] Michael idea didn't seem strange to Keith.. he knew that refilling it was possible so he didn't see the issue.. if they couldn't keep it than they could still steal it from a construction site.. the amount of equipment on those sights were extraordinary.. and basically no security too…

["You got a limited amount of gas in the cutter, so get this right.."] in the time it took him to get halfway, Keith managed to catch up to the rest, waiting for Michael to be finished.

["So got any more fact that you got from the instruction manual.."] Michael seemed to provoke Haines, showing clear contempt..

["Thought that you might want to know where the funds went.."] The Paleto bay score was used for this one.. but Keith didn't expect much payout considering that what they were about to steal wasn't going to be sold..

["I thought that it was all going to a wardrobe full of windbreakers.. ohh, and maybe some nipple clamps.."] Keith couldn't help but smile at the quips Michael was making.. Enjoying the banter a little to much..


["That should do it.."] Michael had cut each rail connecting the grill to the walls, and prepared to push it trough.. getting it loose with one clean push…

Michael activated another flair so the others could see the tunnel better.. and was the first to enter followed by the other three..

["You sure this thing comes out where you think it does.."] Michael voiced his doubts about the information Haines got..

["The intel is good.. we are a hundred yards out.."]

["Ahh I feel like I am giving a colonoscopy to the statue of happiness.."] Keith didn't really understand what Michael was rambling about, he wasn't really one to talk during a job, so Michael being so talkative trough him off a bit…

["Nice change from being up Trevor's ass all day.."] Haines didn't seem to like Trevor.. but Keith was sure that Trevor also didn't like him

After a bit of swimming the water was getting warmer, and Dave seemed to want to point it out; ["You feel that, the water is getting warmer…."]

["You wet your pants Dave?"] Michael was quick to charm in..

["This is a cooling tunnel, of course it is getting warmer. No one urinated."]

["I know for a fact that ain't true.."] Hearing Michaels word Keith got a little disgusted as he was swimming behind all for..

"can we just get to the destination please.."

["Sure.. we would already be there if you weren't late.."]

["ohh give the kid some slack.."]

["The problem is that I only work with the criminals that get caught.."]

"I know for a fact that that ain't true.."

["You feel like you're the exception here, Mr.. Vince.."] Haines revealed Keiths old name, meaning the knew of the charges he had..

Keith was sure that he covered his tracks enough, but he doubted that it worked well two ways… finding a bank robber in the normal population or finding a bank robber that matched the description that you were looking for..

["Vince.. you changed your name Kieth?"] Michael asked, wondering about the guy that they had employed for some jobs..

["Don't be so surprised… You changed your last name, I just changed my first.."] The situation turned somewhat awkward..

Swimming through the tunnel, they eventually reached the air pocket, were the water had turned warm.. barely not enough to be called hot..

Getting up to the surface he saw the three getting ready to enter..

"How are we?" Haines asked everybody looking at Dave and Keith who were still getting the last pieces of gear off.

"We ready?" Michael asked as looking as everybody was almost done changing..

"I was born ready." Haines seemed to get his blood pumping at the prospect of shooting people.. and maybe saving the world or some shit..

"What's the plan?" Keith asked as he was checking his guns for any issues..

"We locate the toxin and action our escape strategy.." Haines explained it, bringing disappointment to Keith..

"That's it?" Keith had his doubts, this was the same plan as a street level gangster going on his first job..

"That's all we got.." Dave interjected… finally being ready to go…

"Great.. lead the way." Michael seemed also somewhat exasperated but went along with it, as they couldn't get something new now..

"Remember.. we are trying to keep this non lethal as long as possible… so no using your guns until we are made.." Haines made a last warning before he opened the door..


Haines opened the door that lead to the cooling tunnel, revealing a scientist who was working on something just behind it..

Michael was quick to shoot him with a taser, clearing the way for the four of them to move

Moving to the front, Keith heard footsteps coming their way, easily drowned out by there own, but noticeable as coming from somewhere else.. so he got his taser at the ready, aiming at the corner for when that person would walk around the bend..

The guard didn't even seem to notice them until it was to late… Beginning the reload Keith was surprised at the efficiency of the tasers they had.. They didn't have ammo and barely needed charging, but could knock someone out if they were within a couple of meters..

"Okey.. now we hit the elevator.." Haines gave instructions as they moved, bothering Keith a bit.. as he was used to planning ahead.. getting things ready.. just to not use them and improvise..

'I guess we aint that different.. still don't like the fucks…' The four moved to the elevator

"So what exactly does the neurotoxin look like?" Michael asked whilst waiting for the elevator..

"You only need to know the basis.. that goes for both of you.." Haines simply refused.. his lack of planning paired with his unwillingness to give information meant that Kieth and Michael couldn't improve on the plan in any way…

"Elevator is coming down, someone's on it.." Dave reported to the rest getting their attention back into the game…

The elevator doors opened revealing a lone scientist who dropped his clipboard the moment he saw the group of four pointing their guns at him.. he tried to raise his hand and beg but was tasered before he could say anything..

"So what floor we going to?" Keith asked as he was standing next to button..

"minus 1.. two floors up from here.." Clicking the button the four waited in silence..

"When we get to the floor, we round to the right.. neurotoxin will be there.." Dave gave the instructions right before the elevator doors opened..

Moving to the right, they went past a lab..

"Two scientist to the left.. we get them together or.." Keith looked at the other three..

"Just incapacitate them.. quietly.." Haines didn't care much about the Lab geeks and moved along with Dave

Michael stayed behind signalling for him to shoot the one on the left, to get them together..

The two of them catched up to Dave and Haines after knocking the two scientist out with their taser.. They had hid behind a wall, easily found by them, but not from the other side..

"Come behind the wall, security detail about to make their pass.." Haines ordered..

Getting behind the wall they waited for security to come.. they could either shoot them or let them go on to discover the knocked out scientist further ahead..

The doors opened and two security guards entered the room walking to the next set of door…

Signalling Michael, both shot the two security guards unconscious, knocking them out and clearing the way for them to move ahead..