
GTA 5 - Viper

Keith, a bank robber from New York moves to San Andreas to start a new chapter in his live. After his last crew fell apart, or more accurately they died after hitting the New York grand reserve. he needed something new and San Andreas had that. (it is a mix of GTA 5 and GTA online content) (r18 tag - I was planning on having a couple r18 scenes/ chapter but will limit the amount of plot that revolves around that in case some people want to skip parts containing such descriptions.)

KAAS_Sad_Dragon · Video Games
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66 Chs

CEO hacker

Now Keith was driving Michael to the meet they had with the government guy, who as turned out also had a fucking mansion.


"You sure this the place?"

Michael turned to Keith and asked.

"Do you see any other building remotely near here?"

"No but weren't we working for the government or did I misunderstand..?"

Michael sighed

"its complicated.. just try to stay out if it."

"You sure, having connections comes in handy."

"it goes both ways kid."

Keith nodded as he turned onto the driveway stopping before a gate.

Some guards approached the gate as Keith and Michael got out of the car.

"Got a package for Devin Weston."

Michael pulled up a encased file while he walked to the gate

"Package for Mr Weston."

The guard repeated Michaels words getting a respond back he orders to open the gate.

"Come on."

The other security guard tries to take the package out of Michael's hands as Michael just ignored him as he walks by.

Keith follows the others as he looks around, he found that while the mansion was big it wasn't really unique or decorated, mostly just modern design with some nice garden.

As Keith walked along the path he saw Devin, leaning on his car and doing something on his phone.

"Yeah and I'm telling you that I don't give a flying fuck."

Keith was surprised at the lack of professionalism that Devin was showing as he laughed and said.

"There you go.. There you go.. boom! So long motherfucker."

Michael seemed to be done with the guy and Keith could blame him, the guy was a prick from the moment they had met, even more than some government agents.

Devin finally get of his phone and introduces himself with a fist bump that no one accepts

"Devin Weston."

"Yeah I remember you… the weekend interrogator…. Invest wisely."

With those parting words Michael tries to leave gaffing you a nod to get back into the car.

"Hey hey, hold on hold on we're not done here yet. I got a job for you, bro. Five top quality scores, Big ticket cars, Major payday bro."

"Sounds great, I got just a guy for ya." Michael says pointing to Keith

"You say major payday?"

"Who is he?"

Devin asked the security guard next to him who Keith was. All he got in a responds was a shrug.

"He is great with cars, now we finished?"

"N no no no I want your crew, not one guy you work with. I want pro's on this."

"I don't give a fuck what you want pencil neck, he is a pro and I don't want to do your work so talk to him."

"Tell me something, You like football? I got a stack in a sports investment venture. You like the market, I got some funds you could manage.. Name your poison, man!"

"I just like watching old movies, and like a said Keith is perfect for your job, you would be surprised at how fast he works."

"Don't I get a say in this?"

"Mhh what do say when I will hook you up with Solomon Richards, now Keith was is.. I am sure you are great just unproven, let me get back to you on this business venture."

"Solomon Richards, the movie producer?

Michael seemed to be in disbelief while Keith was just kind of mad at the disregard Devin was showing him.

'Seems like my notoriety has to go up a little.'

Keith ignored the rest of the conversation, being a man that loved money he would refuse Devin's offer but begging for a treat wasn't a way he would behave.

Devin left and Michael turned back to the car all excited

"A man Solomon Richards.."

Keith was driving the Michael back to his place when Michael asked him

"So what do you think of his offer?"

"He seems dismissive but with a house like his money comes flowing… from what he said getting some cars would not be the most complicated."

"Do you wanne hear the offer out at the meeting location, I will call Franklin and Trevor will probably be there even if I don't call."

"Trevor sure is the guy to just show up now isn't he."

Keith laughed but Michael seemed a little out of it again

"You sure you are not getting to old?"

"What do you mean I am in the prime of my life."

"Sure if you believe that…"

The humour quickly calmed down, as they entered the city

"So Michael, you have a family or not?"

"Why the question?"

"Well when I was getting into this life I struggled to maintain relationships with family and friends, so I just wanted to ask how being retired goes."

"Well.. I got a wife and two kids, both to immature for their age.. but that isn't the point, we have.. a strained relation but that how life goes. Cant say much on how you will turn out but I think you will be fine…"

"Sounds strenuous…"

"It is…"

The car returned to the silence it had before the conversation, only the engine could be heard as the turned at the corner leading to Michaels home.

"Have a good night man see you at the place Devin wanted to meet… call me up sometime if your family gets to stressful.. aight?"

"Ye sure, have a good one.."

Michael exited the Karuma that Keith was driving and entered through the gate leading to his home.

"Why do the people I know get all these big houses.. only Trevor doesn't have one and that's because he pouts everything into his business…"

Keith drove home looking dejected at the road in front of him.


Keith woke up after a long night, while heading home he decided to crash at his office because it was close by.. He was happy with his choice but the problem was that he had multiple hours until he was supposed to meet Devin at the construction site.

A cargo mission would pout him further away and Keith wasn't liking the idea of driving around Los Santo's again after last night.

Deciding to sit at his office, Keith wondered what to do


Keith had come up with a plan

"Yes, sir?"

Stacy came around the corned approaching Keiths desk, and standing before him

"Is there some work for a CEO that is in the area?"

"Are you referring to organisation work?"

Keith stared at Stacy and answered with a quick


"Well boss, in the area around the office there are some jobs that could suit your needs, do you want something specific?"

"Something easy, completable on my own and in the area."

Stacy seemed to think for a couple of second before turning around and walking to the front

"I will send you some possible jobs boss."

Keith looked at his departing assistant and wondered if he was preforming workplace harassment if she was purposely showing it of to him..


List of to organisation work:

-Hostile takeover


-Asset recovery

The list wasn't too long but looking at the description of each job revealed that some of them were better than others.

Hostile takeover was a job to steal a document and deliver it, having to fight to retrieve the document without proper information seemed like a bad idea so Keith looked at the other two jobs.

Sightseer was a job to as the name implied track down and retrieve some packages, the only reason it seemed to be on the list was because the change of retrieving a signal that was in the area would be bigger the further the signal was.

Asser recovery seemed like something you would do because someone really wanted their car back but had a criminal record preventing them from getting it back, it wasn't the longest job but didn't seem to be fun.

"Stacy send me the file with the sightseer job, It will be interesting to see these sights."

Keith muttered the last part as he walked past Stacy and into the elevator, clicking the floor were his garage was to retrieve his car from there.

"Roger that, boss"


Keith got out of the garage still driving his Karuma, the car wasn't connected to the robbery last night because nobody that was alive would have seem the criminals get in.

He looked at the new app on his phone to be precise the three new apps on his phone each meant to locate a different package.

Keith thought about how to handle this kind of job, he wasn't a hacker but he could probably use all the apps. He opened the first with a logo of a white lock on a red canvas.

…. Loading HackConnecte.exe ….

On his Screen a roster of numbers appeared, and at the top appeared the code he was supposed to find.

"Wait this is it?"

Keith was shocked as the hacking program could at best be described as a game.

"Well I hope that the others will also be easy.."

Keith muttered as he found the code on the final row of the moving numbers.

Finishing the first he opened the second hacking program, Keith wasn't going to blindly follow the signal to the first one but do a route of aal three to save time.

….. loading BruteForce ….

On the screen a black fist on a white background was loading, as it finished loading characters that were all moving the same way.

Red characters were dispersed each in one row of characters

'this doesn't seem to difficult.. just timing right?'

Keith wondered as he got the first couple right but failed the fourth one.


He looked at the reset screen in contempt, the characters moved faster with time and he had mist the fourth one because he was underestimating the software.

Keith finished the hack and started the last hack software

….. Loading Data Crack ….

The screen changed once again, this time showing a screen of moving White lines, each following the one before that.

"Is it the same as the BruteForce?"

Keith decided to pay attention to the hack and not mess up something as simple as timing

Keith started his car after finding all the drop locations.

All the drops were in the upper pard of the city, one was in Hawick, another at Burton and the last in Morningwood.


"I didn't expect this to be so boring…"

Keith was driving to the last drop point on his GPS, the drops weren't difficult to find it and the only real challenge was driving there.

As he was driving a chopper could be seen landing in the film studio on his left, and while that wouldn't be strange on its own, Keith had seen a tour of the studio and knew that the place the chopper was landing was at the pool and not on a helipad.


After Keith completed the job he received a text from his assistant Stacy that the money was transferred to his company account, further adding the amount he received for his work being fifty thousand because the supply was low.

The news of the payment lifted Keith's mood a little as he drove to the construction site where he would meet the same crew from the Blitz play.